Nautical Analysis to MAIB 02/20 “CMA CGM G. Washington"?, container loss/ damage, Pacific Ocean, January 2018”

Nautical Analysis to MAIB 02/20 “CMA CGM G. Washington", container loss/ damage, Pacific Ocean, January 2018”

Since the announcement of the publication of the UK MAIB 02/20:

 "Report on the investigation into the loss of 137 containers from the container ship CMA CGM G. Washington in the North Pacific Ocean on January 20, 2018"

have I this official investigation report on hand and intensively analyzed, since I am naturally interested in how this container loss came about.

 Just like in my analysis of container loss on board "MSC Zoe" in the North Sea, north of Texel, which naturally aroused my special interest due to the large number of lost and damaged containers and prompted me to do a more intensive analysis, both from a meteorological and nautical perspective and of course also to operate from a technical point of view on the causes of container loss without intending to anticipate the official results of the investigation. That is also not possible.

There are some parallels in both cases that are particularly striking, and yet the two cases are not comparable.

I also have no intention of commenting on the results of the investigation report in all questions of load securing, the stowage plans of the deck load and mismatches in the container weights. This was done in great detail in the investigation report. I share the problems and conclusions found in the MAIB report in all points of the cargo stowage analysis. They are absolutely correct. This must be followed up with all consistency in order to enforce SOLAS Regulation VI / 2, according to MSC.1 / Circ.1475 “GUIDELINES REGARDING THE VERIFIED GROSS MASS OF A CONTAINER CARRYING CARGO” of July 2014.

In order to avoid misunderstandings I want clarify in front. My analysis of the events of “CMA CGM Washington” is not about questioning the investigation report.

 I turn exclusively to the meteorological and nautical analysis, because in my personal opinion the report does not consider it sufficiently and in depth.

Why is my focus on meteorological / nautical analysis?

There is a very simple explanation for this. The container loss of "CMA CGM G. Washington" does not come from nowhere. It is a sequence of actions and decisions by the ship's command that preceded the event and are based on:

  • Weather Route Recommendation
  • incorrect assessment of the sea conditions,
  • negative impact on the maneuverability of the ship,
  • Course and speed selection by the ship leading team
  • insufficient consequences in the decisions of the Captain and ship leading team
  • insufficient use of all technical internal and external resources (OCTOPUS / Weather Faxe)

what led to a situation that led to container loss / damage.

It is important to point out that all other factors that have had a favorable influence on the event should not be neglected. The following must be mentioned in particular:

  •  load limits from 99% to 100%. Which means a far too small safety margin in rough weather and sea conditions. Since the acceleration forces occurring in combination of roll amplitude / roll period with high ship speed far exceed the minimum break load (BL) of the lashing material and thus provoke material damage that can lead to collapsing stacks and bays.
  • Non-compliance with shipping company specifications and shipping company instructions of the shipping company's internal safety management system [CMA Ships FMCL 094-0-14 (navigation in bad weather)].

All of the above factors, as parts of a long chain of errors that started when the ship was loaded, led to fatal consequences when a combination of unfavorable circumstances occurred, such as in this case. Loss of cargo and damage. This can be explained excellently with the well-known error chain model, also known as “Swiss-Cheese Model” by James Reason, which is widely recognized and applied in the research into the causes of errors.

(James Reason: The Contribution of Latent Human Failures to the Breakdown of Complex Systems. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. Band 327, Nr. 1241, 12. April 1990, S. 475–484,)

 I personally believe that this event would have been avoidable if the right decisions had already been made in the cargo planning, during the load control on board, during the sea passage by the ship's command and also by the weather routing service.

I’m concerned with investigating causes, recognizing causal relationships and drawing conclusions from them in order to prevent such dangers for seafaring in advance. And the more we know, experience and recognize, the earlier it will be possible to take measures and take preventive action.

Because it's not just about cargo losses. It's primarily about fundamental dangers for seafaring and the environment that go hand in hand with lost / damaged containers, such as the risk of damage to ships, personal injury, ship losses, and acute environmental hazards from dangerous cargo for the sea and coastal areas and the risk of collisions with floating containers that pose a significant risk of damage to the ship.

It is also about how we use our traditional nautical knowledge, our nautical hand craft, our experience effectively and preventively in spite of all technology and digitalization in maritime shipping. I don't care what people think about my view, that I keep pointing out that technical assistance systems on board aren't able to take the decisions off by captains. They provide support in decision making when interpreted correctly. And that's another interesting step. The correct interpretation of existing data collections.

Thanks to my many years of experience in container shipping in a wide variety of positions, from the watch officer to the cargo officer to the captain and the existing, confirmed in practice, nautical theoretical knowledge, I see myself as being able to professionally analyze and to argue objectively.

Since I was able to look at the North Pacific almost as my second living room for several years, in the service between Asia and the Canadian and US west coast, so that I am also very familiar with the weather and sea conditions at different seasons, add I know which unpleasant surprises he can show and of course have extensive experience working with weather routing services, the usual national weather services in Japan and the USA, as well as their weather fax publications, which also gives me the opportunity to assess weather situations.

Details to ?CMA CGM G. Washington“

LoA:                   365,96 m

Beam:                 48,20 m

GT:                       140872 t

DWT:                    148752 t

TEU:                     14414 (nominal)

TEU:                     13460 (authorized)

Draft:                  16,00 m

Year of built:       2017

Class:                  BV

Manager:           CMA CGM

Owner:               Haotong International Ship Lease Co., Ltd

Flag:                    UK

The GM calculated before the departure was given as 1.28 m, with a calculated roll period of 32.8 seconds. There were 6466 TEU containers on board, i.e. only approx. 50% of the maximum possible number of containers with a departure draft of 13.15 m forward and 13.28 m aft. This can already considered as even keel by a vessel with length of 366 m. So good conditions for a safe crossing.

The UK MAIB Report 02/2020 is particularly interesting and informative for the nautical part.

He makes it clear once again that the absolute belief in technology can't substitute good seamanship, nautical hand craft, many years of practical experience and ability to make decisions. But more on that later.

