Navigating Challenging Choices: Crucial Steps for Executives
Shahan Chowdhury, M.D.
The Executive Health Doc? | Founder & CEO @ Tailored Health | Executive Health & Wellness Expert | Concierge Medicine Pioneer
As a leader, navigating the treacherous waters of tough choices can be daunting. How do you select between two paths when someone inevitably protests either direction? With difficult decisions comes the responsibility accompanying leadership; it’s simply part and parcel of this critical role.
As you take on this role, here are some examples of the tough choices that you may need to make:
· When should you push your team to their limits, and when should they be given a breather?
· Which of your employees is best suited for the new leadership role in your group? What traits do these individuals possess that set them apart from the others?
· Who chooses to attend valuable training courses or conferences, and who will unfortunately miss out on this opportunity?
· What innovative technologies can help bring success to the organization’s mission statement goals?
· In times of controversy, is it wise for you to step up as an advocate or remain silent instead?
· If circumstances dictate dismissing someone from employment duties or an uncomfortable conversation must occur, are you willing to tackle such tasks courageously?
· Should financial difficulties require restructuring, leading to one person having forced departure- how do you decide which employee must go?
Difficult decisions come with the territory of a leader. After all, these calls usually involve people’s livelihoods, funds, and risk-taking — there will always be someone at stake when you commit to an action or course of direction.
With such high stakes comes tremendous pressure on your shoulders to make tough decisions that ultimately won’t please everyone in your team or organization; while some may express joy and gratitude over your decision, another individual might feel outraged by it.
Mastering the Art of Decision-Making: An Essential Guide for Leaders
Having gone through the decision-making process a few times, I know there is no exact formula for making tough choices. But following the tips below should help make things easier and come to a resolution faster.
1. When Making Complex Choices, Have a Process
Creating a process is the most prudent course whenever you face a difficult decision that could have long-lasting implications. This process involves devising criteria and being mindful not to rush to any conclusion on impulse. If your first inclination is leaning towards one option, ask yourself why; bias may be in play here. Ultimately, use rules and standards to arrive at an answer — not instinct or whims!
Establishing a sound process assists in settling complex dilemmas, allowing you to provide logical explanations for your decisions. Simply claiming “it was the correct choice” won’t satisfy everybody when making monumental calls.
While crafting a procedure does not guarantee that everyone will be content with it, what is for sure is that you’ll have an answerable justification behind the confidence that you made a choice, which becomes especially important during instances where vast sums of money or employees’ livelihoods are involved.
In many businesses, it is essential to make financial decisions in an organized way. Documents like business cases must be written and approved at each step, ensuring that hard choices are only rashly taken with due consideration.
2. Enlighten Yourself When Making Difficult Choices
When you’re the leader, it can be tempting to think that all actions need no explanation; maybe you feel like you don’t have to explain yourself and your decisions. However, when we take the time to articulate clearly our thought process behind why we make a decision, people on our team can better comprehend and appreciate where we’re coming from.
Explaining ourselves makes an immense difference while building trust within the organization. Varying people may need to comprehend your resolution, depending on the scenario. If you’re transforming or advancing individuals, being frank with your squad about how you formed the decision is beneficial.
On the other hand, if an abundance of money is for something particular, a choice is made, and upper-level executives might want to know just how and why. Although this will only magically improve some things, leaders must display reasonable thought and integrity when making tough decisions.
People may disagree with your logic in the end; however, by making the decision and explaining why, they might be more open to understanding your perspective.
It’s essential to recognize that difficult choices involve much more than facts — emotions are almost always involved. Demonstrating your reasoning for any choice can help exhibit both reasonableness and integrity throughout the process.
When You Leave Them Guessing, People Will Inevitably Draw Their Own Conclusions
It can be awkward to justify a challenging decision, especially when those affected by it don’t agree. Nevertheless, not communicating why you have chosen the course of action you did may result in others formulating their own stories that are far from reality.
To safeguard against such speculations and rumors, providing your version of events is beneficial first.
Remember that as the leader or manager here, you don’t need to try to please everyone with what you’ve decided. You’re still responsible for ensuring things are done right, and everybody follows through on their tasks regardless of how difficult these decisions might be!
3. When struggling to make a hard decision, ponder how it will affect yourself and others.
When leaders face the need to make an urgent decision, they often overlook its possible consequences. As rational thinkers, most of us will quickly reach for what seems like the “right” answer without taking into account potential risks and ramifications. Too often, we make choices without accounting for all the possible ramifications, and the option is after it’s too late that we realize this mistake.
