Bretton Woods Monetary Conference (World Bank)


In the world of new technological revolution and the rapid development of electronics technology that bring and make a new and developing industry, the initiative to introduce technology through capability of technological innovation and path of self-developments enhance the principle of self-reliance, international intercourse, joint venture and finance of international trade integrate the development of innovations with new technology, superconductivity. What is the expectation value and correlation value of superconductivity based on the equilibrium states in dynamical system of quantum converges to the free energy and environmental sustainability? Through infinitum and thermodynamism to produce the structure of equilibrium states relatively to the condition of quantum computing and leverage the properties already established for superconductivity, energy and flow naturally corresponding to the time evolution of smooth dynamical system and behavior of quantum physics and connectiveness through formation and transformation of spectral electromagnetic field, the conserved for tremendous activity is a severe nonlinearity and richer geometric properties for the energy critical, heat flow and space of finite energy connection topologically and naturally based on the harmonic heat flow build upon the large body of work, evolution of flat connection, and spacetime connection to the universe, essential role to energy and environment sustainability. The general relativity of energy standard and energy concentration are integrable systems of local well-posedness established for connection with causality property including phenomenon of superconductivity, development of quantum computing, functionality of semiconductors, artificial intelligence, deep-learning, machine intelligences and solar energy system.  

Neutral network are sophisticated algorithms and principle of data science and machine learning to convert data into knowledge through computation thinking for the high-order of inference and natural space of quantum information technology to gain efficiency and risk management. The fruitfulness of environment pressure the integrity of quantum information technology and access to information, innovation and technology which harmonically continued to growth at an exceptional rate of new ideas and new connection between simplicity and relativity essential for environmental economy, whole economy and quantum topology in term of universal properties and condensed matter which is a topological quantum field theory. Since anyon is language of choice for a matter of physics and quasi-particles subjective to the modular category in response to quantum processes and measurements appearing in topological phases of matter with nontrivial exchange statistics including surrounding lighting and sensing radio waves and radio signal from the global positioning system satellites such like artificial intelligence become an expert system to make use of database of information, field of inquiry and sophisticated solution capable of machine learning that rely on quantum mechanics to work which is the behavior of particle at subatomic level superposition and quantum bit to quickly perform certain computation in encryption, computer network and security. 

The technology and hardware for developing geothermal energy are innovative use in electrical applications and competitive if the costs of environmental impacts are fractured into externalities with other energy sources such as the means of petroleum transportation and petroleum spill that real lost tends to be shared by private and public fund. The real costs are significant to the production of atmosphere-altering amount of carbon dioxide from the combustion of fuel since the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases determined the human existence through triggering climate changes with combustion, coal and natural gases for nuclear reactors add carbon-dioxide to the atmosphere compare to geothermal energy that less intrusive on environment and is a renewable energy resource for the industrialized world because of available hot water, seam and heat in hydrothermal system. The concept of sustainable energy and renewable energy sustained with optimum production strategy of geothermal resources and natural hydrothermal system for sustaining a system of longevity by incremental development of a life hydrothermal system without environmental degradation making in the present level of industrialization and in attempt to conserve energy resources with both exploration and resource-development technologies, meteorology satellites and weather climate modelling system. Communication developed into the system of early writing and mass communication system to deliver information to people including the utilization of television set, radio system, magazine, newspaper and social media work.  

The invention of electric telegraph, telephone network and development of electronics which are devices developed with advanced current system, stable electric power and electromagnetic waves at the speed of light and the existence of space waves through wireless radio signals, cable and satellite to access channels and frequency bandwidth spectrum available communication innovative application. Communication satellite process range of radio frequencies set for a specific purpose through transmission like the advancement in analog method of communication and information on the frequency of radio waves to numeric code and telecomputation for more channels and signals to receive and send information through digital communication, smartphone, cellular telephone, telephone and computer control by the system of microprocessor, computing power and circuit. Processing data, calculating with data and storing data and encoding information are based on the capacity of microprocessors as binary sequences of electric charge and designed with specific task and specialized works using core chip and semiconductor to coordinate computer operation and processes. Likewise, the natural condition and community on the Earth good enough to keep in fresh colors of the flower and green trees with white calm and blue clouds motionless upon the hills reasonable to find a way of life, and electric blue of sky without sharp stinging feeling in the palms of hands without argument, loud words and insult to be satisfied with the performance. As a matter of fact, human being, grass, running water, trees and grasses mastering most important of atmosphere and stay heavy cloud bank in magnetic fields and engulf. 

