Nature Portraits
What I love to do, what I really love to do, is meet out in nature and see what juxtapositions present themselves. If I had my way this is the only kind of photography I would do, the only kind of portrait. People and earth. The softness of skin and the hardness of rock. Marin County is perfect for this.
When I photographed Valerie, above, we were at the top of Mount Tamalpais overlooking the entire bay. It was a glorious day. Her skin was glowing and so was the grass. We went up close to sunset and the land rose to meet us. I took hundreds of photos, as she danced on the hills.
I could show you many, many more photographs of people ensconced in nature. Framed by trees, rock, meadows. There’s something about this land that brings out the primal, the essence of us. It acts as a tonic for the soul. Just the walking alone helps to create a calmness that shows up in the photo. This is a true portrait, a portrayal of a human in the world.
Nature portraits are my greatest joy and I don’t get to do enough of them. They’re not easy to do because they’re time-consuming and you have to choose the right place. I make these choice intuitively. We talk and talk and an image appears. It’s like the landscape calls to us. And this is, I think, why I live in Marin.