Navigating the Waves of Change: When Employees Set Sail to the Bench
Date: August 17, 2023
Author: Jitendra Kumar
Hello readers,
Today's blog post is a somber one, as we delve into a situation that is often faced by organizations - the removal of employees from active projects and placing them on the bench. It's a reality that can evoke a mix of emotions, both for the employees affected and the teams they leave behind.
Change is a constant in any dynamic workplace, but it doesn't make it any easier when talented individuals, who have invested time and effort into their projects, are reassigned to the bench. This transition can come about due to various reasons – project completion, project redirection, change in team structure, or even market fluctuations. No matter the reason, the emotions that surface are real.
For employees, it's a time of uncertainty. The feeling of being sidelined, even temporarily, can trigger a wave of self-doubt. Thoughts of inadequacy can seep in, making it hard to stay positive. Suddenly, a sense of belonging and purpose tied to a project is shaken, leaving them to grapple with their professional identity.
On the other side of the spectrum, project teams experience their own kind of loss. The absence of a familiar face, a reliable teammate, can be deeply felt. The camaraderie and collaboration that was woven into the fabric of the team is disrupted. The benching of an employee can disrupt the team's rhythm and require others to step up to fill the gap.
However, it's important to note that such situations can also offer opportunities. For employees, this time on the bench can be a chance to explore new skills, take on training, or even engage in personal development. It's an opportunity to reevaluate career goals and aspirations. For teams, it's a chance to restructure and rediscover their collective strength.
Leadership plays a crucial role during this time. Transparent communication is key to ensure employees understand the reasons behind the changes. Providing avenues for employees to express their concerns and anxieties can help them cope with the transition. Reassuring them that being on the bench isn't a reflection of their value can go a long way in preserving their self-esteem.
As we navigate the bittersweet waters of removing employees from projects and placing them on the bench, let's remember that these waves of change are an inherent part of organizational growth. While they might bring about sadness and uncertainty, they also possess the potential to lead us to new shores of personal and professional development.
So, if you find yourself setting sail to the bench or bidding farewell to a teammate, remember that this is just one chapter of your journey. Embrace the uncertainty, for it is often the birthplace of growth and resilience. And for teams, let's come together, support each other, and continue charting our course through the ever-changing sea of challenges.
Stay strong and keep sailing,
Jitendra Kumar