Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Horizon 3 Innovation
Carlos Andres Jaramillo Abad
Innovation | digital services | omnichannel | eHealth | Future Studies | Future Thinking | Future Scenarios| Coaching
As companies across industries face intensifying disruption and competition, the pursuit of bold, transformational innovation has taken on an entirely new level of urgency. While incremental improvements to existing offerings still have their place (horizon 1), and creating new products and services for adjacent markets remains essential (horizon 2), it's the horizon 3 initiatives that can prove to be the most challenging yet vital for long-term vitality.
Horizon 3 projects aim to develop potentially game-changing innovations that could open up entirely new fields of opportunity for an organization. Tackling "blue ocean" opportunities where the competitive rules have yet to be defined, successfully navigating Horizon 3 requires a completely different organizational skillset and mindset.
With the stakes being so high, it's no surprise many struggle when it comes to Horizon 3 decision-making. Taking on the uncertainty and ambiguity required can feel like you're sailing into uncharted waters without a map. Here are a few guiding principles I've found invaluable:
1. Embrace Discovery-Driven Planning
Traditional planning methods fall woefully short when venturing into the great unknown of Horizon 3 spaces. Instead, adopt a discovery-driven approach of systematically minimizing uncertainty through a series of targeted learning milestones. Reach each checkpoint before committing significant further resources.
2. Think Options, Not Commitments
The future will remain unpredictable, so build in strategic options along the way instead of making big bets too early. Confer the right to make particular choices later through smaller, reversible moves.
3. Reframe "Failure" as Contingencies
Accept and plan for the possibility that your original vision could prove untenable. Establish contingency plans for adjusting, pivoting, or pulling the plug entirely if warranted. "Failure" is an overly simplistic label in exploratory environments.
4. Leverage Organic Growth Processes
Instead of rigid implementation, seed Horizon 3 ideas as dispersed experiments, letting them evolve organically through iteration and selection. Be prepared to shift efforts as evidence accumulates.
5. Think Ecosystem, Not Firm-Level
Transformations emerge through complex ecosystems, not just within one company. Account for how the capabilities of partners, customers, complements, and society impact your opportunity landscape.
6. Cultivate Strategic Agility
Above all else, maintaining strategic agility - the ability to continuously make timely, effective moves based on emerging evidence - is what enables Horizon 3 success. This requires practice at every organizational level.
Horizon 3's potential for disruptive impact is both enticing and terrifying. Make no mistake, learning to navigate these uncharted waters requires new skills and mindsets that can upend traditional decision-making frameworks and processes.
Those willing to develop dynamic and discovery-driven capabilities for charting their transformational voyages will be the ones positioning themselves as future industry leaders. Pursuing Horizon 3 may feel like sailing without a map, but as many explorers have proven, sometimes the greatest prizes lie in venturing into the unknown