Nature is defined by the way it is enriched from the connection of elementary forces and evolution
Everything is connected

Nature is defined by the way it is enriched from the connection of elementary forces and evolution

Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space

Knowing how things work is a perspective that show you how to fix them, why they are failing or what will happen in times to come.

We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide. The health of ecosystems upon which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever before.

Though this planet is just an insignificant little spot in the vastness of Space, it is defined by a set of long term processes - driven by a vivid living self sustaining cybernetic system of planetary currents and cosmical coincidences - and as a result life has got a firm stronghold in this place by an over-all planetary evolution through the special connection between the physical and biological realm we usually study within the frame of natural sciences.

The earth has fascinated thinkers and scientists since before ancient times, and natural sciences has evolved to explain the world, the ever so multiple special features within every aspect of nature and it is a never ending quest for knowledge.

Wood 木, Fire 火, Soil 土, Metal 金 and Water 水: The Five Phases Theory 五行 (Wu-Xing) is used to describe interactions and relationships between things in ancient Chinese philosophy.

Although the perspective have changed dramatically, nature is still defined by the way it is enriched from by connection, forces and evolution. And today both nature and space are containers that bring together processes, perceptions and ideas about how the world works.

We have shredded every question down to describe detailed properties of the smallest elements in the Universe in our intention to explain the largest questions. Still we come short with detailed answers of how nature works when it comes to understand how its elements comes to life.

Within our modern physical angle we can still say that everything in nature is made up of five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, but although everything is beautifully connected it doesn't mean that everything necessary is working out to the greatest extend.

An ecosystem is a large community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in a particular area. The living and physical components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.

In spatial ecology, scale refers to the spatial extent of ecological processes and the spatial interpretation of the data. The response of an organism or a species to the environment is particular to a specific scale, and may respond differently at a larger or smaller scale.

All ecological spatial changes will have a tremendous impact reaching out for thousands of years.

Understanding biomes as a stage of developments of ecology

A biome is the notion we use to describe a community of living things. This includes all living things from plants to animals. It is also used to set the community within a geographic location with certain boundaries and a specific climate pattern.

Important to acknowledge is that biomes is not created, but evolved. It is a subdivision of bioturbation that defines how nature in an ecology cybernetically is changed by the life within it.

We understand a biome as a middle stage of development of an ecology – but one biome can also be home to several ecologies. It is critical to understand how different ecologies interact within a biome to create a sustaining balance.

Fundamentally, ecosystem functions are exchange of energy and nutrients in the food chain. These exchanges sustain plant and animal life on the planet as well as the decomposition of organic matter and the production of biomass.

Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three broad categories of biotic components.

An ecosystem includes all of the living things (plants, animals and organisms) in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments (Weather, Earth, Sun, Soil, Climate, Atmosphere).

When species is removed it affect the whole community. This is called interdependence. A stable community is one where all the species and environmental factors are in balance so that population sizes remain fairly constant.

This planet is almost a paradox of water, green and life flourishing on an nearly astronomical scale - from the richness of billions of unknown DNA sequences in the micro-scale to the abundance of insects and plants we never get to discover - as they disappear numbers counted by the dozens within the minute.

Even tectonics and geological processes - and the biospheric impact on planetary development is intertwined by the sheer scale of difference each imply across their realms and combined as an organic deterministic virtual process.

Micro-biotic processes is precipitating minerals alters the atmospheric conditions, a class of resulting terraforming bionics emerge, tectonic process recombust new minerals and is refining the conditions for organic lifeforms.

Asteroids and ice ages - both determinants bound to cosmic inflicters is also two strong life changers, one impact as an instantaneously factor and the other by the relentless and slow terraforming over a scale of thousands of years.

Natures compliancy over the aeons is driven by changes in the living conditions

Statistically a generation of lifeforms have a long term cyclic precedence. Species is appearing, vanishing or altering by changes in both realms.

There are five major causes of extinction: Habitat loss, an introduced species, pollution, population growth, and overconsumption.