Voyage details

Figure 1


CMA CGM Washington left Xiamen port on January 15, 2018, 08:00 lt. The planned route from Xiamen to Los Angeles should lead via Rumb line to Kagoshima, than continue with NE-ly course to approx. 140° E longitude, further continue on E - course to approx. 174° E longitude and then via great circle to Los Angeles. The voyage speed was 22 kt and was confirmed by the routing service

Route diversion

In the afternoon of January 16, 2018, the ship received a new southern route recommendation from the MeteoGroup weather routing service:

The aim was to avoid the influence of a swell field with swell heights of > 6 meters, which was caused by a low pressure area, approx. 800 nm ENE-ly from Hokkaido, which shifted to NE (see Fig. 1). The captain immediately incorporated and implemented this route recommendation.

The question arises: why immediately? It was enough time to analyze the situation without excitement. Did the captain also use other external resources for weather and sea analysis?

In the investigation report it was noted:

“He also closely monitored the weather forecast information and risks of high wave groups, surfing / broaching, parametric roll and synchronistic roll displayed on the OCTOPUS system’s polar diagram.” (MAIB 02/2020, page 43).

 This quote will have an interesting meaning.

It allows the conclusion that only "OCTOPUS" was used to monitor the weather and sea state situation and thus the behavior of the ship. However, given the good opportunities available in this region to use external data from the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) for further analysis, this would be a gross neglect of the usual nautical practice to include all available options in the analysis, especially as sea surface analysis, ocean wave analysis and forecasts in 6-hourly periods be updated.

Such as the weather faxes from the JMA (JMH), with:

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? Sea surface analyzes (air pressure, wind, fog, icing, ice maps, precipitation)

? Surface forecasts (for 24/48/72 h),

? Sea surface current / sea surface temperature

? 850 HPa / 500 HPa analyzes

? Ocean wave forecast (12/24/48/72 h), including areas with cross sea

? Satellite images

The weather faxes from the JMH broadcast are of excellent quality. I always recommend not to adopt the route recommendations of the Weather Route Services as-is, but to compare them with other external possible sources. And only then to make a decision. I can't find any clues that this happened. Checking a new route recommendation has nothing to do with not trusting the route service to do its job conscientiously, but is used to check the information with the latest available meteorological resources, in this case the Japanese Meteorological Service JMA. With the conscientious use of all available types of weather faxes, this results in a very meaningful sequence of important weather data, which offer good analysis options and thus enable decisions. They also offer factual arguments if the route recommendation is contradicted or another ship-side route suggestion is made.

The recommended route change to stay south of the planned route was fine. However, it is inexplicable to me that when the Weather Routing Service recommended the route diversion to the south, from the planned route to avoid larger wave heights, there was no indication that the ship's speed should be adapted to the sea conditions. At least there is no evidence of this in the investigation report.

Again: MeteoGroup's recommendation is completely understandable from the weather data. But she has in my understanding one minor flaw. She was not consequent and went not far enough.

Which route recommendation would the author have preferred?

 After the change of course from Kagoshima I would have recommended to take a course of 093° to 30° N / 150° E and from there with course 090° to 30° N / 170° E, and then continue sailing on the great circle to Los Angeles as marked in yellow in (Fig. 1).

The consequence is obvious:

One would have been even more south of the swell field, which of course would have had the consequence of being in the range of lower significant wave heights of 4-5 meters. This would have a positive influence to reduce the motion behavior of the vessel in following/ quarterly stern sea and would had have significantly reduced the risk of parametric roll. I could deliberately accept the longer distance to be covered and the associated possibly higher fuel consumption. But which should not, however, be overly significant due to economic speed and in the well known feeling that the area is able to be passed safe, without any risk of cargo loss and load securing problems.

Therefore, I would like to point out that the advising colleague of the Weather Routing Service is probably not familiar with the conditions on the wintry Pacific from practical experience. This criticism must be allowed to be raised.

 A small introduction in meteorology for the North Pacific in winter

The Northwest Pacific, in winter, similar to the North Atlantic, is a passage area for large-scale low pressure areas (cyclones) with NNE to NE direction of drift, some of which have interesting low pressure conditions.

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From December to February, the Northwest Pacific is characterized by two large pressure areas that determine the weather in this region. The Siberian high-pressure areas on the Eurasian continent, which move to the east at around 10 kt, and the Aleutian low-pressure areas above the northern North Pacific. As is shown in simplified form in (Fig.2) as an example. This leads to a prevailing northwest wind that blows cold to very cold air from Siberia across the Japanese and Okhotsk Seas and Japan to the northern northwest Pacific. The air pressure contrasts can sometimes be extreme, from 1030 HPa to 1060 HPa via Siberia and from 990 hPa to 945 HPa above the Northwest / Northern North Pacific, which leads to pronounced storm lows, which are move in NE/ NNE- or E-direction, with 20-25 kt. This brings winds with wind speeds of 8 to 12 Bft which develops extensive wind sea and swell fields which are herself partially overlay and lead to interferences and which are not uncommon with wave heights of 10 m - 15 m. Incidentally, this is the meteorological, physical cocktail that leads to the formation of partially non-linear wave systems, which cause extremely steep wave heights (e.g. Three Sisters), which pose a real danger to seafaring and every ship. They are serious dangerous challenges that can go hand in hand with rapid loss of stability, extreme roll and pitch angles and thus loss of cargo, damage to the ship and total loss.

 Effects of NE-ly moving low pressure areas in the northwestern / northern north Pacific

NE-ly moving low pressure areas in these latitudes (45 ° N / 160 ° E) with relatively high NW wind speeds, are build up long SE-ly directed wave fields with high wind waves / Swell after a longer period of wind influence. In dependence on their position and the position of the vessel. Great water depths and no existing obstacles through islands or land masses which ensure large wind fetch areas are the reason for this. Their dimensions can easily be 800 nm to 1000 nm in length.

Depending on the direction of the wind, wind force, duration of wind influence, wind coverage area and air pressure, it influences the formation of the sea direction, wave heights and wave period.

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A useful tool for determining the approximate swell height and swell period is the "Wave Analysis and Forecasting Nomogram" developed by Bretschneider (Fig. 3). It allows a rough analysis of wave height and wave period with simple means, without a computer. Only the basic data are required, such as wind speed (in kt), fetch area (in nm) and wind exposure time (hr). Please note that the wave height is specified in FOOT. So it has to be converted into METERS.

The average wavelength in the North Pacific in the case of a pronounced sea state is between 110 and approx. 280 meters in length, depending on wind strength, wind exposure time and fetch area. But it can also be longer. These values have almost been confirmed in numerous radar measurements that I carried out. Often, due to the rapid moving speed of the low pressure areas, several swell systems from wind sea and swell are formed, which come from different directions. But this doesn't seems to apply in this particular case. At least there is no evidence of it. From the graphic (Fig.1) the dimensions of the sea field can be seen as I described.

