Navigating The Challenges When Working From Home
Maj Hussain MSc, PGDip, BA, KRO
Property, Consultancy, Knight Of The Royal Oak, Family Office, Global Project Management, Portfolio Holder
Top Tips: Working From Home
By Maj Hussain, Halal Incorp
It is undeniably true that the world we knew of only a few months ago has now changed forever. As circumstances continue to evolve and develop the coronavirus has made us adapt our working styles.
You may now find yourself working from home, so how can you optimise this time and still produce strong outputs:
1: Find a space in the house away from others where you can set up a temporary office or working space. Use this as a temporary HQ to get your business activities kick started.
2: Focusing on your goals is important. Turn distractions and keep your phone on one side. Create a reward system i.e. for example you work one hour then have 10 minutes browsing on your phone. This will potentially help boost productivity.
3: Create a routine i.e. you can get up early say 6am and get to work and finish later in the day. Keep working regular hours to build strong working habits.
4: Schedule breaks between working hours so you can have an ample amount of time to relax and recover. This will help break your day and keep you focused.
5: Make use of online video platforms such as Skype, hold meetings over Whats App and conference calls if needed. This way you can still communicate within and beyond your networks and keep up to date with the developments in the marketplace.
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