Explosive, unsustainable human population growth is essentially the cause of these extinction crisis.

Extinction is a natural process. Scientists estimate that up to 98% of all the species that have ever lived aren't alive today. Most of these became extinct before humans entered the scene over a period of hundreds of millions of years.

But humans have made it worse, accelerating natural extinction rates due to our role in habitat loss, climate change, invasive species, disease, overharvesting, pollution, habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species (such as new predators and food competitors), overfishing, overhunting, and other bad influences.

As the global human population has increased, the amount of land needed to house and feed everyone also has increased. To accommodate the growing populations, habitat critical for other plants and animals has decreased, leading to exhausted populations of various birds, fish, mammals and plants. Pushing nature to it's limits, ultimately leaving vast areas barren and empty of life.

Detached from Nature

Humans affect ecosystems both directly and indirectly, and the effects varies from minimal to catastrophic. Through fossil fuel combustion, humans have disturbed the making of the breathable air, changed the quality of the soil and water and, altered the types and distributions of plants and animals around the globe.

It is estimated that today between 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct within the next 24 hours. The gravity of this problem is that it relates up to 1,000 times the natural background rate and is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs. This is our impact on nature.

A statistical approach to these extinction data reveals that between 100 to 1,000 species is lost per million per year, due to human-caused habitat destruction and climate change.

Species are becoming extinct of two main reasons: Loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation. A loss of habitat can happen naturally. The Dinosaurs, for instance, lost their habitat about 65 million years ago.

We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide. The health of ecosystems upon which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever before.

The consequences for the stability of ecosystems around the world are serious and is even a direct threat that can affect human health. The interactions between animals, plants, humans and the environment make up a complex web.

Disruptions to any part of this biological architecture can have significant, cascading effects. For instance, we need food to survive. More than three-quarters of the world’s food crops rely on the activities of bees, wasps, butterflies and other pollinators, but 10 percent of insect species today are under threat.

The primary threats to biodiversity is expanding urban areas and devoting more land to agriculture or livestock. Pollution, poaching, overfishing, forestal felling and burning and climate change. In many cases, these changes are working in tandem to destroy animal and insect habitats or force species to migrate to other regions, where they may be ill-suited to survive.

The two most important species on earth - seen both on a global scale and human perspective - is bees and worms which we owe everything.

Bees affect all aspects of human life.

Out of the 100 crop species providing us with 90% of our food, 35% are pollinated by bees, birds and bats.

- It’s that simple.

Bees are the primary initiators of reproduction among plants.

If bees disappear from the face of earth, man would only have four years left to live. This line is usually attributed to Einstein, but it still seems plausible enough...

Although we share very little with worms, we do share this rocky planet, covered in a sprinkling of soil that they churn up for us, mixing up the nutrients upon which millions of species depend.

Earthworms are considered keystone species because of how much they influence the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.

The importance of earthworms to the ecosystems is second to none because of the unique and crucial role they play in creating the foundation of the ecosystems.

Without the worms, the ecosystems would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether.

Arguably without earthworms in our soils, life could vanish pretty quickly. We would have less food, more pollution, and more acute flooding and more wild fires.

Water has shaped nature through all times and moved sediments around and changed landscapes, cut deep ravines and transported loose particles from the heights of the lowest areas.

It follows from the nature of the water that living conditions are created and developed with changes in the availability of water. Water, like energy, air and soil, forms the basis for life on earth.

The problem with drought is exacerbated by over-consumption of natural resources, inappropriate nature management: Deforestation and depletion of aquifers and rerouting of natural water currents.

Climate problems drain the narrow convection zone between the lower atmosphere and the upper asthenosphere, where biological and weather phenomenas else drives the water balance, and disrupt the fragile balance where the solid land else becomes naturally irrigated and fertile by natural processes.

