Building on the seminal work of Galileo and Newton, Einstein, in a ground-breaking scientific fashion, revealed the core role of beautiful LOCAL SYMMETRY in Nature, i.e., the cosmos. This local, holistic, core organizing feature of Nature has far-reaching consequences with respect to creating a prosperous future for people and planet long term.

“Based on our experiences so far, we have reason to be confident that nature is the realization of the simplest conceivable mathematical concept.” - Albert Einstein (On the Method of Theoretical Physics, 10 June 1933, Author translation)

“Science makes people reach selflessly for truth and objectivity; it teaches people to accept reality, with wonder and admiration, not to mention the deep awe and joy that the natural order of things brings to the true scientist.” - Lise Meitner (Lecture, Austrian UNESCO Commission, 30 Mar 1953)


Albert Einstein’s genius was to scientifically demonstrate that the LOCAL LAWS of Nature (the cosmos) are the same, i.e., symmetric, everywhere and all the time. Accordingly, all LOCAL OBSERVERS (coordinate systems, reference frames) are on an equal footing, are symmetric, as everyone—independent of one’s state of motion—recognizes the same (symmetric) local laws of Nature.

That way, Einstein also, on a most fundamental level, revealed scientifically that LOCAL SYMMETRY is the core feature, the core principle, or scheme, concept of Nature, i.e., of the cosmos (Greek for “order”).

Symmetry is purely mathematical, as it equates, via the equal sing, two aspects that can, to our senses, even appear to be different. Symmetry stands for harmony, balance, unity, simplicity, equivalence and invariance (no change) and wholeness, as symmetry is binary, and the second aspect, in relation to the first aspect, mathematically denotes the ADDITIONAL, which has no end and hence also encompasses infinity. That way, local symmetry is the most abstract, general (all-encompassing) and hence simple statement scientist have discovered as the principle that describes Nature, the cosmos. The primary character of locality comes from the structural fact that the first aspect, in relation to the second aspect, is small, concise, precise and consequently LOCAL. This allows Nature to self-organize in a self-similar fashion.

Accordingly, as Einstein realized that symmetry is Nature’s fundamental, primordial, timeless and space-independent premise, he originally wanted to call his theory of special relativity INVARIANCE THEORY, to denote the central role of symmetry (see “Warped Passage” by Lisa Randall, 2006, p.89).

“Einstein’s great advance in 1905 was to put symmetry first, to regard the symmetry principle as the primary feature of nature …” - David Gross (The role of symmetry in fundamental physics, PNAS, vol.93 no.25, 10 December 1996, p. 14256)

“... Albert Einstein (...) brought a new style into thinking about Nature’s fundamental principles. For Einstein beauty, in the specific form of symmetry, takes on a life of its own. Beauty becomes a creative principle.” - Frank Wilczek (A Beautiful Question, 2015, p.199)

Via the subsequent, seminal work on the core role of symmetry in Nature by mathematician Emmy Noether, a contemporary of Einstein, Einstein’s revolutionary finding was not only confirmed, but it later on also allowed quantum physicists to discover that local symmetry is central with respect to the non-gravitational interactions as well, and hence injects causation into the cosmos. Nature’s local laws spring from local symmetry.

“…mathematical analysis (…) without this language (…) we should forever have been ignorant of the internal harmony of the world, which is, we shall see, the only true objective reality. The best expression of this harmony is law (…) we (…) should be astonished at nature’s regularity (…) The world is divine because it has harmony.” - Henri Poincaré (The Foundations of Science; The Value of Science, p.99, 2022)

“From our modern perspective, symmetries are the foundation from which laws spring.” -Brian Greene (as quoted in Symmetry Rules by Joe Rosen, 2010, p.VIII)

“Nature’s rules are not arbitrary; they are dictated by the same general principle of symmetry and are linked in an organic whole.” - Anthony Zee (Fearful Symmetry, 2007, p.17)

The scientific discovery of the core role of local symmetry began with Galileo, and since then, for centuries, this fact has been confirmed time and again via countless scientific experiments.

“Symmetry: The Essential Organizing Principle” - Lisa Randall (Warped Passages, 2006, p.190)

“... the language has been learned - whatever new answers are found, and deeper questions spawned, about the universe or its mathematical fabric, at the center will be symmetry.” -Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, p.289)


I believe, we are heading for a huge, global problem—be it with respect to the environment, health, the financial system, etc. It has to do, I think, with how Nature is configurated—that is, as explained above, its core organizing feature is LOCAL symmetry (harmony, balance) and NOT GLOBAL symmetry.

The difference in approach is stark, far-reaching and has consequences: Obviously, because if one long-term behaves in contradiction to the workings of the system (Nature, i.e., the cosmos) that one is part of, it will cause mounting problems.

