?? Introduction
The Kubernetik Canvas is an extraordinary thinking tool from
Chris Eberl
that holds the power to transform the way we approach problem-solving. As someone who has experienced its remarkable benefits firsthand, I am excited to share this tool with a wider audience and help them integrate it into their workflows. The Kubernetik Canvas has the potential to unlock new levels of creativity, clarity, and effectiveness in tackling challenges, and I can't wait to see the positive impact it will have on individuals and teams alike. Read on to unleash the full potential of the Kubernetik Canvas!
?? Overview
? The Kubernetik Canvas: Navigating Complexity
- The heart of the Kubernetik approach lies in its cybernetic canvas, ??? a powerful tool for navigating complexity and finding solutions to open-ended questions.
- It's a one-page document that can be easily downloaded and printed, requiring only a few colored pens and 20-60 minutes of your time. ?????
?? Goals of the Kubernetik Canvas
- Understand the complexity of a situation
- Interpret the various facets of the problem
- Determine concrete next steps towards a solution or system stability. ????
?? Thinking in a Connected Way
- Follow the 16-step process to develop the skill of thinking holistically
- Build mental bridges between different elements of a problem to see the bigger picture. ????
- Using the Kubernetik Canvas brings a rewarding outcome: three answers written at the end of the sheet.
- These insights often provide "aha" moments and inspire further exploration of the methodology. ??
- Practice is key to mastering the Kubernetik approach.
- Reach out to Chris Eberl or the
team for personalized support or guidance along the way. “We're in this together!” ????
?? Think Connected, Solve Together
- Embrace the practice of thinking in a connected way to solve not only your own problems but also contribute to solving global challenges.
- Let's make a positive impact together for people and nature alike! ????
?? Key Concepts
Concept: What is cybernetics?
Imagine you have a big puzzle to solve, but instead of just putting the pieces together, you also have to figure out how they interact with each other. That's what cybernetics is about! It's like finding the best way to make all the puzzle pieces work together to solve a problem. Cybernetics helps us understand how things are connected and how they affect each other, so we can come up with smart solutions. It's like being a detective, investigating how different things work and finding the best way to make them work together smoothly.
?? References & Templates
NOTE: The following is a translation and distillation of the process found here: https://kuebernetik.de/
16-Step Instructions
- Formulate W-question
- Brainstorm influence factors
- Find a prefix
- Underline main words with colors
- Enter category names in the map
- Enter main words in the map
- Draw effect arrows within the cloud
- Draw effect arrows with all influence factors
- Count arrows
- Multiply the number of arrows
- Divide the number of arrows
- Mark the highest product in yellow
- Highlight the highest quotient with a red frame
- Formulate the first answer sentence
- Formulate the second answer sentence
- Derive Action-oriented ToDos
?? Step 1: Formulate a Concrete W-Question
Why a Good Question is Important:
- ?? Crucial for finding the right answers
- ?? Sheds light on problems or situations
- ?? Key to reaching a solution or understanding
The Nature of Questions and Answers:
- ?? Guides you towards your goal
- ??? Requires time, methodology, and circumstances
The Importance of the "Good" Question:
- ?? First and vital step in Kubernetik
- ?? Progress towards finding answers
- ?? Embrace new experiences and methods
Practicing the Art of Asking:
- ?? Determine suitability of Kubernetik
- ??? Practice leads to clarity
- ?? Start with imperfect questions, learn through practice
- ?? Avoid overthinking, start with a good question
- ? Trust each step leads you closer to your goal
Rules for Asking Questions:
- ? Begin with a how-question
- ??? Clear, understandable question sentences
- ?? One question per sentence, avoid mixing
- ?? I/ME/M questions for personal problem-solving
- ?? The more specific, the better.
?? Step 2: The Task
Creating a List of Main Words:
- ?? Create a list of main words, optionally with verbs.
- ?? Aim for at least 8 relevant words for the question.
Examples of Influence Factors:
For the question "How can I eat healthier?":
- ?? Cooking class
- ?? Shopping at an organic store
- ?? Sugar
- ?? Vegetables
- ?? Trying out a diet
- ?? Blood test
- ?? Internet research
- ??? Asking friends
- ?? Quantity over quality
- ?? Write down everything that comes to mind.
- ?? Quantity is more important than perceived relevance.
- ?? Silly ideas can lead to great approaches later on.
- ? Try to complete this step in 10 minutes.