The sun and coolness came into the air and weather signs for goodness of community, soundness of atmosphere and orderliness of environment from the sunlight, green leaves, cool green and gold light. Electricity instrument like a transformer powering and lighting the community to the efficiency level through high order superconductivity holding up to the sun as electromagnetism. The physics of neutral network involve the condition of environments to accommodating perception, recognition, performance and socialization process for the acquisition of knowledge, skill and value which made stimulus-response bonds to energy when governs life pattern within the social process and cultures. What is the nature-nurture and environmental determinant of human behavior and development between interaction and nature, the pattern of exchange, contract and affection? Attitude and value has been complex nature of transmission and interactive striving for sense of worth, self-conceptions and self-esteem significant for social participation and vital functions on different pattern of change that involve power, responsibility and satisfaction. The development of supercomputer as high speed computing machine has profound effect on the art of weather forecasting, detailed motion of the atmosphere, the formation and dissipation of clouds and precipitation. Investment banking and biometric technology are system for quick and accurate computation like the absorption and emission of radiations for numerical prediction and weather forecasting that require a complicated machine code for interpretation and maximum utilization for critical infrastructures rely on the efficient operation of information system and networks. On scientifically established fact, the element of worthy reality and normal growth fascinate on the application of quantum matter to nanoelectronics, electrical resistance and new equilibrium interaction from the sensitivity of atom and electromagnetism, superconductivity and quantum computing explore and identify microscopic interaction of electron with high-speed of atoms to define material properties important for quantum engineering and technology.  

Ultraviolet light and visualized technique, laser technique enable quantum computing to resolve and process photo emission spectroscopy in fast time scales literally in direction that revolutionize change and transport in energy especially thermoelectricity and superconductivity generate electric current from the heat and without resistance respectfully. And representing the advance fundamental of electron and mechanism of charge transport apply to semiconductors, material science changes influence by sensitivity of temperature between electrons and atomic motion. Sound, wave, light and energy are all interaction of electromagnetic environment naturally under the law of quantum functionality including optimization of room temperature, thermal energy and quantum computer utilizing in the internet of everything taking from higher-energy photon to excite the creation of new photon and quantum of vibration form demand diamond standard model. Quantum mechanics advance naturally at atomic scale, wave and particle of quantum level to vibrate unit of energy as photons observed at ultra and temperature condition of diamond and solar cells but sensitive to overheating inherent in low energy, particle of light and coherent photon. Efficient quantum computer operates like the internet of everything interconnected and transmitted for conversation and preservation with optimization based on registered sense, attention biosensor and energy orientation on natural frequency to generate photon precisely on the ability to retrieve information and interaction effectively for further resolving the photon communication. 

With the idea of a premium electronics and hardware to the computation of semiconductors powering the utilization of information efficiently and working with quantum information to cultivate quantum computing skills in the finance quantitative research, the quantum computing machine and technology upscale the value of deep learning and speed up the computational option-pricing and risk management applied to finance, money and economy especially the quantum algorithm of financial model developing from the perspective of supercomputing and semiconducting capacity and the efficient utilization of information including the recognition and intelligence of cryptozoology, cryptography and cryptocurrency. Earthly angel and golden vault are in love with physics at that time, the theory of relativity actually and fully deserves welcome spotlight possible in mathematics between insistence on the untrodden path and the demanded conformity enough for forward thinking in the phenomena of scientific disciplines. Optimistically, quanta of electricity impact much question about the nature and existence of atoms, about the wonder of the mountain ample evergreen, about the Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave theory of light and about the relationship of light and radiation to matter, and about Newton better fate on realistic expectation marching toward the future. Einstein’s genius, Marie’s talent, Maxwell’s wisdom and Newton’s intelligence delighted perspiration time necessary to col the earth while the Webber’s audacity and Apollo’s attention noted the parallels between artistic symmetry and the concept of symmetry like a jolt of pure energy correspond to the gravitational centers of the stars and the aspect of process in the experience of reality.  

Saturn conviction, Moon improvishment, Jupiter vanity, Mars wrath, Venue immodesty and Mercury miserliness are negative property dulling rationality and planet in the process attributed to great influence on the success of petitions and precise knowledge. Sunlight and Moonlight immortalized Black Cherry and its trees and saltwater which of course highly conductive power from lighting natural lighting and vicinity of the water from the tree a real tree as a food source for good, as a care for wilderness, as a refuel and repair of orbital environment, as a ultimate adventure into the fondness treating heavenly bodies and as inspiration to venture into the cosmos. Even though taking care of orbital environment keep skies clean and keep space save for satellites orbiting Earth, the folks future safe and resilient from developing and sustaining in the space of orbital environment that feels good with nature, nurture and dignity with fruitful tree and plants. The complex goal conducts and orchestrate to support community sustainable development and whole spectrum of diversity value, sound interesting and golden mean of human resources but the attention value of feasibility unanimously establishing on the premise of potentiality and environmental remediation associated with the utilization of renewable energy and its products. What you think about the environmental sustainability in upgrading home and house’s electricity and plumbing, upgrading ceiling with sound-reducing insulations, replacing heating, upgrading ventilation and replacing air conditional reach a resolution toward engagement and progress as innovative technology and biosphere.  