Significant wave heights and observed wave heights

Even though software development is constantly evolving in the field of wave and sea analysis, we know that we work with assumed values, such as significant wave / swell height, wave / swell period and direction how used by Weather Routing Services. This ocean wave predictions are published by Meteorological Institutes and are based on satellite monitoring, sea state surveillance bouys and weather monitoring reports from ships at sea. They are mathematically calculated model calculations. That doesn't mean that they're not good. They are well to use, because they give a rough forecast that can support the decisions of the Captain and his bridge team. But they are unable to perfectly reflect the existing situation. And it is by no means rare that the calculated values from the routing service and observed values on board do not correspond.

One of the causes is that observed values on board are based on estimates and on the Douglas Scale. The alone indication of the significant wave height in meters, as discussed by StormGeo, I consider, from the point of view as a nautical practitioner, not practical for observing the weather on board. Individual misinterpretations of the respective observer are by no means the exception. Especially since the Douglas Scale also assigns the wave status to the different wave height limits of the sea, which are much better applicable in practice, since from a practical point of view it is almost impossible to indicate significant wave heights in meters in rough weather. And don't forget the Petersen Sea Scale (1 - 9), which is officially recognized by the WMO.

 Determination of the wavelength

The determination of the wavelength can be accomplished on board with relatively simple means. All you need to do is take your time to watch the waves and to use a stopwatch. It is visually possible to watch the sea or to use the X-band radar.

The wavelength can be determined from this with a simple formula:

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This approximate value of the wavelength is completely sufficient for your own analyzes on board and, based on the swell period of 11 s according to MAIB 02/20, on a wind duration time of 36 hours and a fetch length of approx. 500 nm. This results in a swell length of ≈ 190 m.

I'm deliberately not referring to JONSWAP here. Firstly, because most navigators on board cannot do anything with it and there are no possibilities to work with it on board. It is easier to use the above formula to determine the wavelength.

Weather observation on board "CMA CGM Washington"

The investigation report points out that in 2014, in a fleet circular for “Navigation in bad weather”, CMA CGM had instructed NWO’s to measure and record wave parameters while their watch on the bridge.

Apart from the fact that this is a task for the one or other NWO, which will surely overstress them and be burdened with not inconsiderable errors, implementation in certain situations is problematic. In addition, only a very vague statement is given about the probability of clues of parametric rolling. However, I would like to point out that it is possible to determine approximate values for the sea state.

This circular was not implemented because it was argued on board that it is difficult to determine the wave height and direction at night, this argument I contradict. Further they argued and that "OCTOPUS" is installed on board and monitoring and recording is thus guaranteed in real time by installed sensors.

Sounds interesting and plausible at first, but also leaves a series of questions that need to be answered.

 OCTOPUS - ABB Ability Marine Advisory System

Since I assume that many readers are not familiar with OCTOPUS, I would like to briefly introduce it. OCTOPUS is a combined software and hardware development from ABB on a digital basis and consists of several different modules that are designed to optimize ship operations. I would like to limit myself exclusively to the "OCTOPUS for Merchant Vessels" module. This module consists of several toolkits. The "Motion monitoring & forecasting" tool is installed and in use on "CMA CGM Washington".

The manufacturer describes it as follows:

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?The OCTOPUS software suite are vessel motion prediction solutions and combines wave measurements, weather forecasts and navigation data like speed, course, RPM and the voyage plan, with ship characteristics, loading conditions and motion sensor measurements. This facilitates continuous monitoring as well as simulation and forecasting of the ship responses and performance. The system enables state of the art route assistance in heavy weather. This results in increased safety for the crew and cargo during voyages at sea, increased comfort level of the cargo owner and reduced operational costs”


There is nothing else to add to this description.

In (Fig. 4) are shown Polar Chart and other graphic representations of the various ship movements as an example. It is also worth noting that route recommendations and Weather forecasts of the weather routing programs are linked to (Fig. 4) OCTOPUS and thus real-time access is guaranteed, depending on the update of the data by the route service. That should be sufficient as a brief introduction, especially as I will go into more detail on the use of OCTOPUS on board CMA CGM Washington in the further course of the article.

 Determination of sea state and swell data at night with radar

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In the argumentation of the ship's command and NWO’s regarding wave / swell analyzes that were not carried out, it was mentioned that at night it would not be possible to record wave / swell parameters. I argue that this is only partially true. With a pronounced sea state and swell, it is very possible to use the X-band radar to measure at least the direction, wavelength and wave period in distance measuring ranges from 0.75 nm to 3 nm. You only need a stopwatch. Everything else can be done with the radar, with the tools EBL and VRM.

In (Fig. 5) is a simplified representation of wind waves / swell in the X-band radar and the detectable direction / wave / swell parameters.

The height of the waves can also be roughly determined during darkness by stepping into the bridge wing and using the headlights located there to illuminate the immediate field of vision. At the same time, the wave / swell direction determined on the radar can also be checked again. Based on the classification of the wave / swell image according to the Douglas Scale, a rough assignment of the wave / swell height is possible. So it works, you just have to want it. All parameters determined are rough indications that are quite helpful when making course changes. I have it often practiced with success and had never have loss of cargo even in the most worst weather.

 From the investigation report it is clear that "CMA CGM G. Washington" was on an E-ly course (080° -088°) with a vessel speed of 20-22 kt underway. The meteorological conditions are described with W-ly wind of 20 kt, swell direction from WNW, 292.5°, swell height partially > 6 m, swell period 11 s. Which corresponds to a relative bearing of the swell of approx. 210° at a ship course of 080° to 088°. That means we talking about following sea on port side stern-quartering . The GM is given as 1.28 m, with a calculated roll period of 32.8 seconds. This is a long roll period.

It is interesting to know that the swell with a swell length of 190 m and a period of 11 s has a moving speed of 17.2 m / s, while the ship speed of 21 kt has a moving speed of 10.8 m / s equivalent. This leads to the logical conclusion that the swell has a speed excess of approx. 7 m / s. This will cause with certainty to the stern of the ship may lifted up by swell.

This constellation holds the relatively high probability of being exposed to parametric rolling. At first glance, it appears that also the effects of surfing have to be taken into account. The following explanations refer to this.

