Nature - the Universal Teacher
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Nature - the Universal Teacher


1. An article in LinkedIn by Pradeep Kumar titled, 'Stairway to Freedom' (link below) prompted me to write this article on what he intended to be – Knowledge and personality development. It is by way of Kundalini experience. Even, I did not know that nature is our teacher, till retirement in December 2002. The life was smooth till retirement, but there was sudden transformation with high turbulence within body guided by destiny. What was supposed to be a miserable end, culminated into entry into unknown world, the Kingdom of God. I was caught unawares of this, which I never intended to be. It was a spontaneous development. This was due to accidental entry into Yoga, after retirement, which awakened Kundalini Power unconsciously. I was caught unawares, but Vedanta says that nothing happens by accident.


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1.1 Conventional knowledge, which earns alms for man is essential, but it has no relation to one's own behavioural tendencies (nature). It is all about inborn nature that we are all bestowed with, by invisible God (nameless and formless) by birth, our evolutionary status. God is a phenomenon, only One, and he is our Higher Self. He appears as invisible mind (Maya), source of all knowledge. What is not known to many of us, is that he resides at heart centre - Anahata (close to human heart) of invisible and subtle unknowable, but experienceable body, we call Soul. ??Subtle Body

1.2 It envelops physical body as Aura. Soul is illuminated by God to give expression to entire body. Just by HIS mere presence, Soul (the Kundalini Power – material energy - ???????) dissolves into Self at ripe time.

1.3 Every object is evolving Soul. God has no preferences to anybody. Every Soul is evolving to dissolve into Self at various transcendental states of nature, going by Universal Laws of matter. The nature decides behavioural tendencies. The Ultimate state is the true nature of God, the existence bliss, free of Ego (SAT CHIT). Sages of yore have set this as goal for man to evolve, namely realization of God.

1.4 We are all ensouled in sacred Mother's womb by God weeks after conception, which gives illumination or Consciousness to foetus. But it comes with backlog, the reserve material energy for lifetime, which we are supposed to redeem by way activity, we call Karma. Born as human at highest transcendental state, the time is ripe for us to experience God, our creator. Good deeds neutralize Karma and bring us close to God, and bad deeds accumulate to bring us back to netherworld (rebirth). We are caught in cycle of births and deaths over ages, and having been born as human, we are at highest transcendental state to realize God.

1.5 But we have no control on our destiny, and it is essential to know about the mysterious life which goes by God’s will or MANAS. ?Everything happens in unconscious zone (metaphysics), and none of us are guilty of any of our vices, and can take pride on virtues.

1.6 It is Ego that owns the virtues. We should ensure that we keep our Ego subdued, so that it does not turn into arrogance. The means is to surrender to God, losing proprietorship, which Yoga teaches. Egotistical arrogance closes all doors for Self-knowledge and results in self-destruction..

Supreme Self or God – a phenomenon – scriptural wisdom

2. Supreme Self (God), is a sub-atomic potency shrouding Ultimate Truth. It is called Universal Consciousness (ādhyātma – ????????) or MANAS or subtle mind. It becomes ‘Embodied Self’ and gives expression to everything in existence (animate and inanimate), in material Universe.

2.1 It characterizes Heavenly medium (space), the constitution being Elastic Ether with sub-sonic content of AUM (?). It envelops entire Universe. There is no disconnect. It is called Supreme Soul. The soul gives expression or EGO or I-ness to every object ranging from from small particles to huge planetary systems including Sun God, Moon, and Mother Earth and its inhabitants on land oceans and sky. Humanity is no exception.

2.2 God and Ultimate Truth (core) are two different things. Core is nothingness, but co-exists with God (all knower) as sense or experiencer or all-knowing within body, unknowable. He is not attached. God gives birth to entire Universe through Supreme Soul or Heavenly medium. It is core, so near yet so far, that becomes the only sense in the body, deluded as if engaged in activity. Realization of God means disengaging from activity, while the activity goes on, and to become witness. It goes by Universal Laws of Nature. All laws of thermodynamics are applicable.

What is nature?

3.0 At the core, enveloping every object (Aura), is Divine Soul. Hence, divinity is built into everything in existence. It is Consciousness or illumination infused into us in Mother’s womb, expressing the body, we are embalmed in. It functions as ‘artificial Ego’ (I-maker). It is basic substratum (Elastic Ether) on which there is a grey material layer in various grades, which presents us perceptual world on mind screen, unique our own. It is synthesis within, through perceptual sensors built into the body, we call nature. As within so without meaning, everything what we see as outside world in reality happens within the body, we call field of activity or nature.

3.1 Artificial Ego functions as perceptual entity (gross mind as we see the world when we open our eyes) with worldly impressions, engaged in activity. Five sensors, namely gyroscopic eyes (vision), tongue (taste), nostrils (smell), skin (touch), eardrums (hearing); are built into the body. Nothing beyond is required to perceive and experience the world. All communication is by speech, the sensor for which is also embedded into the body (vocal cords). There can be no expression to any of these sensors without Soul, and soul is expression of Universal Self.

