Naval History and Me
Saul Klein
MLS Expert and CEO, Data Advocate, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Industry Futurist, Technology Pioneer and Historian, Online Community Creator, Storyteller/Teacher, and REALTOR Emeritus
I was fortunate to spend 10 years in the US Navy. I cannot overstate its value in my life.
Standing In Front of Ward Hall wearing "White Works Alpha," where I took my first computer class in 1968.
This photo was taken by Commander William Leibold, who was a shipmate and close freind of my mom and dad. Commander Leibold was one of the 9 survivors of the USS Tang when she launched her last torpedo at a Japanese vessel, and the torpedo circled back and sunk Tang (This was not unusual behavior for our torpedoes in those days). Commander Leibold was one of my heroes when I was growing up in Hawaii.
At the time of the photo, CDR Leibold was stationed in DC and still on active duty. If you like naval history, the story of the USS Tang is an interesting one.
"Portrait" - First formal picture as a member of the Brigade of Midshipman, was taken Plebe Year around this time in 1968.
On December 7, 1973, while deployed to the South China Sea, I received my Officer of the Deck Qualification Letter. This meant I was allowed to drive the ship in all conditions, responsible for the lives of all hands and the safe navigation of the ship.
Towards the end of the deployment, we were sent to the Gulf of Thailand to prepare to evacuate Phnom Penh. At this point, I was standing Port and Starboard watches as Flight Deck Officer, alternatring daily with the Ship's Boatswain.