If nautical nonsense be something You wish ;)
SpongeBob SquarePants...the iconic protagonist of the show by the same name is quite different from the others.He is the driving force behind bikini bottom and it's shenanigans.But why?Why is SpongeBob,this crusty yellow sponge not just the star of the show but the star shining inside thousands of hearts...young and old alike?Why has this cartoon held such a sway over generations of people,though?layman eyes it can be seen as not "worthwhile informative content".Usually?cartoons tend to attract the younger child audience but this cartoon has successfully managed to attract all ages of people and everyone is obsessed almost with the shows cynical sense of humor and endless memeworthy moments.But?I feel that this is a very special cartoon and even though outwardly may seem utterly nonsensical,it has more quality and weight than all of the cartoons currently combined.
Firstly let's talk about the shows unpredictable storyline.Usually cartoons have a predictable storyline where there are a bunch of recurrent characters per episode which provides a sense of familiarity within the child(i.e)the target audience which would be children feel like they have a bunch of friends almost,and basic cartoons always end with a moral or a lesson or a recognisable ending of some sort.The parents feel happy to leave their children to watch this and children feel happy to watch it even though it is just the same storyline in almost all cartoons almost all the time(i.e)the main character who is supposed to evoke in the child a sense of representation(for example doremon is a young boy who has a magical robot friend)encounters some problem that need not make sense to the adult frontal lobe and then the said problem then drives entire cartoons and usually tries to end on a positive note with some moral which would then be the beautiful happy ending that everyone wishes they had in their life.Those cartoons may entertain kids but bore the intellectually advanced ones,teens and adults
But not SpongeBob.The pineapple under the sea need not always be a pineapple and interesting twists and stranger hints and jokes?attract everyone...children and adults alike.For example,in the episode Unreal Estate the theme song was replayed again in the middle as SpongeBob was deciding on his new house which is funny I guess lol.Also the show breeds a familial sense of affection almost among the characters which makes viewers feel like this is almost like their friends and even though there is drama among characters they r all in it together and that's what matters in the end.The slightly negative characters or?jokes entertain the grown ups who know that the world is not always rainbows,unicorns and sunshine.And there is no fixed storyline where the characters actions receive validation...it is almost like the entire show gets reset in the next episode which helps in avoiding the cognitive dissonance that one may feel by permanent changes as permanent changes feel uneasy almost like?how the divorce of parents destroys a child's sense of familiarity and stability in his surroundings and he feels like his world is shattered and he can trust nobody as his own parents who r supposed to be his guardians and inner circle of trust have betrayed him by not asking him for his own opinion and acting of their own accord (Yes,I AM that into the cartoon)Secondly,the cartoon has a wide range of viewers due to an almost genius move on it's part...which would be that the cartoon characters have what you call an almost real concrete fixed personality and each character has its own fixed personal vendetta with episodes that show different backstories and possibilities as there is a reset after each episode which gives an almost inception like quality to a children's cartoon show,that is the cartoon doesn't shy away from portraying negativity but portrays it almost in a childlike comedic manner like seeing atrocities through the eyes of a child which gives a fresh perspective to the adults about the world around them
Thirdly,what makes this cartoon really special is what I would call the piscean positivity and naivety of SpongeBob that really attracts people as it is hard to find such people nowadays who are not only so positive in the face of adversity but also try to be as nice and straightforward as possible.He is an almost inspirational character who has his own up and downs but he faces them courageously and protects his friends and bikini bottomers no matter what they say or how they behave towards him.These qualities of SpongeBob make him an amazing protagonist who is almost like a light to anyone standing in the dark.Like whenever I feel like there's no way out...I always ask myself,"What would the sponge living in the pineapple under the sea do?"And I am 18,Btw