?3.2 The body is therefore instrument of world. Scriptures confirm that it is invisible Angel (Prak?ti – ??????? in Sanskrit) functioning as Soul, that becomes transcendental personality within perceptual body, we call instrument of world in layer 2. It becomes instrument of Universe in layer 1 (cosmic zone), beyond its tenure on Mother Earth. The hghest transcendental state happens when Mother Angel dissolves in to Soul, shedding material layer. This state is called (Puru?a – ?????? in Sanskrit) or Ultimate Personality (Puru?othama - ?????????? in Sanskrit).

3.3 It is comprehensible to only human species by wisdom bestowed by God, to all believers of God, existing within them at heart centre. All others (animate and inanimate) take beaten path, bending to God’s will till they are withdrawn, deluded, without knowing the purpose of life.

3.4 The spiritual intellect (Aj?a Chakra - eyebrow centre) is part of Soul, and it is Mother of all arts, sciences, trades, and knowledge; more importantly, the Self-knowledge. Hence, take any discipline, the knowledge comes from subtle body, we call nature. The teacher is none other than God himself.

Nature of God

4.0 Man dwells in a body made of divine soul, we call Puru?a or transcendental personality. He is born in universal mother’s womb, with consciousness infused into him soon after conception, with three-fold material nature (Prak?ti - ???????). They are:

a. Sattva (light and purity): Persons born with this nature are highly illuminating and empower others to deliver their best. They hold no opinion about others. Ego bends to such people.

b. Rajas (activity and passion): Persons born with this nature are highly passionate and get themselves engaged in infrastructure development. They look after themselves and people working with them. They are sattva predominant.

c. Tamas (darkness and inertia): Persons born with such nature are highly selfish. They put themselves above others and are highly critical about everything what others do. Some of them are very cruel.

4.1 Infinite humanity is born with mix only these three qualities. But these are material qualities, super imposition on one’s true nature, that of Soul (Silence). Everything happens within the field of activity bound by space (individual Consciousness). Nothing happens outside the individual, as within so without.

4.2 The all-knowing of the field - its experiencer, is unnamed and unknowable, not his image (energy body) as he sees himself in the mirror. He remains detached with everything that happens on its own, based on sensory perceptions with no perceptions his own. Gender is an illusion.

4.3 The nature is expression of Soul, and therefore everything in nature can be termed as Nature of God. Scriptures confirm this. All activities in perceptual world go by the in-born nature, we call Prarabdha Karma. Born as human, with fruits earned in the ongoing activities, man either realizes God or his true nature, or comes back to netherworld to redeem Karma.

4.4 But life is mysterious. It is always better to lead life losing proprietorship and following scriptural injunctions, to lead harmonious life. They are listed as yamas (social restrictions) and niyamas (self-discipline) in Yoga. They appear as commandments in Holy Bible and Holy Quran. There is no place for hatred. It leads to self-destruction.

4.5 Sattva predominant people are qualified to realize God, and if not in the ongoing term, it happens in next life with all conditions favouring them. Scriptures confirm this. Otherwise also, Self-knowledge puts man above all guilt, and brings peace to the individual. It helps man tread Divine path.

Realization of God

5. Man is spiritual (making of his mind) by birth but unaware. Close to death, when the spirit prepares to disembody to recycle (re-birth), it creates inexpressible turbulence in human psyche in those who are Sattva predominant but tainted by some Tamasic qualities. Such feature is called Malina Sattva.

5.1 While disembodying, the spirit asserts that it is everything in nature and grounds EGO of the individual. It fumes poison into his mind bringing back evil traits if any, he experienced in the past. They include five enemies of mind namely: Kama (passion), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (infatuation or delusion or confusion), Mada (pride), Matsarya (jealousy). It will be close to disaster threatening very existence of man.

5.2 When Ego is grounded, it is spiritual intellect that takes over, and dwells on causes for turmoil, and if all conditions favour, a realized guru comes within the space as higher awareness and helps those who are close to realization, a near death experience. Realized guru is no different from Embodied Self or God. He tells the invisible individual that, born as human in a vehicle of consciousness, he is immutable witness in the body.

5.3 He advises him to invoke dormant power within him to meditate on Self. All meditation exercises that Yoga suggests go into routine and brings all activities to conscious zone, This awakens spirit, Mother Angel, or Kundalini power, which expands plasma, and destroys material layer to transcend three-fold material nature.

5.4 This happens to all those who have faith in God and Sattva predominant. Those who think that they are power their own, can never realize God.

5.5 When man dies natural death or by accident, disembodiment takes place after death, to come back to recycle. If the death is in criminal environment, the spirit might come back to take revenge.

