Navigating Web Dynamics: From DNS to Databases

Navigating Web Dynamics: From DNS to Databases


Are you curious about the process that occurs when you enter a uniform resource locator (URL) into your browser and press Enter? It's a complex process that consists of multiple intricate steps to allow your browser to fetch the requested webpage and show it to you. Join me on a detailed exploration of web requests, covering everything from domain name system (DNS) resolution to database interactions. Once you're done, you'll have a better grasp of how the web operates behind the scenes.

Demystifying Web Requests: Understanding DNS Resolution

Ever thought about how your browser knows where to find a website when you enter a URL like "" and hit Enter? Thanks to a process known as DNS resolution.

What is DNS?

Domain Name System, commonly known as DNS. Consider it as the phone book of the internet. Similar to using a phone book to search for someone's phone number by their name, DNS assists your browser in locating the IP address linked to a domain name.

How DNS Resolution Works

  1. Sending the DNS Request: When a URL is entered into a browser, like "", the browser sends a DNS request to a DNS resolver. This resolver is usually offered by your internet service provider (ISP) or a third-party DNS service.
  2. Querying the DNS Hierarchy: The DNS resolver first checks its cache to see if it already has the IP address for “” stored. If the condition is not met, a query is sent to the root DNS servers.
  3. Root DNS Servers: The root DNS servers serve as the top-level directory of the internet's phone book. They lack the specific IP address for "," but they can guide the resolver to the correct top-level domain (TLD) server.
  4. TLD Servers: The TLD servers manage domain names with particular extensions such as ".com", ".org", or ".net". The resolver sends a new query to the TLD server related to the “.com” domain.
  5. Authoritative DNS Servers: Next, the TLD server guides the resolver to the authoritative DNS servers for the domain “”. These servers contain the latest information regarding the domain.
  6. Retrieving the IP Address: At last, the authoritative DNS servers supply the IP address linked to "" to the resolver, which in turn sends it back to your browser.

Example Code Snippet

import socket

def get_ip_address(url):
    ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(url)
    return ip_address

url = ""
ip_address = get_ip_address(url)
print("The IP address of", url, "is:", ip_address)        

Here's a Python code snippet that utilizes the socket.gethostbyname() function to fetch the IP address linked with the URL "". To view the IP address printed to the console, you can execute this code.

Understanding TCP/IP: The Backbone of Internet Communication

When entering a URL such as "" into your browser and hitting Enter, numerous processes occur in the background to establish a connection with the Google server. One crucial element of this process involves TCP/IP.

What is TCP/IP?

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is commonly known as TCP/IP. It's a collection of protocols that dictate the transmission and reception of data over the internet. TCP/IP guarantees the secure and accurate delivery of data from one device to another.

How TCP/IP Works

  1. Establishing a Connection: When a request is started by entering a URL into the browser, the browser must establish a connection with the server that hosts the website. Initiating this process involves a TCP handshake.
  2. TCP Handshake: The TCP handshake involves a three-step process between your browser and the server. Initially, the browser sends a SYN (synchronize) packet to the server to initiate a connection. Upon receiving the request, the server sends a SYN-ACK (synchronize-acknowledge) packet to acknowledge the connection and signal its readiness to establish communication. At last, the browser sends an ACK (acknowledge) packet to confirm the connection.
  3. Data Transfer: After establishing the connection, data can flow between your browser and the server. When data is transmitted over a network, it is divided into packets, which are tiny data units. Every packet is sent separately and reassembled once it reaches the destination.
  4. Acknowledgment: Upon receiving each packet, the receiving device promptly sends an acknowledgment (ACK) to the sender to confirm the successful receipt of the packet. When a sender does not receive an acknowledgment within a set timeframe, it presumes the packet was lost and resends it.