?“… local symmetry is what’s essential.” - Frank Wilczek?(A Beautiful Question, 2015, p.207; note: bold Author)

Currently, we have a socio-economic system that is predominantly organized in a global fashion, and some people argue it should get even more global (centralized).

Let’s see what physics says what unnatural global symmetry (global governance) would mean in theory if it were the core principle of Nature (the cosmos):

“With global symmetry you have to make the same switch everywhere and everywhen, and instead of infinitely many independent symmetries you have just one lockstep version.”- Frank Wilczek (The Lightness of Being, 2010, p.70)

Again: Nature is configurated based on LOCAL SYMMETRY (wholeness), not GLOBAL SYMMETRY, because global symmetry does not work for a number of reasons, one of them being that it is not effective and efficient, and from physicists like Einstein—who, like no one before, scientifically demonstrated that LOCAL SYMMETRY is central in Nature, i.e., in the cosmos—we know that you cannot be simultaneously everywhere due to the speed of light (the speed with which information can travel through empty space) is constant (limited). So, to attempt to govern globally is in stark contradiction to how holistic, self-similar Nature, our home, works.

Smart Nature, based on simple, holistic LOCAL symmetry, works like this:

“…local symmetry dictates what you must do, every step of the way.” - Frank Wilczek (The Lightness of Being, 2010, p.72)

This does sound totalitarian, but it is not. Why? Because local symmetry values every little aspect of the entire system! And there are infinite event points in the spacetime continuum, and each point is enriched with infinitely many possibilities or qubits.

“... our deepest understanding of reality (...) requires many qubits at each point in space and time. (...) the world is the tremendous multiple infinity of qubits (…) The space which we must use to describe (…) our world, brings in infinities of infinities.” - Frank Wilczek (The Lightness of Being, 2010, p.119-120)

So, each point, or individual, Nature treats as equally important and gives every point or every individual the same (locally symmetric) access to infinity (possibility space) or creative potential.

In order to be able to use creativity, based on infinity, constructively and locally, there need to be rules: these are the LOCAL LAWS OF NATURE, that are locally symmetric, i.e., the same everywhere and all the time. AGAIN: not because of some global (centralized) governing institution, but because LOCAL SYMMETRY is both holistic (has access to infinity) and the central organizing principle of Nature.

That way, as stated before, LOCAL SYMMETRY can self-organize in a self-similar fashion, and it is the only way, Nature informs us, to be holistic, i.e., to evolve as a harmonious global system long term.


By Nature, the local individual is FREE, has access to infinity, to creative potential, and has the right to implement this creativity. This is NATURAL LAW. In addition to this unalienable right, Nature provides the guidelines with respect to how to implement this creativity to get support from the whole system itself.

“It is important to foster individuality for only the individual can produce the new ideas.” -Albert Einstein (Einstein’s message for the Ben Scheman dinner, March 1952, AEA 28-931)

So, yes, there are rules, because otherwise one cannot organize. But these rules honor the individual and are meant to help the individual develop his/her potential in a way that benefits the entire system of equally precious individuals (humans, insects, animals, microorganisms, etc.).

AND since creativity is based on infinity, applying the same rules everywhere all the time, will lead to diversity, not global uniformity (or industrially managed monocultures and hence mounting imbalances).

For the sake of humanity and your children, I do urge you to take this seriously. Global governance can very likely only lead to corruption (excessive lobbying taking over), i.e., imbalances, mounting systematic problems or distortions, because primarily global governance (global symmetry) is so out of touch with how the system, i.e., Nature, even the infinite universe works.


Given that local symmetry is holistic, it becomes obvious that even consciousness is part of Nature’s harmony.

Famed mathematician Henri Poincaré, another contemporary of Einstein, was very clear on that:

“Does the harmony the human intelligence thinks it discovers in nature exist outside of this intelligence? No, beyond doubt, a reality completely independent of the mind which conceives it, sees or feels it, is an impossibility. A world as exterior as that, even if it existed, would for us be forever inaccessible. What we call objective reality is, in the last analysis, what is common to many thinking beings, and could be common to all; this common part, we shall see, can only be the harmony expressed by mathematical laws. It is this harmony then which is the sole objective reality, the only truth we can attain; and when I add that the universal harmony of the world is the source of all beauty, it will be understood what price we should attach to the slow and difficult progress which little by little enables us to know it better.” - Henri Poincaré (The Foundations of Science; The Value of Science, p.99, 2022)

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” - Max Planck (Interview in The Observer; 25 January 1931, p.17, column 3)

In the essay “Relativity and the Problem of Space” in the German version of his book “Relativity”, Einstein points out (p.96, 2009):

1)????It is the concept of the field and not matter that is regarded to be more fundamental.

2)????The psyche plays a crucial part in detecting context of causality.

3)????A world view that tries to gain understanding by merely focusing on matter (particles) is “materialistic” and ignores that the field is more fundamental.

