Navigating the world of Early Careers, L&D and HR...

Navigating the world of Early Careers, L&D and HR...

When speaking with our clients around the world, we found that there are common challenges across L&D, HR and Early Careers.

As we have some insights across borders, office walls and industries, we decided to share some of the challenges and formulas with you in this monthly LinkedIn newsletter.

In our first series of articles we'll be sharing:

  • Insights from leading organisations like UCAS, Cuppa, Not Going to Uni, and PwC on challenges with recruitment, retention, employee wellbeing, and the UK apprenticeship Levy.

We'll follow them up with:

  • Interviews from L&D, Early Careers, and HR professionals at the worlds largest employers.
  • Feedback from employees, apprentices, and graduates across regions, job roles and businesses.
  • Case studies on what works and what doesn't in Early Careers and L&D in 2022 and beyond.
  • Focus pieces on exceptional training providers, tech companies and individuals who are striving to be innovative.
  • And some other stuff we haven't thought of yet.


In 1949 psychologist Donald Hebb adapted Pavlov’s “associative learning rule” to explain how brain cells might acquire knowledge. Hebb proposed that when two neurons fire together, sending off impulses simultaneously, the connections between them—the synapses—grow stronger. When this happens, learning has taken place."

(ref. Scientific America with the article?here?if you want to go full ??)

So here we are, ready to fire together and the end result will hopefully be some new knowledge, with us all a little stronger.

See you next month for the official first edition, after this non-official first edition.

We hope you'll enjoy.

Conveya ??

We’re collaborating with organisations such as UCAS, Not Going To Uni, PwC, Cuppa & more to bring you the latest and greatest on everything early careers and beyond!