Example Code Snippet

import socket

def establish_tcp_connection(server_ip, port):
    # Create a TCP socket
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    # Connect to the server
    sock.connect((server_ip, port))
    # Perform the TCP handshake
    # (Not explicitly shown in code, handled by the socket library)
    # Close the connection

# Example usage
server_ip = ""  # Google's IP address
port = 80  # HTTP port
establish_tcp_connection(server_ip, port)        

Within this Python code snippet, the socket library is utilized to create a TCP socket and initiate a connection to Google's server on port 80, the standard port for HTTP. This showcases the fundamental steps involved in setting up a TCP connection with a server.

Understanding Firewalls: Safeguarding Your Network

Typing a URL such as "" into your browser and hitting Enter initiates a journey through different layers of network infrastructure, which includes firewalls.

What is a Firewall?

Think of a firewall as a protective shield that separates your internal network from the internet. The main purpose is to oversee and manage incoming and outgoing network traffic according to predefined security rules.

How Firewalls Work

  1. Packet Filtering: Firewalls examine individual packets of data as they move through, scrutinizing their source, destination, and content. Following specific rules, the firewall decides whether to permit or deny the packet.
  2. Stateful Inspection: Modern firewalls go beyond packet filtering and also incorporate stateful inspection. They monitor the status of active connections and filter incoming packets based on established connections.
  3. Application Layer Filtering: Certain sophisticated firewalls have the capability to analyze the contents of application-layer protocols such as HTTP and FTP in order to identify and prevent specific types of traffic that could potentially be a security threat.
  4. Logging and Reporting: Firewalls keep records of network traffic, documenting both permitted and denied connections. This data is valuable for diagnosing issues, keeping an eye on network traffic, and pinpointing possible security risks.

Example Code Snippet

# Example firewall rule: Allow HTTP traffic on port 80
firewall_rules = {
    "incoming": {
        "allow": [
            {"protocol": "tcp", "port": 80}
        "deny": []
    "outgoing": {
        "allow": [],
        "deny": []

def process_packet(packet):
    if packet["direction"] == "incoming":
        for rule in firewall_rules["incoming"]["allow"]:
            if packet["protocol"] == rule["protocol"] and packet["port"]     == rule["port"]:
                return "Allow"
        return "Deny"
    elif packet["direction"] == "outgoing":
        for rule in firewall_rules["outgoing"]["allow"]:
            if packet["protocol"] == rule["protocol"] and packet["port"] == rule["port"]:
                return "Allow"
        return "Deny"

# Example packet
packet = {"direction": "incoming", "protocol": "tcp", "port": 80}
result = process_packet(packet)
print("Firewall decision:", result)        

Here's a Python code snippet that defines a basic firewall rule permitting inbound TCP traffic on port 80 (HTTP). The function process_packet() validates if a provided packet complies with the specified firewall rules and provides a decision (allow or deny).

Demystifying HTTPS: Securing Your Web Communication

Typing a URL such as "" into your browser and hitting Enter starts a connection to a web server. Ensuring secure and private communication with the server is crucial. How can this be achieved? Here is where HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) becomes relevant.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS enhances HTTP by incorporating encryption to protect the information transmitted between your browser and the web server. The data is encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols to prevent unauthorized interception or tampering.

How HTTPS Works

1. SSL Handshake: When a browser establishes a connection to a website via HTTPS, it begins by conducting an SSL handshake with the server. Here are the steps for this handshake:

a) Client Hello: When your browser communicates with the server, it sends a "Hello" message that includes the supported SSL/TLS versions and encryption algorithms.        
b) Server Hello: Upon receiving the request, the server promptly sends a response containing the SSL/TLS version and encryption algorithm to be utilized.        
c) Certificate Exchange: When the server transmits its SSL certificate to the browser, it includes the server's public key and additional identifying details.        
d) Key Exchange: The browser generates a random symmetric encryption key, encrypts it with the server's public key from the certificate, and then sends it to the server.        
e) Session Established: After the client and server exchange keys, they utilize the shared symmetric key to encrypt and decrypt data transmitted throughout the session.        

2. Data Encryption: After the SSL handshake is finished, your browser and the server can securely exchange data through symmetric encryption. This encryption guarantees that if intercepted, the data will stay incomprehensible to unauthorized parties.