The Target Audience of Kubernetik
Not Enough Space on the Canvas?:
- If you have more influence factors than the available lines on the canvas:
- If you haven't extensively worked through Kubernetik, start with 13 or fewer factors. Create a second Kubernetik later to incorporate all your learnings.
- If you're experienced, write additional factors on a separate sheet.
- ?? Even 40 or more factors are welcome.
- ??? Don't worry about chaos; Kubernetik brings order.
- ?? Add, modify, or remove factors as new ideas arise.
- ?? Write down ideas without getting blocked.
- ?? Creating lists aligns with Western thinking patterns.
- ?? Your list and Kubernetik reflect your individuality.
What's Next?
- ?? Rely on your ideas, but seek inspiration from others.
- ?? Check the Kubernetik website for expert Kubernetiks.
- ?? Learn from professionals and refine your Kubernetik.
?? Step 3: Find a Prefix
A prefix is a word or phrase that comes before the main word in Kubernetik. It can be an adjective, hyphenated combination, descriptive formulation, or number, etc. The prefix, along with the main word, forms the influence size.
- ?? Vegan cooking class
- ?? Only buy from a health food store
- ?? Fruit sugar
- ?? 2-year blood test
- ?? Use only one prefix per main word.
- ?? Be specific, avoid general quantity words.
- ? Use hyphens when necessary.
- ??? Foreign languages are allowed if understood.
- ?? The influence factor should be easily understood with the prefix.
- ? Reflect to find suitable prefixes.
- ?? Consider meaning and implications for effective communication.
- ?? Share prefixes and nouns for understanding and avoiding misunderstandings.
- ??? Main words are used in the effect diagram.
- ?? Main words and influence sizes are synonymous.
- ?? Prefixes add richness and clarity to the influence size.
- ?? In the action diagram, sometimes only the main word is used, implying the prefix's influence.
- ?? Main words alone can be subjective, suiting emotional and generalist thinkers.
- ?? Defined prefixes support drawing effect arrows in later steps.
?? Step 4: Categorizing with Colors
- ?Use multiple color pencils to categorize the main words.
- ?? Each color represents a chosen category.
- ?? Underline the main words with the corresponding color that fall into the same category.
- ?? Only one colored underline per main word.
Why Categorize with Colors? ??
- ?? Categorization is a simple yet crucial step in Kubernetik.
- ?? Every component of Kubernetik is relevant and should not be neglected.
- ?? Categorizing allows you to reconsider influence factors and prefixes from a new perspective.
- ?? It helps cluster related influence factors for a more organized influence diagram.
Categorization vs. Relational Thinking ??
- ?? Categorization is familiar to most people in the Western world.
- ?? Kubernetik utilizes both categorical and relational thinking to unleash human potential.
Underline Main Words with Colors ??
- ?? Use multiple color pencils!
- ?? Underline the main words that feel related to each other.
- ?? Focus on main words, not prefixes, that subjectively seem to belong together and can be named as a category.
- ?? If a main word fits into multiple categories, choose the most appropriate one.
In Kubernetik, you must learn to make decisions. There is always one prefix, one category, etc. that is the most relevant.
Category (e.g., main words with blue underline): Food
Category (e.g., main words with green underline): One-time Actions
- Cooking class
- Blood test
- Shopping at an organic store
- Asking friends
Category (e.g., main words with orange underline): Sustainable Practices
- Shopping at an organic store
- Trying out a diet
You could have chosen different categories as well, such as "What I can control" or "Within my influence." Or categories like "People" (friends, cooking class, blood test doctor), "Harmful" (sugar), "Healthy" (vegetables, organic store), etc.
Rules for Categorization: ??
- ?? Don't overthink it! The quality of your categorization is not decisive.
- ?? Choose a category that subjectively fits well.
- ?? Only one category per main word.
- ?? A main word can also be used as a category itself.
- ?? It's okay if a category contains only one main word.
- ?? If a main word could fit well in a second category, place it near the second category cloud on the map (more advanced technique, covered later).
- ?? Use colors to visually organize your influence factors.
- ?? Categorizing helps simplify and clarify the influence diagram.
?? Step 5: Enter Category Names in the Relationship Map
??? This step involves two parts: defining category names and entering them in the relationship map in the canvas.
- ?? For each category or color, come up with a simple category name.
- ?? If you're having difficulty naming the categories, you can use colors like "blue," "green," etc. as category names.
- ?? Unlike influence factors, the specific wording and accuracy of category names are less important.