Risk of surfing in following sea

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Surfing-riding (Fig. 6) is when large, following waves on the ship can force it to move at the same speed as the wave. Most ships are directionally unstable while surfing, so in the worst case the ship may experience an uncontrolled turning beam the waves (broaching-to). It is turning to beam seas. In extreme cases, such uncontrolled turning can lead to capsizing. These situations are also accompanied by a massive loss of stability, since the ship is on the crest for a longer period of time, which leads to negative stability.

Supervene, that the faster moving sea, undershoots and lifts the stern, the stern is thus on the wave crest, while the bow is directed down towards the wave through. This process is called surge. With the disadvantageous effect that course instabilities, i.e. Yawing and the so-called "propeller race" can occur. This phenomenon is particularly dangerous at high vessel speed, because it increase the time on crest, what increases surf period that occurs due to the following sea, which leads to the fact that ships tend to perform strong to extreme rolling movements. At the same time, the course instability with frequent large course deviations often leads to the alarm limits of autopilot systems being exceeded. Autopilots then tend to want to compensate for these deviations, which leads to a series of rudder commands that are called up at ever shorter intervals with increasing rudder angle. Ultimately, this means that they can no longer be implemented. The ship starts to get out of control and may broaching-to if it is not immediately shifted to manual control. This is an unmistakable sign that a decisive course alteration should be initiated. At the same time it is advisable to reduce the speed.

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In the case of “CMA CGM G. Washington”, I don't assume that we are dealing with surfing. As can be seen from the graphic (Fig. 7), there are no mathematically and graphically Clues that would support that. It is a fact that long ships can hardly surf because waves of the required length are simply too fast compared to the speed of the ship. So that a harmony between wave speed and ship speed can be excluded to a high degree, which is also confirmed by the comparison of ship speed and wave speed given by me in the case of the "CMA CGM Washington".

 Risk of rolling over due to successive high waves in following sea

However, attention should be paid to the danger of high waves in the following sea. Especially when the occurrence of non-linear wave systems can't be ruled out. And it never can.

Especially if the following conditions, such as "CMA CGM G. Washington" are met:

 λ => 0.8 LPP (> 286 m)

HW> 0.04 LPP (> 14.2 m)

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Everything should be done to avoid the danger zone 180° (+/- 45°) shown in (Fig. 8). It should be remembered that wave phenomena, such as the “Three Sisters”, can meet and exceed the above-mentioned criteria at any time, particularly with regard to wave height and wave steepness. In the event that the ship vector entering the danger zone, the danger zone should be avoided by alteration of course and / or speed. Thus preventing possible acute stability problems, the occurrence of large roll amplitudes and the occurrence of parametric rolls, as well as combined phenomena.

Pure loss of stability

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Again and again it is pointed out that ships are faced with the problem of loss of stability when they are confronted with large waves. Especially when they are on the wave crest. This is shown graphically in (Fig. 9). Why is that so?

The case shown in (Fig. 9) shows a large wave approaching from the stern of the ship while the ship is moving at relatively high speed with the moving sea. If the speed of the large wave is only slightly above the speed of the ship, the time it takes for the large wave to pass or overtake the ship can be long ("long" here means at least an order of magnitude greater than the natural roll period ), If the crest of the large wave is close to the midship of the ship, the righting lever is reduced considerably. Due to the significant duration for which this condition can exist, a large heel angle can develop, which can lead to capsizing. As soon as the big wave overtakes the ship, the righting lever is restored and the ship returns to the upright position if no significant heeling has occurred.

The explanation is obvious. The ship's waterplane area in the water has a significant impact on the stability of the ship. This is known from ship hydrostatics. If the hull geometry is reduced and the waterplane area is reduced, as is the case on a wave crest, the uprighting lever arm curve GZ is also reduced, as can be seen in the middle picture in (Fig. 9). The change in stability in waves is the physical basis for the stability failure, known as a loss of stability. The dynamics of pure loss of stability differ from that of parametric rolling, but are also closely related to the extent and duration of the change in the waterplane area. That should suffice as a brief note in the physical basics of "pure loss of stability".

 Parametric Rolling

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The topic “Parametric Rolling” is given the necessary attention in the investigation report. In my contribution to the container loss of "MSC Zoe", I wrote a longer treatise on parametric rolling,


So it can be looked up. There is also a large collection of specialist literature that can be used to deal with this topic. That is why I would only like to briefly scribe this theme.

Due to their special design, container vessels have a particular vulnerability to parametric roll, especially when following and stern quartering seas appear. As can be seen from the vessel body plan and the 3D view (Fig. 10), the so-called C11 design, a preferred shipbuilding design for container ships, makes the underwater ship very slim because it has been optimized for high speeds. However, in order to create a large storage space for large loading capacities, it is necessary to construct overhanging side walls that protrude far beyond the underwater ship. Only at the main frame (marked blue) and the immediately adjacent frames can we find a bulkily shape transition to the underwater ship. In the 3D view, I marked the striking overhanging side walls, which are of course particularly striking in the fore and aft ship area.

I also refer to “IMO Revised Guidance to the Master for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Adverse Weather and Sea Conditions” (MSC.1 / Circ. 1228),

which was also referred too in the investigation report because it should be available for use on board and Part of the "Behavior in Heavy weather" section of the safety management system must be on board.

According to the MAIB graphic in “Manual Calculation of Parametric roll” with the input values from “CMA CGM Washington”, it becomes clear that the parameters of the danger of parametric rolling are met. This can be seen from (Fig. 13). Thus, the possibility of parametric roll is to be considered and it is recommended to initiate the associated measures (course and / or speed change) in order to counter this danger.

I would like to take this opportunity and at the same time point out an IMO publication by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction, 7th Session, Agenda Item 5 - SDC 7 / INF.2_26 November 2019


Among other things, it deals with questions of the physical background of loss of stability in chapter 2.3 and the physical background of parametric rolling in chapter 2.4. A recommended reading.

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The short physical definition of parametric rolling could be summarized in the fact that it is a dynamic stability problem in which an amplification of the rolling motion is caused by periodic variation of the transverse stability of the waves. It arises mainly with head, following and bow and stern quartering-seas when the frequency of the encounter period concurs with either the single roll period (1:1 resonance) or with the double roll period (2:1 resonance). And if the roll damping isn't sufficient enough to dissipate additional energy, but rather accumulates due to parametric resonance. The 2:1 resonance is of special importance because it is particularly dangerous. Why this is the case was explained in the section “Pure loss of stability”.

