Navigating College Admissions: Insights for Parents

Navigating College Admissions: Insights for Parents

Approx. 4.3 crore students will be taking admissions in 45,000 universities and colleges in India this year.

Being associated with higher education for more than a decade now, every year I deal with a section of the above-presented data.

As parents, supporting your child’s transition to college is crucial. Listing out some valuable insights and tips to help you navigate this exciting college admission phase

  • Early Planning: Begin the college search process together. Explore colleges, meet professors and college counsellors, and visit education fairs. A well-planned timeline can reduce stress and ensure informed decisions.
  • Financial Planning: Discuss college costs, scholarships, and educational loans. Be informed about tuition, fees, and available resources.
  • Let them lead: While parental involvement is essential, allow your child to take the initiative. Encourage them to reach out to colleges, ask questions, and advocate for themselves during the admissions process.
  • Empathy: Recognize that this transition can be emotional for both you and your child. Be there to listen, offer encouragement, and celebrate their achievements. Imagine the challenges and aspirations you had when you were of the same age.?

Please Stay in touch, but don't overdo it. It's important to stay in touch with your college-going child while they're away studying. However, it's also important to give them space to adjust to their new environment. Find a balance between staying connected and giving your child the freedom to explore their independence.

Remember, your involvement plays a vital role in your child’s success. Enjoy this journey together, and best wishes to your college-bound student!




