Navigating the Fork in the Road
Digital art by jenlyn UNBN

Navigating the Fork in the Road

The following is on the topic of what I used to refer to as Recovery; now it seems interchangeable with Awakening, though I have chosen not to change my initial verbiage. It is approximately a 3–4-minute read....

For most of us when we hear the word recovery, we think of alcoholics or drug addicts. We minimize our own bad behaviors and excuse ourselves from the possibility of needing to recover from anything because "we don't do that." Fair enough, though I say this next part very clearly for those in the back: We are ALL called to recovery!

We are all survivors here that have subconsciously and consciously adapted to behaviors, people, and things to survive. Maybe you're a perfectionist, an over thinker, an emotional eater, an over spender, a hoarder. Maybe you're frozen by fear, or in denial. Whatever it may be, these are all exhibited signs and symptoms of trauma. Reaching out from the depths, calling for recognition and healing.

Deep rooted ones that in our human experience we all experience. Believing that we aren't worthy. Believing that we aren't special. Believing that we deserve pain and misery. Believing that we are innately bad. Believing that love and happiness don't belong to the likes of us.

Believe this: YOU deserve happiness! Growth and Recovery is accepting this; developing the hope and courage to chase it.

Do not be fooled by visions of ecstacy and nirvana. Though these are obtainable, they have no part in the beginnings of this journey. Letting go of wrong beliefs, people, places and things is hard fucking work! It is painful, dirty, dark and murky. It will have you questioning all things. Even your sanity. Alas, this is the best place to be, though it certainly doesn't feel like it.

The longer we have hidden in our self-hate, the more "loss" we will experience. I quorate loss because it presents itself as such, but in reality, it is the shedding of everything we are not. It is leading to a release of our faulty thinking, decisions, and mistakes we have made along the way. The definition of mistake is this: an action or judgement that is misguided or wrong.

As I've written this, I've made plenty; easily removed with my pink eraser. I want to keep this real. The most horrifying part of recovery is that we aren't dealing with compressed wood pulp, graphite and rubber. We're really talking about fellow humans we have intertwined with along the way.

Family, Spouses, Children, Friends, Coworkers etc. Mostly beautiful beings with feelings, hearts, and traumas of their own. Most of us take a step back and bury our heads right back in the sand once coming to this realization. How can we possibly stop, turn around, or change directions when doing so will surely place consequences unto another? How can we break vows and promises that we have made? Simply said, we have to accept that we've been wrong, and that others here with us have also been wrong. That you've been on the wrong path together. The blind leading the blind. Or perhaps it is nothing personal at all, but the end of a soul contract had. One you mistakenly thought would last forever. Nonetheless we are at a crossroads. We've all reached this place together. There are others here. Some have moved past this critical point and have returned to guide us.

These are our new people. With them they have brought gifts of Acceptance, Wisdom, Encouragement, Empathy; maps and compasses. This is a place of choice. INDIVIDUAL CHOICE

This is a juncture of clarity. All those surrounding us here have been given the opportunity to reflect, adjust, refocus, and learn.? Equipped to make informed decisions as to moving forward. Everyone knows what is being asked of them. We are only responsible for our own choice here. We are lowed to make different ones.

I'm going to use a bullhorn here: IF YOUR CURRENT PEOPLE CHOOSE NOT TO MOVE FORWARD WITH YOU. THAT IS THEIR DECISION. ANY AND ALL CONSEQUENCES ARE THEIR OWN. LET GO! Remember, that there are others here, and many will choose to stay behind. No one is alone, nor will they be left in that position. Perhaps they will lag behind and quickly catch up. Perhaps not, you mustn't let fear or an egotistical need to rescue hold you down.

Faith is believing that the Universe, Source, God(s), Goddess', our Higher Self, Angel's Spirit Guides, Intuition; whatever label we choose works in our favor and best interest.

Believe this now! Be courageous; empty yourself, your ego, your shoulders and hands. Let it fall; right where you stand. Our loads must be lightened; for the road ahead is long. Make a move into the fullness of yourself! Choose your purpose, even if it be unclear at the moment.


Sincerely, Your Healed Self and Your Soul Family

jenlyn UNBN

"Oprah" of Entrepreneurship, Queen of Muchness: Avant Garde Brand Innovator, Human/Civil/Sustainable Rights Activist, DEIB Defender, BE MORE THAN A BRAND: BE A MOVEMENT/EIC ICONoclastic Pulse Magazine

5 个月


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