(Fig.11) shows graphically how parametric resonance is created. When the ship rolls in the wave trough, it is in a state of increased stability, so the uprighting lever ensures that the ship quickly returns to the upright position. If the ship is in the upright position, it still has the effect of the previous roll movement impulse from the upright lever. If the wave crest is now in the middle of the ship, there is a serious reduction in the stability, with a significant reduction in the effect of the uprighting lever, but the previous increased uprighting rolling motion impulse still has an effect, at the same time the heeling resistance is reduced, which causes the ship to roll to the opposite side. Then when the wave trough runs into the middle part of the ship, the ship has reached its maximum roll amplitude and the stability increases again. The whole process starts over.

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(Fig.12) graphically demonstrates the basic principles of timing and increasing roll amplitude in a roll period as a typical character of parametric resonance. In this case we speak of a 2:1 resonance. Note that half of the roll period is associated with the passage of a wave. Which means that the roll period is about twice the amount of the wave period.

The result is that violent rolling movements are built up. If this process is not stopped, capsizing a ship can be the logical consequence. This process can be stopped by consistently changing course and / or speed, which leads to changes in the encounter period of the ship's course and waves / swell directions and thus reduces the excitation states to trigger parametric resonance become.

2:1 resonance behavior is generally only possible with following / stern-quartering seas and relatively low ship speed.

1:1 resonance is basically for common ships only with following / stern quartering seas mainly encountered at high ship speed. “CMA CGM G. Washington” was traveling at 20-22 kt, which means that a 1: 1 resonance has to be considered and can pose a serious problem in the described sea conditions.

Basically, it must be emphasized that all stability calculations, as calculations of the initial metacentric height, i.e. also the uprighting lever arm calculations, relate to the still water conditions, so that they are static. At the moment when a ship is at sea, these static calculations are only valid to a limited extent, if not to say they are not applicable. Because now the dynamic processes of swell and ship motion come into play. This means that roll motion and thus the levers adapt to the resonance phenomena of the wave crest and wave trough movements. They are variable. In addition, the long-crest and short-crest sea states have to be differentiated. Pronounced, unidirectional dominant swell states are described as a long-crest sea, which only have a narrow peak in the spectrum. Short-crest sea conditions, describe conditions in which the prevailing wind sea overlie with the swell and has broader and lower maxima in the spectrum. In turn, this means that disturbing moments develop that affect the ship and thus lead to resonance behavior that is difficult to predict. Under such conditions, there are extended ranges of course alterations and speed changes that can cause large roll angles. In order to be to apprehend such complex systems, other extensive arithmetic models are required, which require a large number of OTHER components to be considered.

Finally, I would like to point out again the common view that resonance 2:1 with following/ stern quartering seas can generally only occur when ships are moving at a relatively low speed. But here too it must be clearly emphasized that this should not be seen as absolutist. Because even cases of following seas and high speed of ships are by no means exempt from this phenomena.

How did the event come about?

 A fire drill was performed in the late afternoon of January 19th 2018. Whilst the drill the vessel motion resulted in a violent rolling motion of approx. 20 °. In the "OCTOPUS Time Trace Monitoring Screen", was in same time and corresponding with the roll motions registered that the bridge sensor for parametric roll had exceeded the 80% threshold. This was approx. 16:00 lt. In the investigation report, it is assessed as a possible parametric roll.

In the course of the evening, the ship could no longer be kept on course with the autopilot and it was shifted to manual control. A 6° course adjustment was also initiated. Unfortunately, it is not clear to which side. It is actually an indication that we might be dealing with parametric roles. But unfortunately that cannot be determined exactly. The corresponding access requirements are fulfilled according to (Fig.13). At the latest now, consistent course alterations and speed reductions should have been initiated. Which would have avoided the subsequent events with certainty.

The unfortunately inadequate countermeasures on the part of the ship's command, i.e. course and speed were maintained, had the consequence that after midnight on January 20th 2018, 01:27 lt the ship again registered roll motions of 20° (or more?). Thereby collapsed the lashing equipment on deck in Bays 18, 54 and 58, resulting in the loss of 137 containers and container damages.

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The investigation report refers to the “Revised Guidance to the Master for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Adverse Weather and Sea Conditions” (MSC.1/ Circ.1228), and rightly so. However, it is not understandable how the investigating authorities arrive at a relative bearing between the ship's course and swell direction of 238°, as can be seen from the graphic on the left (Fig. 13).

According to the available data, the relative bearing of the incoming sea can only be 210° degrees. So a difference of almost 30 ° This is already a significant difference. this also results in a completely different “Resulting Period of encounter” (TE) of approx. 16.5 s, which is also confirmed mathematically.

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In the followingg (Fig. 14) the evaluation of the ship and swell data created by the author is shown, which leads to a different relative bearing between ship course and swell direction and to a changed "Resultant Period of Encounter" (TE) of 24.2 s. It is interesting that according to the IMO graphic according to MSC.1 / Circ.1228, TE = 24.2 s, it lies outside the "High Risk Zone for Parametric Roll" specified by CMA CGM in their fleet instructions. In addition, the author included in the consideration of possible course alterations and a speed reduction to 14 kt in his analysis. It can be seen that a change of course to starboard by 085 ° and a change in speed to 14 kt would have been a promising decision, which would almost certainly not have made the following events occur.

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(Fig.15) shows the different course change alternatives from a different perspective. Both course alteration alternatives are accompanied by a speed reduction to 14 kt. It becomes clear that both variants would have been promising. However, I would not recommend a course change to port side, because with the NE course there is a risk of entering an area with a higher swell. However, this should be avoided.

A course alteration to starboard by 085 °, accompanied by a reduction in speed to 14 kt, would have solved the problem in any case, with the advantage of the SSE-course to move away from the area of high swells and to be able to return to the E-ly-course relatively early.

Both decision variants would have reduced the risk of parametric roll drastically because the basis for an existing risk would have been taken.

 Why this decision was not made remains unanswered in the investigation report. The reference to the fact that the ship's command relied solely on OCTOPUS raises several questions, because it can also be seen from the investigation report that OKTOPUS was not really used effectively.

The OKTOPUS monitoring

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In (Fig. 16) we find the various parameter representations of OCTOPUS that were used on "CMA CGM G. Washington".

I would like to refer to the polar diagram / weather window and Time-Trace-Display.

