Navigating Mental Health During the Festive and New Year’s Period?
Marian Rheinicke
Expert in shaping and delivering initiatives that drive engagement and build strong, cohesive brands. Passionate about fostering a positive company culture and enhancing employer brand reputation.
Understanding, Recognizing the Signs, and Supporting Yourself or Others...
While the season is synonymous with happiness and goodwill, the reality is that not everyone experiences the holidays in the same way. For some, the festive and New Year period can be a time of heightened stress, loneliness, and emotional turmoil. Understanding the reasons behind this contrast and acknowledging the prevalence of mental health struggles during this time is crucial for fostering empathy and support within our communities.?
Reasons for Depression During the Festive Period:
1. Social isolation: Not everyone has a strong social support network, and the holidays can accentuate feelings of loneliness.
2. Unrealistic expectations: The impact of societal expectations is subtle but it’s there. It’s easy to forget that the period is less about acquiring material things or excessive spending, and more about genuine connections, love, and shared moments.?
3. Financial Stress: Many of us feel the pinch in terms of the cost of living, for example, the continual cost of groceries or filling the car’s tank with petrol (gas). For my husband and I, we face a significant rise in school fees and other unexpected expenses.?
4. Grief and Loss: For people who have lost loved ones, the festive season may amplify feelings of grief and sadness. Five years ago, I lost a cousin to suicide, and the deep pain experienced by her parents over birthdays and other special days has not subsided.???
Signs of Depression to Look Out For:
Tips for Navigating Mental Health During the Festive Season:
1. Reach out for support from friends, family, professionals?
2. Practice self-care: I know, sometimes it's easier said than done! If going out to socialise is hard right now, opening the curtains and windows, and making your bed is enough to feel a difference. Studies have found that low vitamin D levels are linked to depression - if going for a 10-minute walk is hard, going out the front door and spending just 5 minutes under the sun is good for you. I found this great article with more ideas for better self-care .?
3. Let them know you care: If you don't know how to help someone close to you, that's okay. But don't allow it to stop you from showing that you care. Based on my own experiences, demonstrating your care is through little things like a message to say “I’m thinking of you” or “I/we love you”; doing something thoughtful like making a meal or a cup of coffee; giving the person space to work through what they are feeling; and being on stand-by to listen when they feel ready to talk. The one thing you should never do is dismiss what they are feeling by saying things like “snap out of it”, “that’s life” or similar comments that could be experienced as insensitive.?
By acknowledging the various reasons behind the emotional difficulties some individuals face, we pave the way for a more compassionate understanding of diverse experiences during the holidays.
Please note: In this article, I've incorporated tips and insights based on my personal experiences, and it is not professional advice.
Other links:?
Or, other support groups in other countries.?