Naval's Almanack: wealth, judgement, health, happiness
Martin Petkov
Content Marketing @ Cyfrin: World-class web3 education, tools, and security audits | "Metaverse AI" trilogy author
Naval Ravikant's Almanack offers applicable wisdom on building a life of wealth, health, and happiness. ?
Why you should read this
You will learn mental models and get actionable ideas. Applying these will help you build wealth, judgment, health, and happiness.
My take
I've rarely found such a compressed source of wisdom I can act on. I felt compelled to summarise it and share it. I'm doing this mainly to retain the knowledge better. If you benefit too, then great! ?
Part I – Wealth
How to get rich without getting lucky.
Building Wealth
Making money is not a thing you do—it's a skill you learn.
Creating wealth isn't just about hard work. It's about knowing what to do, who to work with, and when. Here are some key points:
- Aim for assets that earn money while you sleep, not just income or status.
- Believe in ethical wealth creation.
- Focus on creating wealth rather than playing status games.
- Owning a business part is better than just selling your time.
- Provide what society needs but doesn't have yet, on a large scale.
- Choose long-term industries and reliable partners.
- Use the internet's wide range of career options.
- Success in wealth and relationships comes from compound interest.
- Work with smart, energetic, and honest people.
- Avoid negative partners.
- Learn to sell and build; both are powerful skills.
- Develop unique skills and take responsibility.
- Use capital, people, and digital products to multiply your impact.
- Time management and focusing on impactful work are crucial.
- Be the best in your field.
- There are no quick ways to get rich.
- Apply your unique skills effectively to gain wealth.
Remember, "productizing yourself" means using your unique skills in a scalable way. Wealth means having assets that earn independently, different from just having money. In today's world, the best providers can serve a global market, so focus on innovative, scalable solutions.
Sales skills are a kind of specific knowledge, often learned through life rather than in classrooms. Specific knowledge is unique to each person. It blends natural talents, upbringing, and personal interests. It's about what you do without effort, like a hobby or passion that others notice.
This knowledge can't be taught in the usual way but can be developed. It's important to focus on what you enjoy or are good at. Success comes from using these innate skills, especially in areas that are new or evolving.
The internet offers many career opportunities, allowing you to use your unique skills to find a niche audience. Being authentic to yourself is key. This means doing something unique, not imitating others.
The best careers are those where you keep learning and adapting. Quick learning and strong foundational skills like basic math, clear communication, and persuasive speaking are essential. Deep focus on a few areas you love leads to mastery and success.
Play long-term games with trustworthy people. Building trust and a good reputation over time is valuable. Focus on strong, mutual relationships in business. Most efforts might not directly contribute to goals, but they are learning experiences. Find the few things that really matter and focus on them.
Take risks under your name. This builds credibility and can lead to wealth. Being accountable means taking responsibility for both successes and failures. Modern safety nets like bankruptcy laws reduce the risks of failure. So, it's important to take calculated risks to gain rewards.
To achieve financial freedom, owning a piece of a business or equity is crucial. Here's a summary of the key points:
- Equity vs. Wage Work: Owning equity in a business provides passive income, unlike wage work where you're paid for your time.
- Ownership Importance: Without ownership, you don't earn when you're not actively working. True wealth comes from businesses that earn even when you're not actively involved.
- Leverage: We live in an age of leverage where the rewards for intellectual curiosity are high. Following genuine interests can lead to unique knowledge that's valuable.
- Specific Knowledge: Pursue knowledge that's unique to you and not easily replicated. This makes you irreplaceable and valuable.
- Products with No Marginal Cost: The most democratic form of leverage is creating products that don't cost extra to replicate, like software or media.
- Leveraged vs. Un-leveraged: The difference between the rich and the poor is leverage. Leveraged workers can produce much more than un-leveraged ones.
- Sales and Building: To succeed, especially in tech, you need to either be able to sell or build. Mastering both makes you unstoppable.