- ??? In the Kubernetik canvas with category clouds (or Clean-Canvas without clouds), locate the label "Category Name" and write the name on the underlined line. Use the same color as the category.
- ?? If you find it challenging to verbally name the categories, you can theoretically enter the color itself as the category name.
- ?? Focus on what belongs together and what doesn't when organizing the relationship map.
- ?? Let your subconscious work and don't spend too much time on finding the perfect category names.
?? Step 6: Enter Main Words into Clouds
- ??? Use larger clouds for categories with many main words.
- ?? Enter all main words of a category into its respective cloud.
- ?? Enter only the main word, optionally with a verb, without the prefix.
- ?? Place main words slightly offset in the cloud with some space between them.
- ??? Frame all main words with a rectangular border.
- ??? Use a black pen for main words and framing.
- ?? For experienced Kubernetikers: Group related main words closer together.
?? Step 7: Relationship Map
- ??? Within each category cloud, examine the influence factors.
- ?? Ask: Does Factor A affect Factor B?
- ?? If yes, draw a single arrow from A to B.
- ?? Repeat for all possible connections within the cloud.
- ?? Move to the next main word and repeat the process.
- ??? Use a pen or pencil to draw the arrows.
- ?? Avoid crossing or going through other arrows or main word blocks.
- ??? Connect all main words within each category cloud.
- ?? In special cases, use "is a" instead of "affects" for certain relationships.
?? Step 8: Connecting Everything
- ?? Review all main words in each category cloud.
- ?? Ask: Can Main Word A be connected to Main Word B in another cloud?
- ?? If yes, draw a single arrow from A to B.
- ?? Repeat for all possible connections between clouds.
- ??? Use a pen or pencil to draw the arrows.
- ?? Avoid crossing arrows or going through main word boxes.
- ?? Connect all main words to each other, regardless of category.
- ?? The more interconnected arrows, the better the overall map.
- ?? Consider mutual effects and draw arrows accordingly.
- ?? OPTIONAL: Use a different pen or pencil for inter-cloud arrows.
- ?? Don't worry about the complexity; it reflects the system's robustness.
- ?? Trust your intuition and draw arrows even if they have minimal significance.
Note: This step replicates the neural network of your brain, capturing the complexity of relationships and expanding your understanding.
?? Step 9: Counting Arrows
- ?? For each main word in the relationship map, count the outgoing arrows.
- ?? Record the count in the "A" column of the table next to the main word.
- ?? Next, count the incoming arrows.
- ?? Record the count in the "E" column of the table.
- ?? Use a red pen to mark a dot on each counted arrow for easier tracking.
- ? If a count is 0 for outgoing or incoming arrows, strike through the 0 and replace it with 1.
- ?? Optional: Instead of the table, write the counts directly on the relationship map near each main word.
- ??? TIP: Draw arrows neatly at the edges of the main word box.
- ??? Color the arrowheads to avoid miscounting them as outgoing arrows.
- ?? Replace 0 with 1 mentally during multiplication or division in the upcoming steps.
Note: Advanced users can write the counts on the relationship map near each main word, requiring pre-planning of space during drawing.
?? Step 10: Multiplying A*E
- ?? Multiply the values of A (outgoing arrows) and E (incoming arrows) for each main word.
- ?? Record the result in the table.
- ? NOTE: If either A or E is 0, mentally replace it with 1 before multiplying.
- Example: If A|E values are 5|0, think of it as 5|1, calculate 5*1 = 5, and enter 5 in the table.
?? Step 11: Dividing A/E
- ?? Divide the value of A (outgoing arrows) by E (incoming arrows) for each main word.
- ?? Record the result in the "A/E" column of the table.
- ?? Rules for division: Write the result with a decimal point, not as a fraction. For example, write 1.5 instead of 3/2.
- ?? Round the result to a maximum of one decimal place.
- ?? Always round up, e.g., 1.666 -> 1.7.
?? Step 12: Highlight Top-3 Boxes Yellow
- ?? In the table, identify the main words with the highest A*E values (multiplication of A and E).
- ?? Use a yellow marker to highlight these values in the "A*E" column of the table.
- ?? In the table: Mark the top-3 highest values in yellow.
- The number of values to mark depends on the significance of the data.
- Trust your intuition in selecting the most prominent values.
4. ?? In the map: Use the yellow marker to color the rectangles of the main words with the highest multiplication values.
Note: The top-3 selection can vary based on the number of influence factors you have and the range of values.