3. Data Integrity: Using HTTPS guarantees data integrity through the use of cryptographic hash functions to create checksums for transmitted data. These checksums enable the recipient to confirm that the data has not been modified during transmission.

Flow of Request: Illustrated Diagram

Flow of HTTPS Request: From Browser to Database

In the diagram:

  1. When a domain name is entered, DNS resolution converts it to an IP address.
  2. The request is sent to the server IP on the correct port.
  3. The traffic undergoes encryption through SSL/TLS.
  4. The network traffic is routed through a firewall to enhance security measures.
  5. The request is sent through a load balancer to ensure scalability.
  6. The web server responds to the request by delivering a web page.
  7. The web page is generated by the application server.
  8. The application server retrieves data from the database.

Example Code Snippet

import requests

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
print("Response status code:", response.status_code)        

Within this Python code snippet, the requests library is utilized to execute a GET request to “”. Working in the background, requests manages the SSL handshake process and guarantees secure communication with the server.

Understanding Load Balancers: Ensuring Scalability and Reliability

When a URL such as "" is entered into the browser and Enter is pressed, the request may not always be directed to a single server. On the contrary, it might be directed through several servers to guarantee the efficient management of incoming traffic. Load balancers are essential for distributing incoming requests among various servers.

What is a Load Balancer?

A load balancer is a networking device or software application that functions by distributing incoming requests across multiple servers. The main goal is to enhance resource utilization, increase throughput, reduce response time, and prevent server overload.

How Load Balancers Work

  1. Traffic Distribution: Upon receiving a request to a web application, it initially reaches the load balancer. The load balancer determines which server (or group of servers) will process the request using predefined algorithms or rules.
  2. Health Monitoring: Load balancers constantly monitor the health and performance of each server in the server pool. When a server is overwhelmed or stops responding, the load balancer identifies the problem and diverts traffic to other functioning servers.
  3. Session Persistence: Ensuring session persistence is crucial in certain scenarios to guarantee that a user's requests consistently reach the same server. Load balancers can utilize methods such as sticky sessions or session affinity to accomplish this.
  4. Scaling Out: Load balancers facilitate horizontal scaling by enabling the dynamic addition of new servers to the server pool. When the need for the web application increases, more servers can be set up and included in the load balancer setup to manage the higher traffic.

Example Code Snippet

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "Hello, World!"

if __name__ == '__main__':        

With this Python code snippet, we are utilizing the Flask framework to develop a basic web application. Deploying several instances of this application behind a load balancer allows for the distribution of incoming requests across the server instances, guaranteeing scalability and reliability.

Exploring Web Servers: Serving Web Pages with Efficiency

When a URL such as "" is entered into a browser and the Enter key is pressed, the request is managed by a web server. The server then processes the request and provides the requested webpage.

What is a Web Server?

A web server serves content to clients over the internet, whether through software or hardware. The main purpose is to handle incoming requests from clients (like web browsers), process them, and send back the requested content (such as web pages) to the clients.

How Web Servers Work

  1. Accepting Connections: Upon sending a request to a web server (such as Google's web server), the server awaits incoming connections on a designated port (typically port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS). After establishing a connection, the server proceeds to accept the incoming request.
  2. Processing the Request: Examining the request to identify the content the client is requesting is a standard procedure. Identifying the requested resource by parsing the URL, such as a specific webpage or file, along with any extra parameters or headers in the request.
  3. Generating the Response: After the server identifies the requested content, it fetches that content from storage, like files on disk or data in a database. The server can dynamically create content in response to the request, such as by running server-side scripts or interacting with application logic.
  4. Serving the Response: After processing the request, the server generates an HTTP response with the requested content and sends it back to the client through the established connection. The reply usually contains metadata (like headers) and the actual content (such as HTML, images, or other media).

Example Code Snippet

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>"

if __name__ == '__main__':        

Here's a Python code snippet that utilizes the Flask framework to set up a basic web server. Upon receiving a request to the root URL (“/”), the server promptly sends back a simple HTML webpage displaying the text “Hello, World!”.