The polar diagram (top left) shows that at a course of 080° and a speed of 21 kt the displayed risk area of parametric rolling is not run through. The green color of the polar diagram also indicates that there is a risk expectation of 0% -75%. So a relatively low risk if the ship's command relies solely on OCTOPUS, which, according to the investigation report, this had been the case.

In conformity to the IMO guidance graphic from MAIB (see Fig.13), 

according to the underlying parameters TR = 32.8 sec, TW = 11 sec, wave height > 6m, the "High Risk Zone for parametric rolling" with 1.7 TE <TR 2.2 TE = 14.9 s - 19.4 s, (a requirement according to the fleet instructions of CMA CGM "For navigating in bad weather") is a "Resulting Period of Encounter TE = 16.5 s", for relative bearing 238 ° given. In my understanding, there is a contradiction between OCTOPUS and the IMO guidance diagram from MAIB, which requires clarification. Because then the OKTOPUS polar diagram display should at least have changed to ORANGE, as a risk display for parametric rolling from 80% to 100% and partly even to RED for 100% in the danger areas.

Likewise, the Weather Window indicates that "CMG CGM G. Washington" at a course of 080° - 088° and a speed of 20-21 kt was at the upper limit of the range of 0% - 75% risk for parametric rolling.

According to the evaluation of the IMO guidance graphic by the author (Fig. 14), a relative bearing of 210 ° results in a "Resulting Period of Encounter TE = 24.2 s", what tells nothing other as, that TE lays outside of the limits for "High Risk Zone for parametric rolling ”.

I checked and confirmed both TEs mathematically. This gives the OKTOPUS polar diagram a completely different, new evaluation. Then his presentation in (fig 16) shown would be completely correct, since it would coincide with the author's evaluation in the IMO guidance graphic.

For me, however, the Time-Trace-Display is particularly interesting because it shows a completely different real-time perception of the installed sensors, which goes in the opposite direction to the polar diagram and weather window.

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 At the begin I want remark that the added colored dotted lines in (Fig.17) are the noon times for the named days.

I took a close look at the Time-Trace-Representation (Fig. 17) and come to the conclusion that at the latest since January 19, 16:00 lt, it would have been necessary to pay more attention to the Time-Trace Parameters.

It can't be overseen that the parameter for parametric roll on January 19, 16:00 lt, exceeds > 80% threshold, which indicates that there is a more than 80% probability of the occurrence of parametric roll and this exceedance also corresponds to the roll motion parameters, which show 16:00 lt roll motions of over 15°, which is unfortunately the OKTOPUS display limit.

As can be seen from the representation of the Time-Trace-Monitor edited by me in (Fig.17), the values of the roll motion representation correspond to the representation of the parametric roll for the periods I have marked. This can be easily reconstructed. However, it seems that no notice was taken of it on board or if they were observed, the wrong conclusions were resulted.

According to the calculations of the ship's internal loading and stability program, the roll angle amplitude was given as 11.7°. Which I personally think is too small. I totally agree with the captain. 15° - 20° roll angle amplitude under the predicted sea conditions, the course and speed selection are realistic values. I would go even further and assume 25° roll angle amplitude in extreme situations.

In retrospect, the calculations by Bureau Veritas showed that the critical roll angle amplitude was 16.5°, based on the roll period determined. It may now be asked where these differences between the stability program on board and the calculation of the BV come from. After all, there is a difference of 5°, which is already considerable.

But even if the ship's command had only referred to OCTOPUS in their decisions, it is not understandable why no decisions were made. Because if all OCTOPUS data windows had been carefully observed, you should have been alarmed when evaluating the "Time-Trace-Display".

Since I am well acquainted with the INTERSCHALT programs "seacos MACS3" and "BELCO". In the past I had have lively discussions with Interschalt because of incomprehensible calculations that involved calculations of bending moments and shear forces which did not follow any logic. It would be reasonably to clarify and interesting to know how the differences between the stability program on board by Interschalt and the calculation by BV come about.

We know that nothing is impossible at sea, so a worst case scenario should always be integrated into the considerations. However, this risk can be minimized by correct assessment of the situation using ALL possible internal and external analysis sources by the captain and the team of bridge officers and by consequent decisions by the ship's command (Risk assessment).

If interpreted correctly, the development should have been carefully observed from January 19, 16:00 lt, since it can also be seen that the parameter for parametric roll remained constant at or above 80% and the assumption that it could increase further, more than would have been justified. At the latest if the shift from automatic rudder control to manual control was urgent required, the Captain would had have to react and consequent alter course and reduce speed. Anyone who does not understand how to interpret these signs must then put up with the question of how it is with qualified seamanship, ship handling, nautically competence ship and analytical skills. Both the Captain and Chief Mate were not inexperienced seafarers. Did the routine prevail over diligence here?

What does "familiarization" mean?

 The question arises as to whether the ship's leading team and the navigation officers fully recognized what statements in OCTOPUS are included and what its representations are supposed to say. This then coincides with the following statement in the investigation report:

 “The master and his bridge team were familiar with, but did not fully understand the functionality of the ship’s motion monitoring, forecasting and decision support tool and, as a result, did not appreciate the imminent risk of parametric roll.” (Source UK MAIB 02/2020, Page 59)

All of this indicates why the situation was completely misjudged, and consequently there were no consequent decisions, which in the subsequent events resulted in the collapse of Bays 18/54/58.

 And it raises the question, how far can belief in technology go?

The captain and chief officer were experienced officers, why did they rely on OCTOPUS alone and did not remember their nautical skills?

 Experienced seafarers feel, from the motions of the ship, that a situation could arise that could create dangers and lead to clear decisions in order to counter and prevent the risk of emerging dangers. Sea state analyzes, analyzes of roll and pitch amplitudes are possible with simple means on board. These are nautical basics. Stopwatch and clinometer, the view outside, radar observation in 3 cm radar (see Fig. 5) a small range (0.75 nm - 3 nm), with radar settings in manual mode, which is a user-optimized setting of sea and rain disturbances , as well as gain, tune and IR (interference rejection), the auto mode is unsuitable for this purpose, provide valuable information that enables good situation assessments.

The principle of anticipatory action in our decisions as captains will be not substituted by technology . These are assistance systems that are intended to support decision-making and can be very helpful. That presupposes that we know how to use them to their full extent. The combination of experience, nautical hand craft and technical assistance systems gives us as captains the opportunity to make solid decisions at all times and thus help to avert danger. We just have to use them!