Local symmetry that unites the aspects of ONENESS (aspect #1) and INFINITY (aspect #2) is exactly that: a wholeness, or field concept of infinite potential, i.e., an amazing self-awareness, which can be seen as the quantum state of the universe where infinite possibilities are tried out simultaneously:

“The quantum state of the universe is like a book that contains answers to an infinite variety of questions.” - Murray Gell-Mann (The Quark and the Jaguar, 1994 p.11)

?“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a spirit vastly superior to that of man...” - Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein’s Letter to Phyllis, 1936)

“Consciousness unites everything (…) The play of consciousness is infinite, but there is unity holding the play together.” - Deepak Chopra (Metahuman, 2019, p.337)

“… mind is always now ...” - Erwin Schr?dinger (as quoted in Quantum Questions, edited by Ken Wilber, 2001, p.89)

Consequently, our understanding, our awareness of the reality we live in matters, since it determines if we are in tune with the overall system, i.e., Nature. So, our current predicament that we have created is both spiritual as well as a scientific one, since we do not, in general, take the central, local and harmonious principle of Nature, of reality seriously.

Our global or imperialistic economic model, the global-first mindset, which is out of touch with Nature’s harmonious order, has already created enormous problems/imbalances on all levels—for centuries even.

As a consequence, e.g., our healthy soil is being destroyed. Healthy soil, the very foundation of life, contains billions of microorganisms and countless nutrients, which should not come as a surprise when you consider that local symmetry has access to infinity. To keep infinity whole, Nature uses cycles via the notion of circularity, because one can locally rotate a circle infinitely many times without causing change to the shape. The circle is highly symmetric in a local fashion, and in the cyclic form, it also allows for interactions and hence evolution to take place at the same time. That way, Nature, very intelligently (effectively and efficiently), based on simple LOCAL SYMMETRY, builds its global, holistic, creative unity-network, which is OUR HOME.

But our global, linear economic model destroys the very foundation of life: our healthy soil, and as a consequence, other levels of existence and increasingly disconnects, separates individuals from Nature, from each other and hence from themselves, too. ?Because, holistic local symmetry, i.e., harmony, is based on the concept of relationship, as science revealed:

“Science, in other words, is a system of relations (…) it is relations alone which can be regarded as objective. (…) It is this bond (…) which is the object in itself, and this bond is a relation.” - Henri Poincaré (The Foundations of Science; The Value of Science, p.163, 2022)

This again demonstrates that human society, too, is a system of relationships, of countless local symmetries, and these are vital, since Nature’s core feature of local symmetry is based on the equal sign, the fundamental relation that makes all a holistic whole.

“Symmetry intimately involves the most basic of mathematical concepts: equivalence. When two things are the same thing, or equivalent, in mathematics, we say that they are equal, and we use the ubiquitous = sign.” - Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, pp.14-15)


You cannot, as global leaders tend to do frequently, blame the mounting catastrophes on the billions of people, because the problem underpinning these interconnected issues (environmental, societal, financial, psychological, regarding health, etc.) is the primarily global mindset of a very few that—while ignoring holistic warnings for centuries—continues to generate profits short-term for the 1 percent of the population that way. So, ideas like globally tracking the carbon footprint of every individual consumer on the planet is not in line with Nature. It is a very unnatural diversion from the real, multi-layered problem that the global mindset continuous to create (like climate change, i.e., pollution, mass-extinction of many species, or inflation, social injustice, geopolitically motivated wars, etc.).

If you want to track something, then use AI to track what the few global players actually do locally to help to promote Nature’s very own central principle of self-organization via strong local communities based on well-informed and empowered individuals. One can use AI to monitor how Nature is doing, how regenerative farming is blossoming so that local farmers (including indigenous people) can make a living, provide for their children, celebrate their local cultures and be good stewards of Nature and the future.


“It is our belief that this way of thinking, with which science both liberates and confines us, should be taught in our schools from kindergarten through high school (…) to prepare and guide the graduate for all possible futures. And symmetry, the framework upon which our scientific canvases are stretched, will add the aesthetic, the priceless flashes of clarity (…) try to see how symmetries mold our thoughts and equations (…) and the beauty and elegance of the universe in which we live.” - Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, p.95)

“The choice, therefore, is stark – collapse into a new dark age or move to a new Organizing System that allows us to flourish in a new Age of Freedom.” - James Arbib & Tony Seba (Rethinking Humanity, 2020, p.6)

So, please, take local symmetry seriously. If we want to create, i.e., organize ourselves as a global society in a way that is in harmony with how the overall system, i.e., Nature, or the infinite cosmos works, then we will have to respect the natural order provided by Nature’s central organizing principle of local symmetry that puts LOCAL FIRST & GLOBAL SECOND.

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