Unveiling Application Servers: Powering Dynamic Web Applications

When a URL such as "" is entered into the browser and the Enter key is pressed, the request goes beyond the web server. It could be transferred to an application server for further processing or communication with databases and other services to create dynamic content.

What is an Application Server?

An application server serves as a software framework or platform that offers an environment for running and executing web applications. Application servers handle dynamic content, run server-side scripts, and connect with databases and backend services, unlike web servers that mainly serve static content.

How Application Servers Work

  1. Receiving the Request: Once the web server gets an HTTP request from the client (like a web browser), it might identify that the request needs further processing or data retrieval. When this happens, the request is forwarded to the application server for additional processing.
  2. Executing Application Logic: The application server runs the server-side logic specified in the web application code. Tasks may involve handling user input, fetching data from databases or external services, executing calculations, and producing dynamic content for the client.
  3. Interacting with Databases: Application servers frequently communicate with databases to fetch or save data needed for the requested task. This process may include running SQL queries, modifying database records, or fetching data for display to the user.
  4. Generating the Response: After the application server has handled the request and fetched the required data, it generates an HTTP response with the dynamic content to be returned to the client. The response might contain various types of content such as HTML, JSON, or other media formats based on the request and the application's functionality.

Example Code Snippet

from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_user(user_id):
    # Assuming a database query to retrieve user data
    user_data = {'id': user_id, 'name': 'John Doe', 'email': ''}
    return jsonify(user_data)

if __name__ == '__main__':        

Within this Python code snippet with Flask, an endpoint is established as "/api/user/" which takes a user ID as an input. The application server fetches user data from a database (in this scenario, emulated by a dictionary) and sends it back as JSON data in the HTTP response.

Unraveling Databases: Powering Dynamic Web Content

Typing a URL such as "" into your browser and hitting Enter can trigger interactions with a database to fetch or save the necessary data for displaying the requested webpage.

What is a Database?

A database is a structured collection of data organized in a manner that allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation. When it comes to web applications, databases are frequently utilized for storing user data, application settings, content, and other necessary information for the application to work.

How Databases Interact with Web Applications

  1. Data Storage: Web applications frequently need persistent storage to retain data that must be accessed or modified over time. Storing large amounts of structured data efficiently is a key benefit of databases.
  2. Data Retrieval: When a web server processes a request for a webpage or resource that needs data from the database, it communicates with the database to fetch the required information. Executing SQL queries or utilizing an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework to retrieve and map data objects to application models may be part of the process.
  3. Data Modification: Web applications often require the ability to not only retrieve data but also make modifications or updates to existing data in the database based on user input or application logic. Performing SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements to add, modify, or remove records from database tables may be necessary.
  4. Data Integrity: Ensuring data integrity in databases involves enforcing various constraints like unique constraints, foreign key constraints, and data validation rules. These constraints are crucial for ensuring the consistency and accuracy of the data stored in the database.

Example Code Snippet

import sqlite3

# Connect to SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

# Create a table
conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users
             (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, email TEXT)''')

# Insert data into the table
conn.execute("INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('John Doe', '')")

# Retrieve data from the table
cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
for row in cursor:

# Close the database connection

Within this Python code snippet, SQLite is utilized to establish a basic database structure. A table named "users" is defined, a record is added to the table, and data is fetched from the table through SQL queries.


Grasping the inner workings of web requests is essential for individuals in the software engineering or web development field. Ensuring the translation of domain names to IP addresses through DNS resolution, and handling complex interactions with databases to serve dynamic content are crucial for delivering the web experience we've grown accustomed to.

? [2024] [Paschal Ugwu]

Marshal Ekwuruibe

Cybersecurity Engineer | Sec+ | Net+| GRC Certified Analyst | Control Frameworks | Fortinet NSE 1,2,3 | ISC2 CC | Microsoft SC-900 | Penetration Tester | Top 5% on Tryhackme | Member British Computing Society

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This is brilliant brother


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