Nature is defined by the way it is enriched from the connection of elementary forces and evolution

Nature and space are both containers that bring together processes, perceptions and ideas about how the world works. Distinguishing between what either concept covers tells us more about what we are investigating than what these substances is about overall.

Science encompasses disciplines that define matter and the evolution that leads to it, where space is everything in between and around and nature arises as a result of the special basic forces that makes space natural.

We can also suggest that Space is the future and the past of Nature, as where nature is defined by content, proximity and interaction, Space is defined by absence and distance, showing us what already was and what will be.

For a true finite-size system to persist - be (a)live - it must evolve in such a way that it constantly provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.

Nature is such a system because it contains cybernetic feed-back, as all systems that not are cybernetic organic is destined to doom.

Although at first glance it seems that nature is not only by far enormous, it also constitutes chaotic and indelible forces, but as we look closer, we find that there is an underlying - invisible - order and coherence between nature's elements and their dominators.

Between galaxies - and clusters of galaxies - the intergalactic space holds as an effective process of enriching the interstellar medium with a foundation of star-forming substances like oxygen, hydrogen and dust.

By theory, observations methods and common domains, physics and biology is already two sides of the same coin - chemistry - the very code of evolution is within both biology and physics.

Since basically biology strict etymologically is the science of LIFE and physics is about how and why natural THINGS does what influenced by which forces.

It is obvious that physics and biology is already to be regarded as doing a unified impact by the common and combined effect on the planetary scale over the eons.

You can consider organic life as a cosmic coincidence governed by events and circumstances related to both biological and physical frames of determinants - and regard evolution closely tied to both biospheric and physical limitations and opportunities. But then it will be neither of.

And perhaps it is so.

After all evolutionary steps also are dualistic processes:

Microbiotics altered both by changes in cosmic radiation and behavioural disadvantages or sudden beneficial conditions by changes in the natural realm.

Statistically a generation of lifeforms have a long term cyclic precedence. Species is appearing, vanishing or altering by changes in both realms.

Even tectonics and geological processes - and the biospheric impact on planetary development is intertwined by the sheer scale of difference each imply across their realms and combined as an organic deterministic virtual process.

Micro-biotic processes is precipitating minerals alters the atmospheric conditions, a class of resulting terraforming bionics emerge, tectonic process recombust new minerals and is refining the conditions for organic lifeforms. 

Everything is connected. Connected even in a cosmic scale - as supernovae radii is altering the conditions of the biosphere. 

As well as organic life is changing the geological conditions:

Sediments of silicates from erosion of rocks obtained by macrobiotics - layered by the eons in sea from a vast number of deceased generations piling up, and reemerge as new geosynclinal - new rocks - and even new minerals by the combination of tectonic processes and organic life.

So physics and biology is already equally connected and bridged by the same processes...

Quantum processes that are crucial to life on earth. Processes that have deeper root than just for the life on a single planet. It all comes down to photosynthesis, where the sunlight is converted into chemical energy.

As the photon enters a leaf, it goes by a receptor in quantum mechanical association with all other receptors in the leaf, the effect of a single photon carries the utilisation of the energy of a large number of cells - at the same time - this is the reason that life on earth over time - in bacteria, algae and plants, has been able to produce sufficient energy and transform gases at extreme high efficiency.

Grass is obtaining a vast amount of minerals from erosion to sharpen edges, gets eaten, ends up in the water column at sea by the water transport, makes up the skeleton in plankton, dies and fall to the bottom, re-emerge as enclosures within granite a after a billion years in new rocks.

All these fact indicate that organic life and physical processes by their close interconnection are evolutionary determinants in a common organic process spanning across the physical and biosperical realms.

All these changes is by causality effectively slowly changing the ecosystems, periodically recycling both the atmosphere, biosphere and the asthenosphere, gradually refining conditions and inhabitants of the environments by cybernetic feed-back loops, natural selection and validity by enforcing simple criteria.

Just to be clear about it…

The climate problems got their head start already before the Bronze Age, when the first farmers felled forests and created the opportunity for these incredibly fast-growing grasses such as grains to become increasingly dominant in the ecosystems.