The quantum version for a superconductivity process in the quantum world and electrons tend to naturally hang around with each electrons in pairs with complementary properties for one spinning in a clockwise direction and entangled partner spinning in a clockwise sense to balance it out which is an intrinsic quantum property for the electron as little around particle spinning around. The quality of life, outcome of cloud-based quantum-computing tools and quantum algorithm to the level of scale, security and support in the quantum solution, quantum software and quantum hardware implementing on the operation in the mainframe computer and traditional computer in realtime and streamline design, processes and speeds of supercomputer with the properties of quantum physics, quantum materials, quantum-computing machine, quantum-computing hardware scoping and working on the techniques in optimizing disruptive technology to the level of emerging technology exciting quantum-computing application on the area of cloud business intelligence, information technologies, science and innovation. The commercialization of emerging technologies tested on sustainable material to speed up quantum algorithm-computing in the area of cloud services and enterprise customers. By stimulating quantum algorithm in the platform of enterprise and customers for optimize the benefit form quantum computers and hardware through exploring the potentiality of technology like the quantum states electrons.  

The realtime processes improve efficiently in the number of possibilities done with the existing computers and supercomputer on current algorithm include supply chain, logistics, transportation and communication. Technolgies both in cloud-based quantum computing tools for speed up operating in the classical computer and new in ovation for the real business value. The extreme hot on atmosphere found on Earth become a neat up through much carbon dioxide, burning of coal, gasoline and natural gas in releasing carbon dioxide and colliding of meteors with the solar system in blasting out a crater in the surface. As the sun rising in the East and setting in the West and so did all the other object in the heaven, Earth is the planet spinning around on the axis and at the its center and the sun, moon, planets, and all the stars revolve around it. Hot cloud from the energy raise the atmospheric temperature cover steamy jungle of lush green plant and cover oceans of water in reducing the atmosphere of rocky surface, carbon dioxide gas and the preserve of air at the surface of the Earth. The Mariner 2 mission of Magellan, pioneer 10, Venus 15 and Venus 16 are four spacecraft converted information from large radar wave to Venus through the mapping techniques and radioed to the Earth by captured radio waves from space to study the big bang and black hole, the inner solar system, meteors, comet and asteroids.  

Data center and cloud infrastructures in new era of next-generation computer and information technology gain valuable result and benefit for the worth of quantum-computing equipment and nanoelectronics building on machine learning and artificial intelligence such as the space Age of Sputnik, the quantum-computing of sycamore, Amazon web services, Microsoft Azure quantum and IBM quantum cosmos using method of quantum circuits and modern security. Discovery of voyage is a delighted milestone and golden keystone in innovation on real estate, house, office building, automobiles and Mustapha Akinkunle Akintona lives on life of quiet desperation in the silver spoon of personal properties, bull of Lamborghini, horse of Ferrari and dolphin of Rolls-Royce but the bedrock of unicorns and angel investments engaged socially, economically and financially on ministering prime attentively on the long-term capital management modes on the transmission mechanism and reliable information known out of complex and prolonged processes of mutual influence and differentiations. Much autonomous development and become fundamental and phenomenon of investments and capital markets essential to relationship between elite formation and consolidation subjectively claimed and objectively felt thrived on insertion of printing capitalism, personality and rationality.  

As sustainability as imaginative dream of liberation almost necessarily in growing up the vision of the young on the future of energy, the innovative environment specializing in theory of environmental economics and in the symbolic connection between history literature and fine art. The mazes and thresholds, pineapple, pawpaw and orange juicy the future of imagination on the endowment, inclusion, communication and beauty connecting to the worldview of energy important to the history of modernity based on new perspectives about flow of ideas, new approaches of trade network about prosperity and ambition and new research about core value of education and work essential to progress in the environments within reach economy, science, technology and innovation. In questing for planetary salvation and naturalism, kale, tomatoes and strawberries will nurture productivity in more constructive setting for the sense of betterment and social change significant to atmospheric temperature and lifestyle choice enough for movement and engagement wholly live up to endeavor, moral standard and consideration. However, the culture of commodification identity customer of goods, consumption of services and excellence of brands as culture of consumptions sustainable with environment resources, biomass, biosphere, natural ecosystem and ecology resources in relationship to aspects of existence, capital growth, population density and standard of living especially in coping with climate change, family planning, mentality and sustainability. 


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