Navigating a Theme Park… and Business? ????
Steve Rose FCICM
Associate at Escalate Disputes (Escalate Law Limited) - The #1 packaged solution for commercial disputes up to £2 million ????
This weekend, I found myself at LEGOLAND Windsor, surrounded by a world of the LEGO Group creations, roller coasters, and a lot of very enthusiastic children. Between dodging the queues and marvelling at miniature landmarks, I realised there might be a few business lessons hidden in the chaos. Here’s what Legoland taught me (and how it strangely reminded me of what we do at Escalate Disputes ).
Every Good Adventure Needs a Map
Legoland can be a bit overwhelming—there are themed lands, rides, and, of course, that all-important Lego shop. We definitely needed a plan. Without a map, we’d either miss the good stuff, get lost, or just end up in the longest queue possible.
In business, a clear plan is just as essential. At Escalate, we create that “map” for clients facing non-payment from their customers, either by tailored recovery solutions or in the worst cases, litigation. The process can feel as confusing as a theme park on a bank holiday, so our goal is to make sure no one’s wasting time or missing any crucial steps. Less wandering, more purpose.
Building Takes Time… and Patience
Legoland wouldn’t be Legoland without, well, the Lego. Every model—whether it’s Big Ben or a medieval castle—is built one tiny brick at a time. It’s a good reminder that solid structures aren’t built in a day (or by skipping steps).
At Escalate, we’ve learned that resolving disputes and collecting client monies work in the same way: steady, step-by-step progress makes all the difference. Cutting corners won’t get you anywhere but back to square one. So, whether you’re putting together a Lego skyscraper or a financial solution, patience really does pay off.
Detours Can be the Best Part
Not everything goes to plan. We found ourselves taking detours for rides that suddenly looked fun or backtracking when we realised we’d missed the Mythica area (highly recommended, by the way).
At Escalate, we see detours in our cases all the time—unexpected challenges, or a curveball from the other side. But those twists often lead to better outcomes, so we’re always ready to adapt, even if it means taking a different route.
Success is Sweet (Especially After a Long Day)
At the end of the day, we made it. We saw the dragons, rode the coasters, and even picked up a souvenir to remember it by. That final feeling of satisfaction—despite some very tired legs—was worth it.
For us at Escalate, the end goal is similar. We want clients to feel that sense of accomplishment and relief. They come to us with challenges, and it’s our job to get them to that “souvenir moment” where they can see a positive outcome.
Business Lessons from a Day at Legoland?
While I didn’t expect to find any business wisdom among Lego bricks, Legoland proved me wrong. Planning, patience, adapting to detours, and celebrating wins—turns out they’re just as relevant in our world as they are in navigating a theme park.
So, if you’re facing some business challenges, maybe it’s time for a map, a bit of Lego-level patience, and a willingness to tackle the unexpected. And hey, it doesn’t hurt to have some fun along the way!
Escalate Disputes is a multi-award winning litigation law firm delivering the number one packaged solution for commercial disputes up to £2 million. ??