Although the most logical solution may be ideal, there are other aspects to consider. What ripple effect might this decision cause? During one of my workshops, a thought-provoking question came across: could someone be too logical? It’s an exciting concept worth contemplating and exploring.
Analyzing the circumstance is essential when it comes to this inquiry. If you have an abundance of Engineers collaborating towards the ideal design, then being “too logical” may not be a problem. Yet what if your perfect result costs too much money or puts specific teams out of business? It would mean that some people in those teams would lose their jobs and livelihoods — so how do you consider such repercussions when making design decisions?
That’s why logic will continuously integrate with empathy for humanity before implementing any solutions.
Remember that logic isn’t the only factor when making decisions — emotional and political elements also play an essential role. Emotional perspectives consider how people will be affected by the decision and its potential to stir strong emotions.
The political dimension pertains to organizational politics as well as stakeholder interests. Pay attention to all three sizes when assessing your choice’s implications!
4. Seek Input from Experienced Peers
When facing a tricky decision, having someone to brainstorm with can be highly beneficial for breaking through any mental roadblocks; this could involve an experienced mentor or coach, your manager, or a trusted colleague acting as your sounding board.
Why? As we grapple with difficult choices, it’s common to become overly biased and overlook critical details — which is why seeking guidance from others is vital in making the right call.
Hastily-made decisions or those made without proper consideration of all the facts may result in disastrous consequences and can quickly erode trust between significant stakeholders.
Before you make any decisions, seek the opinion of your trusted sounding board to ensure that your process is valid and that the criteria used are suitable. With proactiveness in seeking diverse perspectives, you can identify even inadvertent and unconscious biases within your organization. Every leader is susceptible to unintentional prejudice when they do not try to find different points of view.
5. When facing a complicated decision, take charge and embrace the responsibility.
Throughout my career, I have observed that the most successful leaders take responsibility for their decisions and aren’t afraid to stand behind them. On the other hand, some less confident figures may abandon their duty by deflecting blame onto others or distancing themselves from a situation; utterances such as “It’s what our top executives want” or “We’re still considering it” are all too common.
Acknowledging the results of your decisions on others and acting with empathy is perfectly acceptable. However, you should still have to revoke or rescind these choices.
Despite any criticism you may receive, you must make firm decisions as a leader and remain accountable for the choices made.
Even if external conditions change over time, these decisions are in place until further notice. Doing so will demonstrate ownership of your actions and maintain credibility with those around you.
It is essential to demonstrate certainty and assurance in your decisions, or else individuals may misconstrue you as a “feeble” leader. Your conduct must never leave the impression of being shaky or wavering.
When it comes to tough decisions, there is no such thing as being “right” or “wrong.”
Leaders must comprehend that they can only be partially sure of the outcome. People are bound to disagree with tough decisions and express their dissenting opinions. If it were apparent, there would be no need for a leader in charge — so these hard choices happen regardless!
Having a well-thought-out process to make decisions, explaining your reasoning, and using a trusted advisor or colleague as an objective listener can be highly beneficial. No matter how sound the decision appears on paper, it’s impossible to guarantee that everyone will agree; different people have different perspectives. Despite this fact, try not to worry about being wrong — sometimes you won’t know until much further down the line if the decision was correct but don’t forget that unforeseen circumstances are part of life!
Rather than remaining static, making an erred decision is often more advantageous; this way, you can continue and rectify your mistake. Leaders must be willing to take risks and learn from them deliberately; the best executive leaders can adapt. With all this in mind, sometimes even the most demanding executive decisions can still have a positive outcome!
In conclusion, executive leadership roles have inherent challenges, including making difficult decisions. It is essential to consider organizational politics and stakeholder interests when assessing potential implications, seek out another’s opinion as a sounding board, and don’t be afraid to own your decision, no matter what criticism arises.
The key to making tough executive decisions is to create an organized process that considers organizational politics, stakeholder interests, and intuition. Then seek out another’s opinion as a sounding board to ensure that your approach is valid and the criteria used are suitable.
Finally, take ownership of any decision made — don’t be afraid to stand by it despite any criticism received. These techniques will help executive leaders make difficult but informed choices every time.
About the Author:
The Executive Health Doc?, Dr. Shahan Chowdhury, is an executive health expert and concierge medicine pioneer working with companies that seek to ignite professional and personal growth in their executives. She is consistently ranked in the top 10% of executive health providers in the United States. Her clinic, Tailored Health, is located in Frisco, TX, and empowers senior leaders to become the executives of their health and long-term well-being.
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