It should be remembered. That every crew member has to carry out a familiarization with all safety, security and technical systems when they come aboard of a new ship. This is a requirement of the safety management system (ISM). This must also be kept on record and must be signed by the new crew member. Everyone knows the processes on board and knows that often in the short port stay times during the change of crews, only an introduction to the most important security elements is possible, which the predecessor has to carry out with his new on-signing crew member. So it is perforce that the instruction is superficial. This does not release the new crew from having to familiarize himself with the conditions and locations on board, the technical systems and their possible uses after departure of the port, during the crossing. Especially when you are confronted for the first time with a new system on board with which you have never worked before.

 System instruction courses according to STCW 95 / Manila 2010 and manufacturer guidelines

 What does the instruction in new technical, software and IT systems for the bridge personnel include, which is usually carried out by the manufacturer on behalf of the customer?

The courses offered vary in length from 1 to 3 days, maximum 5 days. The required compulsory test, often designed as a multiple choice test, in order to obtain the course certificates, concludes these further training courses. If the test is passed because the test is so designed to of course guarantee success, the corresponding participation certificates will be issued.

This means that there is a certificate for the completion of a course and is then recognized as familiarization, but a certificate of participation does not guarantee that the participant has really apprehended the complex content of new technical, software and IT solutions.

At the latest since the marine casualties, which were triggered by the improper handling of ECDIS and thus made clear that an unrestricted use of all menus in all possible uses is not possible due to the instruction courses offered, since it is a very complex system, what also an profound practical application requires, it should be known that a certificate does not produce a specialist.

 If I quote the above-mentioned quotation, which is documented in the investigation report, then I must determine that the officers and the captain did not fully understand the use of OCTOPUS on board and that a thorough assessment of the situation was therefore not possible and is one cause of the events what did take place. In so far the question of training methodology and didactics in the system instructions arises, if it has been carried out.

To make it even clearer:

I understand under familiarization that technical systems and software solutions can be used to their full extent without restriction! Everything else is eye wiping.

How technical systems shall help on the bridge if I don't even know how to use it without restrictions?

Here we come to the limits of the repeatedly praised course system according to STCW 95 / Manila 2010 and it reveals some gaps which, incidentally, have been subject to criticism for a long time and which apparently are not liked to be noted.

It also becomes apparent that after the handing out of certificates, the will to get to know a new system in its full depth seems to be left behind somewhere. But this is absolutely necessary to deal with the systems and to train them on the practical handling with the help of the operational manual, to explore the limits of use. And to train yourself practically. This is very easy to manage on board.

It has always been one of my main demands on myself and the bridge officers to be able to use all systems without restrictions. Those who were not able to do this had to deal with it. That applies to me as well as to every officer. I was always able to provide my bridge officers with the necessary support, because I have an advanced technical knowledge of such systems, which I cannot necessarily assume for others, but it enables me to explain incomprehensible technical details to them easily. Who still takes the time today for that?


What are the conclusions to be drawn from this case?

1.     Basically, weather routing recommendations should not be blindly incorporated into voyage planning. The time must be taken to check these with all available EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL resources and to revise them if necessary. It is important to keep in mind that route recommendations are no orders. They are recommendations, can be adapted or even rejected if necessary and can be replaced by the ship's command with your own route suggestions based on other or more recent findings. A close exchange with the weather routing service is of course necessary for this.

 2.     Conventional traditional weather and sea monitoring should definitely be implemented on board, no matter what time. They are an important element to record the weather situation based on the options available on board (barograph, wind measurement, sea state analysis visually and / or with 3 cm radar, dew point determination, visual evaluation of weather events). This give the opportunity compare the own collected data with the received weather data and surface analysis and sea state forecasts , which allows a rough determination of one's own position in a printing system and thus also enables possible timely necessary route corrections.

 3.     The ship's command should insist that the bridge watch officers compare and evaluate all available external resources how periodically received weather faxes (recommended every 6 hours or according to schedule), NAVTEX, route analyzes of the weather routing service to be received, to get an updated overview about the weather situation. An absolutely must, especially when underway in bad weather areas.

 4.     The ship's command and navigation officers must be able to use technical bridge monitoring assistance systems on board to analyze the ship's movements in their entirety. This means that comprehensive instruction in technical systems must amount to having them ready for practical use. Care should always be taken to compare the recorded parameters of technical systems, following the basic nautical rule, with the real observed ambient values as a further analysis option.

5.     Despite versatile technical assistance systems on the bridge, the traditional professional nautical virtues are not obsolete. Assistance systems are systems to help decision-making for the ship's command. They should be used to support decisions, but they do not relieve the ship leading team of decisions that are based on solid nautical expertise, experience, good seamanship, well ship handling and consistent decision-making ability.

6.     The parametric roll, especially in container shipping, is not tied to ship sizes. VLCV and ULCV are also exposed to this resonance phenomenon and can therefore get into considerable difficulties. Basically, it is the duty of the ship's command to comply with the IMO guidelines available on board and normally implemented within the safety management system:

  •   IMO Resolution A.893 (21) "GUIDELINES FOR VOYAGE PLANNING"
  • SOLAS 74, Chapter V, Safe navigation, Regulation 34: “Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations”, Regulation 34-1: Masters discretion

 as valuable analysis tools to be able to assessment of the risk of parametric roll and to revise route plans if required.

7.     When determining the occurrence of the dangers of parametric roll using the analysis tools, the appropriate countermeasures such as course changes and / or speed changes must be implemented in a timely, comprehensive and consequent manner. MSC.1/Circ.1228, is a valuable decision-making aid to be used by the ship's command.

8.     Basically, when parametric roll occurs, it must always be expected that the ship's steering ability will be considerably restricted. It is therefore strongly advised if there are signs that the autopilot system is no longer able to follow automated rudder orders, to shift immediately to manual control. It is then advisable to initiate consequently course alterations / speed reductions in order to stabilize the situation.

9.     It must be emphasized that there are no patent recipe to avoid parametric rolling. Neither is there any guarantee that cargo loss and damage can't be prevented if you are exposed to parametric rolling. However, the risk of being affected can be minimized by following the IMO recommendations and the generally applicable nautical principles of navigation in heavy weather. Nothing else means making timely and consequent preventive decisions that prevent to enter in such a danger zone or to initiating decisive course alterations / speed changes when entering such danger zones, which minimize the opportunity for parametric roll.

