Navigating Michigan's Auto Insurance Reform

Navigating Michigan's Auto Insurance Reform

Confused about the changes coming July 1, 2020 to your Auto Insurance? Your not alone! Today, we are all looking for ways to cut costs but it is important we do not do it at the expense of our care if the unfortunate happened. If your health plan is considered Qualified Health Coverage (QHC), you will want to review your options and weigh out what is best for you and your family. You can eliminate Personal Injury Protection (PIP), reduce the coverage, or eliminate it all together. If you decide to reduce or limit PIP, it is important to understand some of the benefits you will be limiting/losing. Wage-loss, replacement services, medical mileage and attendee care are all covered under PIP; services that are generally not covered under healthcare. If you need to verify that your health benefit is qualifies, call the number on the back of your healthcare card and they can send you the certificate of QHC (auto insurer's will ask for if requesting to reduce/eliminate PIP).  

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What is qualified health coverage?

Qualified health coverage means other accident or health insurance that:

  • Does not exclude or limit coverage for injuries related to motor vehicle accident; AND
  • Has an annual deductible of $6,000 or less per individual (this will change annually based on the medical component of the Consumer Price Index)
  • Or is Medicare Parts A & B

There you have it. Hopefully this will help with the upcoming changes and making the best decision to whether the savings is worth it, or not.

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