Life's development on earth is largely centred on the transformation of the sun's energy and its utilisation up through the food chain and forms the basis for both plant and animal life

This is all about photo synthesis. It is outstanding what happens in a grass leaf. Modern solar cells are in comparison here without equivalence in relation to the energy absorption that takes place in a leaf.

As a photon dodges into a leaf - the energy is not used only once - but multiple times, because the energy is reused and spent many times to form the sugar substances that the plants need to grow.

Grasses is an ingenious evolutionary extreme, that's why they grow so fast. This is because grass has several high speed exhausts that literally blow oxygen and water vapour out of the leaves.

Unlike trees that for years bind large amounts of carbon dioxide in bark and wood, the environmental gases are quickly returned to the atmosphere from the grass. That's the downside for the environment.

It is therefore essential to understand that the climate problems start with the agrarian cultures that have emerged along the fertile rivers and the fertile crest highlands, where the grassland with gene faults lead to that the crops did not bind the seeds to the axis with a bast sack originated and spread into a world of still less forest as the agrarian revolution progressed.

Ever since then, the long-term average temperature has known only one way and that is up.

In fact, this is just yet not a problem - climate-wise - but really just another benefit to humanity. Because the temperature rises just enough so that the next ice age is quietly pushed away with a duvet of greenhouse gases that only grow denser and thickens as the centuries goes by.

But the great change in climate has happened within the last few centuries and shorter even.

The industrial revolution, the intensive use of coal, gas and oil has hammered the final nails into the coffin.

It is thoughtful though that the greatest richness of species on the European continent is in Chernobyl - not because radioactivity for breakfast, lunch and dinner is super-healthy. But because the absence of man there gives space for nature.

It reminds us about several things - nature is not just so easy to stifle, and life eventually goes on even when we have eliminated ourselves out of the equation.

The end game

For a finite-size system to persist in time - be (a)live - it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it. A true system contains cybernetic feed-back, and all systems will grow cybernetic organic as they grow old of age, the remaining objects will provide cybernetic the feed-back that evolve the degree of order.

But failing to control the impact of human activities our planets carbon cycle is a game changer.

While not all impacts on ecosystems are reversible, there are several ways to minimise and reverse human-induced adverse effects.

By short, what can we do about it?:

  • Use green technologies that reduce reliance on fossil fuels
  • decrease waste and have low carbon footprints to make measurable differences on the quality of multiple ecosystems.
  • utilise public transportation and car-pooling to reduce gaseous carbon emissions
  • use alternative energy sources to produce fewer atmospheric contaminants
  • reduce the reliance on large scale agriculture can help reduce soil and water pollution by minimising excessive use of synthetic fertilisers
  • use more synthetics in consumption, (the less nature we destroy)
  • spare nature by using less of it
  • plant more trees
  • use more sustainable energy and climate-friendly technology

Since 1970's China already have edged its deserts with billions of trees to restrict their deserts to grow. But the environmental effects are not solely accommodated by carbon dioxide consuming forestation.

As of now the set backs are due to vulnerability by mono cultures, lack of habitats for natural life and the necessary ground- and surface water to support forestation in the scale of billions of trees.

Many environmental problems are caused by overconsumption of the water resources causing ground level to sink, river deltas to vanish and extermination of life in the upper two feet of the surface of earth due to fertilizing, ploughing and growing monocultures leaving the natural habitats to vanish.

To ensure viable success of returning land to the natural processes, nature must be allowed do the work. We can best help by leaving the habitats, so they can evolve by the intrinsic structures of nature.

It takes: Trees, worms, bees, space and the necessary cultural accommodations to recover the natural processes.

Local forestal ecological farming, local supplying and advanced synthetic replacement products is what is needed to feed the billions of humans on this planet in an sustainable manner.

Living with(in) not from nature.

We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide. The health of ecosystems upon which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever before.


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