Navigating Uncertainties: Shadow Banning on Instagram and Its Implications for Activism, Free Speech, and Social Justice

Navigating Uncertainties: Shadow Banning on Instagram and Its Implications for Activism, Free Speech, and Social Justice

By Chaity Puja Sarkar

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, the role of algorithms in shaping our digital experience has become increasingly uncertain. This uncertainty, exacerbated by the practice of shadow banning on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, among others, poses a significant threat to the effectiveness of activism, free speech, and the pursuit of social justice. In particular, critical issues such as Black Lives Matter, refugee crises, and most recently conflicts in regions like Palestine and Gaza face an uphill battle as algorithms inadvertently contribute to the suppression of information.

The algorithms that control the visibility of content on Instagram are designed to cater to user preferences. However, they have inadvertently transformed into instruments of censorship, actively banning words associated with sensitive topics. These include words like genocide, bombing, shooting even names like 'Palestine' or 'Gaza'. This covert suppression hinders activists and ground reporters from effectively advocating for change, stifling their voices in the process.

The uncertainty surrounding algorithms compounds the challenges faced by activists. Words associated with social justice causes are arbitrarily flagged, limiting the reach of content that seeks to inform and mobilize the public. As we grapple with this uncertainty, it becomes imperative to advocate for transparency in algorithmic processes, urging social media platforms to be accountable for unintentional silencing.

This uncertainty has broader implications for free speech. Social media platforms are meant to be spaces for open dialogue, yet the covert restriction of certain words and topics impedes genuine conversations about critical issues. It also furthers viewer biases on several issues. In the context of Black Lives Matter, refugee crises, political issues, internal forced displacement, and armed conflicts, shadow banning obstructs the flow of information, perpetuating a cycle of silence that hampers progress.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the positive impact of social media in emergencies. Platforms like Instagram have proven invaluable in providing real-time information during crises, aiding relief efforts, and connecting individuals with resources. From natural disasters to humanitarian crises, the mobilization of support through social media showcases the potential of these platforms as a force for awareness, collective action, emergency aid, and dissemination of information.

Moreover, activism on social media serves as a powerful tool against hate speech and misinformation. Influencers play a crucial role in raising awareness, challenging false narratives, countering hate speech, and fostering a more informed public. By leveraging social media, people can counter harmful ideologies and contribute to building a more inclusive and just society.

In conclusion, while the uncertainties surrounding algorithms pose challenges to activism and free speech on platforms like Instagram, it is essential to recognize the positive impact that social media can have, especially in emergencies. By advocating for transparency, challenging inadvertent suppression, and harnessing the power of digital activism, we can foster an environment where social media platforms contribute to positive social change. In doing so, we can strike a balance that safeguards free speech, facilitates activism, and harnesses the potential of social media for the greater good.