- Mind Over Time: Wealth is earned with your mind, not your time. Aim for roles where your input and output aren't directly correlated.
- Avoid Ruin: Stay away from situations that can lead to total loss, whether it's financial, health, or legal.
To build wealth, gain ownership, leverage your unique skills, and avoid catastrophic risks.
Earning for judgment rather than time can lead to freedom and wealth. Improving judgment, even slightly, can greatly increase value. Success, like Warren Buffett's, comes from credible, long-term judgment.
Wealth builds up gradually, not in one big payout. The Internet offers many opportunities for wealth creation. Valuing personal time highly and efficiently can lead to greater self-worth and earnings. Desiring wealth with a positive mindset is crucial.
Life's big decisions - where to live, who to be with, what job to take - need careful consideration due to their long-term impact. To be around successful people, share skills and help others without expecting immediate returns. Comfort in a job can hinder wealth building.
Starting a company often comes from seeing others do it and feeling the push from those around you. It's better to try and fail at entrepreneurship than never to try. As the internet grows, more people can work for themselves rather than for others.
Once you make enough money, the focus shifts from earning to enjoying what you do. Life's about various stages, like school and work, but ultimately, it's about living freely, moment to moment.
True freedom means not worrying about money. This can come from saving enough, cutting costs, or doing what you love. Becoming financially secure. Then, making money becomes more about creativity and fun than necessity.
Obsessing over money is harmful. It's better not to increase your spending as your income grows. Freedom is the most important thing, and money is only useful if it helps you stay free. The real success is enjoying what you do, not just the rewards it brings.?
To be successful, you don't have to start a company. In Silicon Valley, venture capitalists and those skilled at joining companies at the right time. When they hit product/market fit they often succeed. These people join promising startups like Dropbox or Airbnb early. For example, Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from venture capitalist Jim Breyer during Facebook's growth. This led to strategic hires. Success often comes early in careers. With rapid promotions in smaller companies, there's less barrier to advancement. The alumni network from these companies can be crucial.
Getting rich without relying on luck means being successful in most scenarios, not just those where you're lucky. There are four kinds of luck:
- Blind luck, where something happens beyond control.
- Luck from hard work and creating opportunities.
- Luck from being skilled enough to notice opportunities in your field.
- Luck from building a unique character or brand, attracting opportunities.
Building a reputation for integrity and long-term thinking can lead to opportunities others might see as luck. Warren Buffett, for example, gets unique deal offers due to his reputation.
Networking in business is often seen as a waste of time. Building something interesting naturally attracts the right people. Trustworthiness in others can be gauged by their actions and words. Avoid those who overly assert their honesty or values.
It's important to maintain integrity and self-respect. Acting against one's values can lead to a loss of self-esteem. Distance yourself from those who compromise their values. Remember, "The closer you want to get to me, the better your values have to be."
Patience is key in creating wealth. Success in fields like tech takes time and doesn't happen overnight. It's not just about hard work but also using your knowledge and skills wisely. Don't just watch the clock; focus on what you're good at and enjoy.
Starting young is often seen as a disadvantage, but many great achievements come from the young. Learning comes from doing, so it's important to stay active and consistent. Helping others without expecting something in return is also valuable.
Wealth creation is challenging but gives life meaning. Money can provide freedom, but it doesn't guarantee happiness. It solves practical problems, not personal ones. Often, the traits needed to make money can lead to stress and anxiety.
The goal is to become wealthy, which can lead to freedom and the opportunity to find inner peace and happiness. Wealth and wisdom are different and shouldn't be confused.
Building Judgement
To get rich, master emerging trends in technology, design, and art. Wealth is more about using time effectively than just saving money. In today's economy, the quality of judgment outweighs the quantity of hard work. Understanding the long-term outcomes of your actions is key.
Clear thinking is more valuable than mere intelligence. True understanding comes from building knowledge from the ground up. Simplifying complex ideas for easy understanding shows deep knowledge.
