Navigating Uncertainty: Communication Journey??

Navigating Uncertainty: Communication Journey??

Even though we are taught that during difficult circumstances, our people need more communication, we are hesitant to share our candid observations for fear of having a negative impact. Silence would seem to be the safer course of action. While we long for the moment when we can stop and wait for the commotion to clear, we are aware that it might never come. Here are three other approaches to approach your speech so you can always talk authoritatively to your team. ??

1. Understand the strength of "and" ??

Leaders can utilize the word "and" more purposefully as a verbal tool. This enables us to reconcile the opposing ideas that things are difficult and that everything will turn out okay. For instance: "Our primary project is moving along wonderfully, and the new COO is thinking about shifting the focus of that effort. We'll keep concentrating on our development and have faith that we can adjust as necessary given our experience. ??

By using "and" more frequently, you can avoid overemphasizing the positive out of concern for your team's anxiety over the negative. Your people are wise; they understand that nothing is flawless and will accept the truth. ??

2. Prepare the future by teaching the past: ???

Most firms strive to move on swiftly and avoid looking back. However, bringing up instances where they—and the business—performed well unlocks proof that you can do it once more. Whether or not you experienced it, you can still use the history of your business and team. Here are some instances of how my clients used them: "Since many of you are newcomers to this area, you might not recall the most recent recession we experienced. Here are a few instances from that period and our responses to them.” ??

Even if the majority of your team consists of recent employees, there is a backstory to the work's existence and the pain or issue it addresses. You can increase future certainty by exploring the past and relating it to the present. ??

3. Adopt a mindset of experimentation: ??

When work feels hectic and things aren't going well, it's clear that the team or business has to try something new. However, making a new commitment at a moment of change can be difficult and dangerous. Conversations with one team revealed that they merely required more time in their schedule to accommodate all the upcoming modifications. They came up with several experiments to try to add time and energy back into everyone's schedules:

A weekly status meeting being called off

Countdown timers are used in all scheduled meetings to display the remaining time.

Taking a break from a weekly report to see if it was missed or could be done less regularly ??

Because experiments alter the brain's normal pattern of thinking, they are effective during periods of unproductive uncertainty. This encourages your team to be inquisitive and consider alternative viewpoints. The crew was taken aback when they realized how even small adjustments may have a significant impact. ??

Many workers these days feel as though they are continuously inundated with bad or unclear news, which has unpredictable effects on their productivity. Teams may become irritated and even hostile when their leaders merely provide them with brief descriptions of problems they are aware of are not straightforward.

However, when we mindfully communicate utilizing the aforementioned concepts, they're much more likely to be able to interpret their worries and feel more in control of their work, even amidst the changes, setbacks, and stressors that keep coming. ??

If you need a group of specialists, just let us know; we will be happy to help. You can reach us by sending an email to [email protected] or by messaging us on social media. ????

Predrag Kuli?

???????? ???? ?????????? @?????????????????? ?????????????????? | We transform businesses through technology

1 年

Jovana, your insights on navigating uncertainty through effective communication are spot-on! In today's dynamic work environment, it's crucial for leaders to strike the right balance between acknowledging challenges and maintaining a positive outlook. Your three approaches - emphasizing "and," drawing from the past, and fostering a mindset of experimentation - provide actionable strategies for leaders to connect with their teams and inspire resilience. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips! ???? #Communication #Leadership #NavigatingUncertainty