10. Sticking to predefined routes is completely out of place when driving in bad weather, since it is primarily about ensuring ship and cargo safety. However, this is only possible with a qualified situation analysis using all resources. Route optimizations for bad weather driving must have the goal of guaranteeing maximum safety, even if larger detours have to be accepted and not that will be looked for the shortest route. The complete avoidance of large bad weather areas is often impossible. As a navigator, the best solution for me is the nautical solution that gives me the good feeling that I can pass bad weather areas without major problems. These standards should also apply to the weather routing service, which presupposes that navigators with many years of experience on board, at least former senior officers, act as consultants for the Captains. This is exactly where the point of minds seem to be divorcing today.

11. It must be worked on that understanding for the basics of parametric roll, its effects and consequences and the countermeasures derived from it for navigation officers and for the ship's command in the nautical training / further education must be intensified. In order to enable bridge teams to execute successfully actions. the knowledge in all questions of parametric roll is often inadequate for navigation officers and must be sharpened. This is a sad practical experience.

12. Cargo and stowage planning should always be geared to the expected weather and sea conditions by the ship's command. It must also always be taken into account that the conditions at sea can change very quickly. This means that, as far as possible, you should try to avoid pushing the maximum limits of the stability criteria, but always reserve yourself reserves. Captains and load officers must be aware that all stability criteria and calculated values for cargo securing are statically mathematically considered inside defined limit values. There are no static stability values at sea, they are dynamic. That is why we also speak about dynamic stability. They are subject to permanent changes in their environment and change depending on the state of the ship in the sea. So you always have to take into account that the calculated values can be exceeded in reality by far. Stack weights, lash forces, torsion, bending moments and shear forces in particular are subject to enormous fluctuations in strong roll and pitch movements. The extreme acceleration of lifting / racking forces and container stacks can briefly exceed the limit values of the lashing material (minimum break load) and thus collapse. In extreme cases, values with acceleration forces of up to 8 g have been determined. High ship speeds cause additional increasing stress factors, speed reduction is able to significantly reduce these stress factors. So use the means of speed reduction if necessary. Safety has to come before speed.

13. Load officers and captains are required to consistently enforce stowage and cargo securing in accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) against cargo planners and charterers. Check your cargo plans conscientiously and do not compromise. Demand consequent rescheduling where the necessary stability and safety criteria are not met. In common practice, Prestow plans are sent as BAPlies on board in advance of port calls in order to solve problematic cases before entering the port. This allows recommendations for changes under consideration of the ship side. Make extensive use of it, be cooperative and offer competent solutions. Good cargo planners are grateful to you for this, since the planning software ashore and aboard often differ in their orientations and we aboard work with the current ballast and with current bunker conditions. Never it should be forgotten that Captain and load officer are responsible for the safety of the cargo on board and not the stowage planner on land. You have the right to refuse cargo if security for stability, ship and cargo cannot be guaranteed despite all attempts to find solutions (SOLAS 74 Chapter XI-2, Regulation 8 and 8.1.)

14. Every accident is based on error chains that, in the case of unfavorable constellations, lead to negative events, i.e. accidents, when several factors meet. In seafaring, too, it is finally urgent necessary, as has long been the norm in aviation, not to be guided solely by the approach of people when analyzing accidents. Unfortunately, blaming everything on human error is not useful. In the past, I have clearly pointed out in some articles about human error that this approach cannot be maintained.

James Reason, British psychologist, who intensively researched in examination reports to major disasters, differentiates between four error areas of systems:

  • Organizational influences
  • Supervision
  • Preconditions
  • Specific actions

To make a further division here:

  • Latent errors, (that means as much as they are present, but do not yet appear, they are not immediately visible or can be detected). These are mistakes that were made long before an adverse event at the management and organizational level before they lead to the accident together with unfavorable circumstances and unsafe actions by individual people (active failure).
  • Active errors are errors that, in contrast to latent errors, are usually immediately visible and go hand in hand with the performance of the personnel (operation, action, decision)

Reason's approach is to look at the causes of accidents at their origins and not to reduce them to the obvious mistakes that caused the accident. Misconduct and unsafe actions with the consequences of an accident are rather symptoms of much deeper reasons that led to such actions.

This international recognized method of accident investigation developed by James Reason (art of the planned procedure) is  known as the Swiss-Cheese-Model.

(Source: James Reason: The Contribution of Latent Human Failures to the Breakdown of Complex Systems. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. Band 327, Nr. 1241, 12. April 1990, S. 475–484)

My personal conclusion

In my personal conclusion and my own analysis of the events on “CMA CGM G. Washington”, I can only summarize that this marine casualty would have been avoidable if the ship's command followed all the points I made in the conclusions. It is also a consequence of the fact that only technical tools were relied on which, due to the lack of knowledge in the application, were not used sufficiently and at the same time the basics of "navigation in heavy weather" were neglected. If one had followed nautical basics, this accident would not have occurred.

The somewhat longer comments in my analysis served to clarify, the goal that if a comprehensive assessment of the situation based on independently available resources had been carried out, it would certainly have led to successful countermeasures.

“The risk of parametric rolling was not identified by the master or his bridge team because they were unaware of the full capabilities of the decision support tool, and therefore were unaware of its predictions.“ (source UK MAIB 02/2020, page 1)

 This is only one cause, and one might think it was the main cause in a long chain of erroneous actions, processes, decisions for the final events. However, this is the wrong approach. It all started with the cargo planning and the container stowage in Xiamen and its predecessor ports. All events in the right context, which met at the escalation point on the night of January 20, 2018 in a conceivably unfavorable constellation, caused this event. This did lead to incorrect risk and situation assessments and consequently to inadequate decisions and thus to subsequent events with cargo loss and cargo damage.

 ? Copyright 2020, Capt. Gunter Schütze. Replication or redistribution in whole or in part is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent by Capt. M.Eng. Gunter Schütze






Heikko Graeber

Aviation Engineering/Maintenance Consultant

4 年

Very interesting report, also for non-seamen

Sven Kriedemann

Master / OIM / DRILLING / DP / FPSO / Oil & Gas

4 年

I wonder if nowadays cargo securing in port as well as daily lashing maintenance at sea is taken as sérios as should be. This requires full time input of Officers and Crew in port and at sea ! Dont rely on the stevedors !

Peter Grunau

Marine Training Consultant bei UMTC

4 年

Hi Gunter Excellent Statement. ??????


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