Navigating Life's Infinite Possibilities | Do you know what you [really] want?
Doctor Bonnke
Physician | Medical Writer for Legal Attorneys | Working from the confines of my own keep
As a junior doctor, if there is one question that I can always preempt in the healthcare space, it is this:
“Doctor! Have you decided on your speciality yet?”
And like many of my peers, I do not usually have an immediate answer (except to say something close to surgery, because, somehow, people tend to assume that anything associated with theatre and surgical operations is "cool".)
But having an answer to such a question is not simple.
Maybe I liked the consultant in Internal medicine last week and now I want to be an internist. Or maybe the chief resident in general surgery seems to always have her life in order and keeps time, and now I’m motivated to be a general surgeon.
Or maybe, the new consultant paediatrician just knows how to calm a ward full of crying babies and I think, man, that must be so cool! I want to be like her!
And, maybe, just maybe, deep down in my heart, I want to be nothing else but a general practitioner and a farmer. Or a YouTuber with a clothing line – and a doctor!
Hello everyone, welcome to today's newsletter from BwritePost!
I’m going to talk to you about the challenge of navigating the infinite possibilities that life throws at us. And then present to you some of the ways we can pick the path-of-least-resistant albeit with maximum-returns-on-investment (whatever that means to you).
So, let us just dive right into it.
Life is an intricate tapestry woven with countless threads of possibility. In this vast landscape of choices, it's not uncommon to find ourselves standing at a crossroads, overwhelmed by the sheer multitude of paths before us. The paradox of not knowing what to do in life can be both exhilarating and paralyzing, as every option seems equally appealing and uncertain.
Why is it so challenging to make a choice when everything appears to be the best option?
I think this is probably the reason why my mum only shops for specific brands. It is the only logical way to get out of that supermarket fast, else she will be spoilt for choice and spend the whole day deciding on which soap removes grease the best from a shirt tainted by avocado juice. ?
But the answer is deeper than that. The answer lies in our innate desire for fulfilment and fear of making the wrong decision. We yearn for a sense of purpose, meaning, and success, and we fear the possibility of making a choice that may lead us astray from our ideal path.
How can you navigate these possibilities?
The first step is to embrace the inherent complexity of life's choices. I learnt this from one of my favourite YouTubers, Ali Abdaal, way back when I was looking into content production and how to be successful on YouTube.
At that time, my main question was how to select a niche for my YouTube channel. And in one of his videos addressing this question, Ali explains that for a beginner, you do not have to get started with a specific niche. Just produce content and see what the audience likes, then double down on that as your niche.
He goes on to explain that when he was starting YouTube, his audience was medical students. Nowadays he runs a productivity channel and has even quit the formal practice of medicine as a doctor.
So, what is the lesson there?
We need to recognize that uncertainty and doubt are natural companions on our journey. Instead of viewing them as roadblocks, we should see them as invitations to explore, learn, and grow. If the ideas pop up in our minds, and we seem to like them, we need to give them a try.
We should put our feet into these ideas, attempt to give them our best, and see if we like the outcomes. Yes, being a surgeon is cool, and so is being a paediatrician, or being an obstetrician, or a radiologist. Not because someone else is good at it, but because you love it and you think you can make a good consultant when you pursue it.
It’s cool too, to be a farmer, a dancer, a social media influencer, or a football player. The idea is to not just think it, or even say it. The idea is to act on it and see if you like it.
And now that I mentioned YouTube, I must say that I have watched a lot of videos on how to create a successful YouTube channel since I first logged onto the internet, but I haven’t gotten into the game yet. I’m working on breaking the hardest barrier, which is to get started creating videos.
And maybe this is why I am writing this newsletter, to encourage myself too!
But that said
Here are some strategies to help you navigate the labyrinth of choices and find clarity amidst the uncertainty:
Self-reflection and exploration:
Take time to delve deep within yourself and explore your passions, values, and interests. What ignites your curiosity? What brings you joy? Reflecting on your true desires can provide insights into the direction you want to take in life.
Prioritize and set goals:
While all options may seem enticing, it's essential to prioritize and set specific goals. What do you hope to achieve in the short term and long term? Setting clear objectives can help you narrow down your choices and make more informed decisions.
Seek guidance and advice:
Reach out to mentors, friends, or professionals who can offer guidance and share their experiences. Listening to diverse perspectives can broaden your understanding and provide valuable insights to consider.
Embrace the journey of discovery:
Remember that life is a continuous process of growth and evolution. Embrace the uncertainty and view it as an opportunity to explore new avenues, gain diverse experiences, and expand your horizons. The unexpected detours often lead to unexpected treasures.
Take calculated risks:
Sometimes, making a choice involves taking a leap of faith. Assess the risks, weigh the potential rewards, and trust in your ability to adapt and learn from any outcome. Taking calculated risks can lead to remarkable opportunities and personal growth.
Practice self-compassion:
It's natural to feel overwhelmed and doubt your decisions. Be kind to yourself and recognize that there is no "perfect" path. Embrace the learning process and understand that each choice is an opportunity for growth, even if it leads to unexpected outcomes.
Remember, life's journey is not about finding the "one right choice." It's about embracing the adventure, discovering your authentic self, and creating a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. Embrace the uncertainty, trust in your intuition, and have faith in your ability to navigate the vast array of possibilities before you.
So, let go of the fear of making the wrong decision. Embrace life, for it is within this very uncertainty that the magic unfolds. Trust yourself, take that first step, and watch as the path reveals itself one beautiful choice at a time.
I’m probably going to be a farmer. Or a YouTuber. And a surgeon too! Maybe an influencer as well. Haha!
I release newsletters every Monday and Friday, focusing on personal development, productivity, and entrepreneurship. Be sure to check them out when you find the time, and share them with your friends.
Till then, do your best to stay alive. I need those views and comments!
DHP | Occupational Medicine | Health Tech!
1 年Congratulations on the debut of your newsletter! Looking forward to getting insights from you.