Navigating the Latest KCSIE 2024 Guidelines for Safer Recruitment
EBC Global
Employment background check software for candidates and employers. Automated. Fast. Secure.
The Department for Education recently published the 2024 update to the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidelines. At EBC Global, we are committed to supporting schools and colleges in ensuring the safety and well-being of children through robust vetting and pre-employment checks.?
Key Focus: Part Three - Safer Recruitment?
For EBC Global, the critical section of the KCSIE guidelines is Part Three: Safer Recruitment. This section outlines the essential vetting and pre-employment checks that must be conducted on all staff to ensure they are suitable to work in schools and colleges. The 2024 update has not introduced any changes to this section, reaffirming the importance of following the rigorous standards already in place.?
Summary of Required Vetting and Pre-Employment Checks?
Compliance with KCSIE 2024 involves schools and colleges in the UK undertaking the following background checks:?
Focus on Paragraph 226: Online Searches?
Paragraph 226 of the KCSIE guidelines emphasises the importance of “online searches” as part of the vetting process. Since KCSIE 2022 schools and colleges have been advised that they SHOULD be conducting online searches to detect any potential safeguarding concerns that may arise from a candidate’s online presence, schools would need to have good reason for not including online searches in their background checks on all employees, agency staff and contractors.??
Professionally conducted social media checks and internet searches will reveal relevant, role-related risks and produce candidate reports that can be used to make safe hiring decisions. These modern background checks are highly effective and likely to detect any incidents that have happened or issues and are publicly available online. Schools are recommended to explore any issues identified by the applicant at the interview.??
Social media and reputation checks are crucial steps in today’s digital age, where online behaviour can offer significant insights into a candidate’s suitability for working with children.?
By integrating comprehensive online searches into your vetting process, employers provide a vital added layer of security, giving both schools and parents peace of mind in your recruitment decisions.?
KCSIE Vetting and How EBC Global Can Help?
The EBC Global vetting platform is designed to streamline vetting and pre-employment screening, ensuring compliance with KCSIE guidelines, and helping schools and colleges provide a safe learning environment for children.??
While the 2024 update to the KCSIE guidelines has not introduced changes to Safer Recruitment, it reinforces the ongoing need for thorough vetting and pre-employment checks. EBC Global remains dedicated to supporting educational institutions in safeguarding children through our robust vetting solutions.?
Follow EBC Global to stay informed and ensure that your school’s recruitment processes are aligned with the latest guidelines.??
This EBC Global article perfectly shows why effective background checks are so important for schools and colleges:?
Chat with us today to find out how we can help.?