Scriptural References

6. Bhagavad-Gita

Verse 1

Behold my extraordinary and unparalleled majestic transcendental opulence; My omniscient Self is maintainer of all living entities and protector of all living entities but never influenced by them or by material nature. Understand just as mighty wind blowing everywhere is always situated within space, similarly all living beings are situated within Me. (Bhagavad-Gita 09.05, 06).

Verse 2

One meditates on the omniscient, primordial, the controller, smaller than atom, yet the maintainer of everything; whose form is inconceivable, resplendent like the sun and totally transcendental to material nature (Bhagavad-Gita 08.09).

Verse 3

This (Self) knowledge is the king of all wisdom; the king of all that is confidential, the topmost in righteousness, purifying, able to be perceived by direct realization, very joyous to perform and everlasting. Persons devoid of faith in the righteousness of this devotion, unable to obtain Me; undergo repeated rebirth on the deadly path of miserable material existence (Bhagavad-Gita 09.02, 03).

6.1 Holy Bible

The Supremacy of the Son

(Hebrews 1:1–14)

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him.(Colossians 1.15-16)

6.2 Holy Quran

32.01 In the name of Allāh, the gracious, the merciful.

32.02 Alif Lām Mīm (I am Allāh, the all-knowing)

32.05 Allāh it is who created the heavens and the earth, and that is which between them, in six periods; then He settled on Throne. You have no helper or intercessor beside Him. Will you not reflect?

32.06 He will plan the Divine Ordinance from the heaven unto earth, then shall it go up to Him in a day the duration of which is thousand years according to what you reckon.

32.07 Such is the knower of unseen and seen, the Mighty, the Merciful.

32.11 And they say, ‘What! When we are lost in the earth, shall we then become a new creation?’ Nay, but they are disbelievers in the meeting of their Lord.

32.12 Say, ‘The angel of death that has been put in charge of you will cause you to die; then to your Lord will you be brought back.’



7. Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”?The author has disseminated (vide paragraph 3 above) what all Einstein meant, by way of his own Kundalini Experience.

7.1 Life is mysterious, making of invisible mind (Maya), It is better to lead life losing proprietorship or Ego, controlling emotions, and tuning with everything in nature, without hurting or harming any body.

7.2 Yoga means union of Individual Consciousness (Atma) with Ultimate Consciousness (Paramatma), also means realization of God.

7.3 If life is smooth, it is better not to attempt spiritual life, as it can end up in misery. Let everything in life happen spontaneously. Destiny guides.

7.4 For man who has good intentions about himself and about others, life will be smooth.


8. This article is dedicated to Paramahansa Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Bihar Scool of Yoga, Yoga Research Foundation and Rikhiapeeth.

8.1 He is non-living guru, and author is his Ekalavya Shishya (self-imposed disciple) by way of his literature, all copyrighted releases from Bihar School of Yoga.

Om Shanti Om??

Place: Hyderabad

Date: 20 December 23

14 January 2023 (revised)

Enclosure: Annexure on Universal Laws of Nature.


Universal Laws Nature (as referred in Paragraph 2.2)

1. Born as human, the transcendence to realize God goes by Universal Laws of Nature. They include all Laws of Thermodynamics.

2. First Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

2.1 Second Law of Thermodynamics - For a spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases.

2.2 Third Law of Thermodynamics - A perfect crystal at zero Kelvin has zero entropy.

3. All three laws can be felt by man, when dormant power (Mother Kundalini) awakens to dissolve into Soul.

a. First Law - Material layer on Soul changes to molten and gaseous states.

b. Second law the entropy increases during disembodiment, confined to space or Aura. Phase of Matter - Gas > Liquid > Solid

c. Third Law - crystalline state is where entropy (mobility) is zero. This pertains to core of creation which no one can access.

Om Shanti Om?? ?

Vibha p

Express your dreams & explore yourself ?????? A poetess & motivator ????????&Inspirational Writer | Capturing Human Emotions in Words | Sharing Hope Through Creativity"

2 年

Awesome thought about spirituality... thank very much for this insightful article Vasudeva Vadlakonda

Vasudeva Vadlakonda Sir, your article is the gist of spirituality. I have kept it as a ready reckoner.

Dear blessed Self (Addressed to all those visiting this site) This document will go through revision to include fresh information from Kundalini experience. As it reaches climax, Mother dissolving in to Soul, there will be new experience, every day. The updates will come only from experience. I have included one more verse from Bhagavad-Gita in the main text as below. This is to say that the knowledge can be comrehended by direct experience. And it cannot be esoteric. As I observe, more and more are people are reaping fruits of God's illumination (impersonal knowledge), and I felt updates are necessary in this site as my share. Here is another verse that is included. Verse 3 This (Self) knowledge is the king of all wisdom; the king of all that is confidential, the topmost in righteousness, purifying, able to be perceived by direct realization, very joyous to perform and everlasting. Persons devoid of faith in the righteousness of this devotion, unable to obtain Me; undergo repeated rebirth on the deadly path of miserable material existence (Bhagavad-Gita 09.02, 03). Unquote Om Shanti om ??


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