Navigating the Disruption: Egypt's Tech Companies Face Challenges Amid 'Debit Card' Suspension

Navigating the Disruption: Egypt's Tech Companies Face Challenges Amid 'Debit Card' Suspension

Egypt's burgeoning tech industry is no stranger to disruption and innovation. Over the past decade, it has rapidly transformed into a thriving ecosystem of startups and established companies, making its mark on the global tech landscape. However, like many emerging tech hubs, Egypt's tech companies are currently navigating a significant disruption that has sent ripples through the industry: the suspension of 'debit card' use abroad.

The Central Bank of Egypt's recent directive to halt the use of 'direct debit cards' for transactions outside of Egypt has left many tech companies in a challenging predicament. These cards played a crucial role in facilitating international transactions, especially in the areas of e-marketing and online advertising. As payments for advertisements are typically made in dollars, the sudden suspension of 'debit card' usage abroad has created a ripple effect across the sector.

Challenges for Egypt's Tech Companies:

Limited Alternatives for Payments: The electronic advertising and marketing sector is heavily reliant on payments in dollars for ad placements on various platforms. However, local companies that generate revenue in Egyptian pounds now have limited alternatives to make these payments.?

The reduced limits on their credit cards, complex payment methods, and the difficulty of obtaining 'purchase cards' all present significant hurdles for these businesses.

Impacted Revenue Streams: The use of 'direct debit cards' allowed tech companies to manage their transactions with ease. Now, they are faced with reduced flexibility and may incur additional currency conversion costs. This shift in payment methods affects their bottom line, potentially leading to diminished revenue streams and profitability.

Search for Exception: Many tech companies are searching for exceptions to the directive. As the local advertising market is primarily focused on the domestic market, some argue that allowing corporate accounts to continue using 'direct debit cards' for international transactions would be a more balanced approach. Exception requests might be a way for companies to maintain their international operations.

The Risk of Disruption: Tech companies need to consider the risk of disruption to their operations. In a competitive and fast-paced industry, any delay or disruption can result in lost opportunities and market share. It's crucial for these companies to find alternative solutions swiftly.

Finding Solutions:

Tech companies in Egypt are actively exploring various strategies to mitigate the impact of this disruption:

Diversifying Payment Methods: Companies are diversifying their payment methods to include dollar accounts and exploring other available avenues to conduct international transactions. They are also looking at platforms that offer payment in Egyptian pounds.

Exception Requests: Some companies are in discussions with the Central Bank of Egypt, exploring options for exceptions for corporate accounts that primarily transact in the local market but require international payments for business operations.

Enhanced Financial Planning: Proactive financial planning is essential to manage currency conversion and transaction costs efficiently. Companies are revising their financial strategies to optimise their international transactions.


Egypt's tech industry, known for its resilience and adaptability, is facing a unique challenge with the suspension of 'direct debit card' use abroad. While this disruption has temporarily altered the way business is conducted, tech companies in Egypt are actively seeking solutions to ensure they can continue to thrive in the ever-evolving global tech landscape. As they navigate these challenges, their ability to adapt and innovate may ultimately define their long-term success.