?? Step 13: Highlight Top 3 Boxes and E=0 Boxes
- ?? In the table, identify the main words with the highest A/E values (division of A by E).
- ?? Use a red pen to frame these highest values in the "A/E" column of the table.
- ?? In the table: Encircle the top-3 highest values with a red circle.
- Focus on values that are significant or stand out.
4. ?? In the map: Frame the rectangles of the main words with the highest division values in red.
Note: Additionally, all main words with an E=0 (no incoming arrows) should also be framed in red in both the table and the map. This is because these influence factors often have more straightforward implementation possibilities, as they do not have any prerequisites, assuming no factor or incoming arrow has been overlooked.
?? Step 14: Formulate the 1st Answer Sentence
- ??? Identify the yellow-highlighted influence factors in the table.
- ?? Formulate a meaningful sentence beginning with "The most important thing is..." and include all the yellow-marked words with their prefixes.
- ?? Refine and rename the prefixes, if necessary.
- ?? Write the 1st Answer Sentence, considering the order of influence factors and using subordinate clauses or conjunctions to enhance the sentence.
- ?? Use your intuition and choose a logical structure for the sentence.
- ??? Practice speaking the sentence within 10 seconds to ensure it provides a concise story-like answer.
- ?? Understand that the 1st Answer Sentence represents your optimal storytelling and serves as a guiding thread for your story.
- ?? Be aware that finding the perfect combination of influence factors is statistically challenging.
- ?? Keep in mind that the 1st Answer Sentence may not provide direct action steps but rather highlights the most important aspects.
- ?? Refine and adjust the prefixes to reflect the deeper understanding you have gained through the process.
- ?? Use your intuition to structure and formulate the sentence, considering the highest multiplication values first, if appropriate.
- ?? Consider using subordinate clauses or conjunctions to expand the sentence.
- ? Avoid starting with the most important aspect, as it may not be where immediate action should be taken.
- ?? Understand that the yellow-highlighted influence factors represent highly important components in the cybernetic model.
- ?? Practice drawing arrows and influence factors to minimize errors.
- ? Repeat the cybernetic process or create sub-cybernetics for individual influence factors to improve accuracy and precision.
?? Step 15: Formulate the 2nd Answer Sentence
- ?? Formulate the 2nd Answer Sentence using all the influence factors outlined by the red borders, including their prefixes.
- ?? Begin the sentence with "I should start with..." and incorporate the influence factors with the highest division values or the ones with no incoming arrows (E=0).
- ?? Refine the sentence by considering the order of influence factors and any missed incoming arrows.
- ?? Write a meaningful sentence that reflects the optimal selection of influence factors with the most immediate effect.
- ?? Understand that the 2nd Answer Sentence provides guidance on the next steps to take, which may initially seem counterintuitive.
- ?? Adjust and rename the prefixes based on deeper understanding gained throughout the process.
- ?? Utilize your intuition to structure the sentence and prioritize the influence factors.
- ?? Reflect on the significance of influence factors that have greater impacts on other components without being significantly influenced themselves.
- ??? Practice speaking the sentence concisely within a 10-second timeframe to convey a clear and effective answer.
- ?? Acknowledge that every cybernetic model will differ based on individual perspectives and the relevance of specific influence factors.
- ?? Consider seeking guidance from experts to enhance your understanding and refine your approach.
- ?? Recognize that the cybernetic process enables the identification of optimal control levers and facilitates prioritization of action steps.
- ?? Embrace the power of cybernetics to navigate complexity and become the master of your system.
?? Step 16: Action-oriented To-Dos for Effective Change
- ?? Choose an influence factor without incoming arrows or the one with the highest A/E value.
- ?? Write down 3 concrete, self-controlled To-Dos in the Canvas.
- ?? Sign your commitment to completing these To-Dos. ?? Note: Ensure the To-Dos are within your control and not dependent on external factors.
- ?? Follow through with the 3 committed To-Dos and reward yourself with success.
- ?? Iterate the process by deriving the next set of To-Dos or conducting the cybernetic process again.
- ?? Cybernetics is an iterative approach to tackling complexity and adapting your understanding.
- ?? Practice thinking in a connected manner and utilize your tools for steering towards success.
Parenting Coach for Highly Sensitive Children | Empowering Families to Celebrate Sensitivity as a Strength | Expert in Somatic Techniques to Regulate the Nervous System | Advocate for Highly Sensitive People
8 个月Andrew, appreciate you for sharing this!