Good decision-making involves facing reality without bias. Desires and emotions can cloud judgment. Sharing problems and creating thinking space are essential for clear judgment.
Genuine contrarians think from the ground up and are rare optimists. They challenge conventional wisdom and think independently.
Early-formed egos shape lifelong goals. Questioning habitual responses and beliefs can lead to better decisions. Avoiding rigid self-identification allows for a more open perspective. Personal challenges can lead to significant changes in identity and understanding.
Smartness has no shortcuts. Success hinges on judgment, clear thinking, and confronting reality. Independent thought and adaptable identity and beliefs are crucial. They lead to deeper insights and more effective decision-making.
Make decisions based on the present, not past biases. Honesty is key; say what you think and think what you say. Praise people directly but criticize only actions, not individuals. Good decision-making, especially in business, can lead to great success.
Use mental models from evolution, game theory, and other fields to make better predictions and decisions. Don't just rely on past experiences; apply broader principles.
Understanding economics, game theory, and how people act in their interest is vital in business and life. Study and understand the principal-agent problem.
If unsure about a decision, it's often safer to say no. Embrace short-term challenges for long-term benefits.
Growth, like compound interest, shows the power of small, steady improvements. Basic math and reading in science, math, and philosophy can build knowledge and improve decision-making.
Reading is essential in today's knowledge-rich world. Loving to read starts with choosing material based on interest, not obligation. It's okay to skim books and not finish them, focusing instead on understanding key ideas. Reading regularly, even for a short time daily, can enhance intelligence and success.
Explaining what you learn to others helps solidify knowledge. Starting with foundational texts in subjects like math and logic leads to clearer thinking. Adapting your reading habits. Do not feel compelled to complete every book. This makes reading more manageable and enjoyable. The choice of reading material is crucial, as it shapes thoughts and understanding.
Part II - Happiness
Happiness is a skill that can be learned, not just something you're born with. It's about feeling content with what you have and living in the present. This is the opposite of constantly wanting more or dwelling on the past or future. True happiness comes from accepting life as it is. It's about understanding that you can't control everything. Focusing on the present moment and finding joy in the simple things is important.
Meditation and surrounding yourself with positive influences can help. But happiness is a personal choice and mindset. It's about letting go of past burdens and focusing on being content now. By practising acceptance and focusing on the present, you can become happier.
Happiness is connected to being present in the moment and finding inner peace. Often, we're not present. Instead, our minds are occupied with past regrets or plans. This prevents us from enjoying and appreciating our current surroundings. True happiness comes more from a state of peace than from joy. It's about being content with what we have. Being driven by dissatisfaction and constant desire blocks happiness. Anxiety, often stemming from our relentless pursuit of what's next, disrupts this peace. Recognizing and choosing peace over persistent thoughts is key to maintaining happiness.
Desiring things can lead to unhappiness. Because it is a commitment to remain unhappy until we achieve our goals. Young people often chase many desires. This leads to less happiness. Older individuals tend to find more happiness in fewer desires.
Success doesn't always bring happiness. It often comes from external achievements and societal expectations. True success and happiness lie in stepping out of these external games. It's about finding peace within. Overcoming envy and societal pressures is essential. Focus on internal satisfaction rather than external validation. These are crucial for lasting happiness and peace.
Happiness and peace are skills you can learn, not traits you're born with. They improve by forming good habits and choosing positive influences. Surround yourself with successful and happy people. Try different activities like meditation or hobbies to find joy. A positive mindset helps.
Good habits, like avoiding alcohol, sugar, and too much social media, stabilize mood. Choose friends wisely and avoid conflict. Being grateful, present, and accepting life's situations as they are can increase happiness. Focus on one major desire at a time and be present to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Happiness is a choice and a skill. It develops through practices like meditation, positive thinking, and regular exercise. Avoiding caffeine and exercising can make you more stable and happy. Engage in activities that bring natural joy rather than chasing materialistic goals.
