Navigating the competitor dynamics
Building reliable connections as a freelancer
Building meaningful connections as a freelancer in the creative industry is no walk in the park. In fact, it can often feel like navigating a minefield blindfolded. Why? Because every “colleague” you meet is, in some way, also your competition. And that’s where the term ‘concullega’ – part colleague, part competitor – hits the nail on the head.
The harsh reality of freelancing
When I first started freelancing, I was na?ve enough to think that everyone in my field would be eager to exchange tips, share experiences, and maybe even collaborate. The reality? A mixed bag of skepticism, guarded smiles, and a few awkward exchanges where it became clear I was either seen as a threat or a stepping stone. It’s not surprising. After all, when you’re hustling for the same clients and opportunities, self-preservation instincts kick in.
Trial and error
But here’s the thing: while competition is real, connection is still possible. It’s just not always straightforward. You learn through trial and error – and, let’s be honest, a fair share of facepalms. The process demands a thick skin, a good radar for genuine intentions, and an understanding of human nature. People skills aren’t just an asset; they’re essential.
Over the years, I’ve been lucky to find a handful of incredible competitors who’ve earned my trust, and I’m proud to say I’ve earned theirs. These relationships didn’t form overnight, and they certainly weren’t without their bumps along the way. But they’ve grown into something much more than professional connections. Some have even become true friendships.
The secrets to strong connections
What’s the secret? Transparency and respect, in my humble opinion.. I’ve learned to be open about my intentions and fair in my dealings. In return, I’ve found people who aren’t just skilled at their craft but also willing to collaborate without fear of stepping on toes. We’ve supported each other through challenges, shared opportunities, and shared bumps in the road...
Sharing expertise has also played a huge role in building these connections. When we share knowledge, we take each other to the next level, creating exponential gains in our collaborations. The more we lift each other up, the stronger our work becomes. Some of these connections have even evolved into recurring partnerships for more complex projects. By sharing shoulders to bear the load, we’ve also shared the rewards, making the successes all the sweeter.
One of the greatest advantages of these partnerships is how expertise expands over projects. In some cases, one person might excel at storytelling and working with models, clients, ..., while another shines in post-production. These complementary skills not only enhance the final output but also make the entire process more enjoyable and secure. Having more eyes on a set often leads to better results, as different perspectives catch details that might otherwise be missed. It’s a reassuring feeling knowing that a trustee is there to back you up, sharing both the effort and the triumphs.
Embracing the dynamic
Of course, not every connection is a winner. Some lessons are learned the hard way. Trust is fragile, and when it’s broken, it stings. But for every disappointment, there’s a reward waiting in the form of a genuine partnership or an unexpected collaboration. And those moments make it all worthwhile.
So, to anyone navigating the tricky waters of freelancing: embrace the competitor dynamic. Approach it with caution, sure, but also with an open mind and heart. Trust your gut, be generous with your knowledge (within reason, of course), and never underestimate the power of goodwill. Who knows? That competitor might just turn out to be your greatest ally.
What is your experience?
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