Navigating the New Salary Threshold and Overtime Pay
InfluenceHR Consulting LLC
Helping busy leaders and HR attract, retain and develop talented employees!
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and Federal, State, and local governments.
Upcoming Changes to the Salary Threshold for Exempt Status
Currently, the salary threshold is $35,568 annually.
The Department of Labor has increased the annual salary-level threshold for white-collar?exemptions?to:
Additional Requirements for Exempt Status
Under the FLSA, there are exemptions for executive, administrative, professional, computer & outside sales employees.
There are a few requirements for a job/person to be classified as exempt (not eligible for overtime):
What Should I Do Now?
It is a great time to not only look at the salary threshold issue but to do a full FLSA audit to ensure that employees are properly classified in your organization.
Here are the recommended steps to take:
What Happens If I Misclassify an Employee?
When an employer wrongfully classifies an employee as exempt, they may be:
If you have questions or would like assistance, reach out to [email protected].