Change habits by focusing on one at a time, visualizing success, and tracking progress. Accept life's realities, including death, to find peace. Enjoy life, be positive, and remember that individual struggles are temporary in the larger scheme of things.
Saving yourself
Taking responsibility for your health, intelligence, and fitness is crucial. You can't rely on experts like doctors or trainers. Embracing your individuality is key; imitating others won't lead to success. Everyone has unique skills and paths, so focus on what matters to you.
Your health should be your top priority. It includes physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Next comes your family's wellbeing. Modern lifestyles rely on technology and processed foods. They often clash with our natural needs, leading to various health issues. It's important to live more in tune with our evolutionary needs.
The perfect diet is subjective. A balance of vegetables, some meat, and minimal processed foods is generally beneficial. Sugar increases hunger, while fats provide fullness. The quality of food is more important than quantity. Fasting can sometimes be more effective than controlling portions. Choose natural, less processed foods for better health.
It's about taking control of your life and making informed decisions about your health, diet, and personal growth. Trust in your unique journey and focus on self-care.
Regular exercise, such as daily workouts, improves life quality. This leads to better health and feeling younger. Prioritizing physical health is essential. It reshapes daily routines and choices, like avoiding late nights. Consistency is key, regardless of the exercise type. Walking meetings and yoga are examples that combine physical activity with other benefits. Tough choices in exercise and diet result in a simpler, healthier life.
Meditation is like mental intermittent fasting. It clears the mind and helps manage emotions and thoughts. There are various techniques. These include focusing on the breath and observing thoughts. They all aid in understanding and calming the mind. Regular practice resolves deep-seated issues, leading to joy and peace. Meditation can be practised in different forms. Hiking, journaling, or sitting quietly are good examples. Yet, it is most effective when done for its own sake.
The greatest power lies in changing oneself. For this, learning from past mistakes is key. Try reflecting on advice you'd give to your younger self.
Life's experiences, both good and bad, depend on how you interpret them. We often regret actions taken in anger. So, strive to handle conflicts with calm.
Our habits, formed from childhood, define us. Consistent habits like daily exercise can transform us. Changing habits is essential for long-term health and fitness.
Real change needs a readiness for transformation. Public commitments can ensure accountability.
Be quick in taking action but patient with the results. Acting on inspiration immediately is crucial.
Success comes from creating environments for success, not just setting goals. Learning basics and reading widely, including unconventional materials, is crucial.
Freedom evolves from doing anything one wants to being free from internal and external constraints. Authentic living means ignoring societal expectations and focusing on personal happiness.
Living below one's means offers freedom. Financial independence leads to autonomy in decision-making.
Controlling constant internal chatter is key to happiness. A busy mind can alter the perception of time.
Self-awareness is a never-ending journey. Recognizing one's role in life's constant race and reflecting on it is important for growth and happiness.
There's no inherent meaning or purpose to life. Achievements and memories fade, and existence after death is like non-existence before birth. A scientific perspective suggests life's purpose might be linked to entropy. Living systems locally reverse entropy but globally speed it up towards the universe's death.
Honesty, long-term thinking, peer relationships, and avoiding anger are core values. Aligning with others who share your values is crucial for harmonious relationships. Having a child shifts one's values and focus, making them less selfish.
Rational Buddhism combines traditional Buddhist concepts with scientific understanding. It involves personal verification of beliefs. The benefits of meditation and awareness are verifiable. Past lives or chakras are less so. It's a blend of evolutionary understanding and Buddhist philosophy. It focuses on internal work for happiness and control over emotions.
Wisdom is knowing the long-term consequences of your actions. True wisdom can't be conveyed through words. It requires personal experience and understanding.
Living in the present is vital. Time travel and accurate future predictions are impossible. Every moment is unique and fleeting. We are constantly changing, and it's our choice to acknowledge this. The beauty of life is enhanced by its impermanence. Memories of the past are unreliable and essentially fictional. Death signifies the end of future experiences.
When inspired, it's crucial to act right away.
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