The Nature of Reality.
Reality… what is reality? Is it an objective truth? Or a subjective experience? Does the notion, “I Think Therefore I am” prevail, or the notion of “Aham Brahmas mi” i.e., “I am the creator of my world” does? Let us explore the nature of, this weirdly complicated thing we live in (or do we?), called reality.
You are on a rollercoaster, bound to the seat, and this masked person with a knife is heading towards you. You are scared and try to shout but you cannot. You see him getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the ride begins. You are relieved and scared, at the same time. This person jumps onto you and starts to fly towards you. You shout and scream and shout and scream and suddenly, you are awake. It was a NIGHTMARE. You find yourself terrified, fallen on the floor, but, relieved that it was a dream. BUT, what if, imagine similarly you wake up on a higher dimensional bed, someday, wake up to the so-called reality to find that all this time, the thing you said was reality, was a dream? Life doesn’t make any sense anyway, just like dreams.
Oh, I earned a house in Miami! Now I can chill the entire day and enjoy the sunrise and sunset, on my 10-million-dollar mansion in Miami and my 2.5-million-dollar Bugatti Chiron. What a lovely life isn’t it? GTA 5 it is. But, just imagine, what if we are also some characters like the one in the story above, in a computer simulation, assuming everything to be real, but being controlled by a player?
? “I Think, Therefore I Am” are the words of the great philosopher Rene Descartes, pointing towards a dualistic perception of reality, i.e., “the mind” is different from “the body”. We have plenty of evidence in science that it isn’t true. The mind is no different from the physical brain, which is a part of our body. Hence, science proves singularity. WHAT IF I say this is incorrect too?
Do you remember where we come from? Where do we take birth from? No, right? (Or you do?) and, where we will go once, we die? Not really? So, how can we be even sure that the world exists fundamentally and that we took birth to it? How about it just existing in my mind? Or, does it even exist? Do we exist? The only proof of our existence, and that of this world’s existence we have, is our experience, anecdotal – unscientific. Is life not just an illusion of time? We will anyway be in the same place where we were born, nothingness.
The concept of “Aham Brahmas mi” refers to the subjective perception of the world we all live in. We all create our world and live in it. The meaning we attach to the events of the world, make our world and we live in them. Everyone lives in their version of reality, attaching subjective meaning to the world and making meaning out of it.
Life has no meaning on its own, Yes, I am sounding like a nihilist, but this is what I believe in. There is a positive side to nihilism as well. Life having no meaning means we can assign any meaning to it, but take up responsibilities and mold our life according to our liking.
Coming back to the point, what is life? Is it just atoms and strings? (As the string theory suggests), Or are we just human brains being experimented upon? Or the more pleasant one, we are in a simulation and we don’t have any such thing as free will. Or is it just a subjective illusion we assume to be the objective reality? The answer to these questions isn’t easy, and may never be made with a hundred percent accuracy, but one thing that can be assured is, that life is difficult. It is not easy. It is what we make of it, which leaves us with infinite power to mold life as we want it and make the most out of this illusion called time (or is it?)
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