Navigating the Unknown...
Karen Lord
Master Systemic Coach - Enabling Leaders & Executive Coaches / Systemic Methodology TriGrowth System / Strategic Mindset Advisor
Whatever the new paradigm brings it will be different to the old one. We won't have all that is required at first and some degree of discomfort is inevitable. If we are facing in a forward direction, each new experience is gained quickly, learning is shared, and the discomfort is very short lived. However, if facing backwards the discomfort will increase and be prolonged. For those willing to face forward it will lead quickly to creating new and better ways to thrive.
How is change seen?…If viewed as a threat, stress increases and our brains tend to react more emotionally than logically. When fearful, we often respond with denial and fabricate the veneer of certainty to others. Repackaging old practice as something new will fail every time. If viewed as an opportunity, clarity and new growth is found in the exploration of new options, not rehashing old ones. We all want to be reassured and find stability, yet we also need to actively question decisions and seek new opportunities, not just simply accept the 'old' practice. We always have a choice…either Forwards into the yet ‘unknown’ or Backwards into ‘decline’?
A paradigm shift is about fundamental difference. We can feel vulnerable when taking an active role and choosing a different experience, but no one else can do this for us. Some will stick to their ‘old’ approaches, as they do not have the ‘know-how’ to navigate the unknown. Outwardly they may espouse change but inwardly stick to old practices, working harder and hoping things will return to 'normal'. They may think they are supporting or even leading the change but deep down they remain highly skeptical. Most will sit and await the evidence that doing things differently is working before they are willing to explore a different approach. This is a paradox, expecting change to happen without changing anything.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
It is disconcerting to step into the unknown. Some, deeply fearful of change, will cling onto an ever-decreasing reality. Preferring 'incremental' changes, these 'advocates' of change have formed their ideas within the old paradigm. This approach is very popular at the beginning of any Pardigm Shift, as it attracts support from fellow comfort-zone lovers. When this happens be aware that this will act as an energetic ‘weight’ which is wedded to the ‘old’ paradigm. Unwilling or unable to genuinely explore new ‘disruptive’ options essential for the emergent conditions, some will continue to rehash 'old' ideas dressed-up as innovation. Either way, this is an attempt to short cut a real Pardigm Shift which will inevitably lead to decline. Evidencing the changing conditions and the emerging opportunities is vital to releasing the ‘drag’.
Working with the ‘unknown’…to create better results
So, how do we make the most of new emergent opportunities and avoid ‘short-cutting’ the process?...what can you do to fast track through a paradigm shift?
1: Assess the situation…there are 3 simple strategies for sustainable growth, each one is aligned to different external conditions. Given your responses to the previous articles, which of the 3 strategies will be the fastest and most effective route to success?
? Change Agency – here we need to explore and experiment to discover what really works in the new conditions.
? Early Adoption – here we invest in the new discoveries, build momentum, actively share the learning and bring others onboard.
? Growth Optimisation – when we see increasing and sustainable results then we can begin to optimise the potential.
2: Go all in! prepared to go outside your comfort zone. Building on your recent insights, how can you involve others and take different actions? Having examined your thinking, identified unhelpful habits and let these go….discovering new approaches will naturally emerge. Learning is the foundation of navigating a paradigm shift and will require a leap of faith. When applied with a simple process, learning acts as a ‘buoyancy’ aid until the new ground is located.
3: Handling objections...others who are hanging onto the old paradigm will try to drag you backwards. How can you influence them to see that change is vital? As you face forward and begin to succeed, those looking backward will focus on how things aren’t as good as they once were. Show them the landscape and all new shoots of success (no matter how small). As you keep moving forward, results will improve as your strategy aligns to the conditions. The evidence will become overwhelming!
Successfully Navigating a Paradigm Shift – you have a simple choice…
a) Without entering the ‘unknown’ you will be destined to repeat current failures, waste significant resources and the downward spiral will continue. You can’t learn to navigate a shift without exploring the void between what was and what will become.
b) Be curious about what you don’t yet know or understand. Ask simple direct questions and listen to the responses…it is amazing how much jargon is used as a smoke screen by those who are unsure, don’t know how and are fearful. It will require courage, diplomacy, a strong grasp of what is emerging and the choices the conditions are enabling.