The managed business asset is a question of management, logistics and supply chain of economic possibility and information technology based on an enthusiastic core of evolutionary astrology, modernization of information science, value chain of engineering, business astrology, wealth management, nautical science, and energy. While the level of atmosphere including exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and troposphere contain molecules and gases heated by solar radiation that made of nitrogen gas, oxygen, argon and other gases, earth and ionosphere build to capability in empowering the world of innovative cloud, and powering the human existence to the higher productivity level including artificial intelligence and computerized financial system potential for business creativity and problem solving which is the capital investment in information technology. Investment strategies depends on the time, efforts and resources by production, competitive advantages, and evolutionary investment of time and energy in improve condition and strengthen the extra allocation of investments which associated with opportunity of investing heavily in power engineering. The competitive advantages in the energy cost and energy consumptions is phenomenon of allometry and mechanism of conserving energy through the structure of temperature reflected in the wide geographical variation including the quantity, quality and availability of energy.
The sustainability of higher energy demands is link in the chain of sun’s energy and conversion of electromagnetism into edible form, quantity and quality use of energy by the possibility of a consistent abundant supply of fuel necessary to run efficient energy utilization. However, possibility evolved in order to overcome the mechanical problem of exploring a particular niches and business assets. The complex information of asset allocations is coordinated strategy and effectiveness enough to accommodate variation of climate, and ecological circumstances requires conservation in the sense of thoughtful management since human imagination and market behavior share several adaptations from the efficient information, diversification and conservation to monitor balance and attitude. The vision of managed business assets, supply chain and logistics efficiently reflect on the abilities to provide information on asset market orientation implementing naturally to the diversified behavioral strategies, restoring natural ecosystem for energy which is the candor and strategic timing brilliantly restructuring the economy through the Green economy and renewable energy. However, the natural science economy is more than the deregulation of economy, taxation policy and energy strategy but the transformational engagement in enterprises that promote effective practices for the stakeholders and business investments in the renewable energy and economically relevant energy efficiency to world trading system and in relationship to the science of society. The governance and intelligence are creative idea involving the credibility and information about productive investments, money management and logistics management to efficiency economy including the forward-thinking of cable networks, business-executive intelligence, deep learning, convolutional neural network and artificial intelligence for precision performance.
The beauty, skill and ingenuity of commerce technically create dynamic exposition of creativity and establishment of modelling network and exchange in augmented-rational expectation and financial infrastructures like the human communication and modern communication like supercomputers, technology, telecommunication and science of social system technologically advance corporate, information and society. The complexity of modern maritime technology and financial-restructuring may intensified and magnified the future of uncertainty about the value chain in the logistics and supply chain managements on the platform of information technology and ecosystem but the atmosphere of diplomatic strategies, intellectual property, proprietary, safety and security through international public-private partnership potential digital transformations, semiconductor intelligent and innovative conductivity. The opportunity cost debilitating the amount of money, time and resources paying to the trade uncertainty financial risk, span of supply chain and logistic technology on the policy of economic activities, investment, employments and taxations that has effect on the whole economy and natural stage of development and economic growth. Ultimately, money management, stock funds are actively conditioned and managed funds for the global economy, financial services and cash management implemented on the technology of money-market technology and operating system between expectation and reality expectation value and correlation value to sustain the risky assets essential for the growth of innovative technology, corporate confidence, earnings and economy. The execution of stocks and options trade become capital investment of fixed-income products include energy, natural gas and renewable energy dealing with securitization of debt from the investments in thermal coal, wind and solar energy to power electricity through renewable energy and environmental sustainability which traditionally focused on illiquid market of capital investments and managed business assets.
Since commerce innovation and governance avow legal business model of capital market conducted on financing investment, processing technology and computing innovation which actively managed by investing finances and innovative technologies in the supply chain and logistics, the cost management of inventing and transportation through innovation optimize value on shipment include maritime, information technology and trade-commerce that support the component of industry and investment, asset management and whole economy in the monetary accommodation about production, financial condition of delivery, market condition of voyage industry and investment funds of managed business assets, technology and infrastructures. The convergence of system in the scientific computing, power system, network security, economic development and financial market are interactively optimal transport of voyage economics consistent with personnel management system, which are connected through machine intelligence and computational approaches to supply chain and logistics management. The natural framework of information and computational complexity require implementation of decision theory and management strategies for conditional expectation associated with development of quantum computing and quantum mechanics that play major role in the development of quantum information and relate complexity formulating on the power of quantum interactive system include the physical system and quantum state if environment within a boundary of space-time and energy-density.
Hence, cryptography become the tasks and resources for quantum information to communication networks necessarily allow the transmission of qubit, quantum bit, connecting between logic and computation quantum strategy and mechanical linkage to the mental and material worlds of mechanics intelligence and neutral network. However, the digital revolution, machine learning and artificial intelligence enable the development of algorithms and natural tool in analyzing and processing the data to information adapted to increase the transformation through the principle and techniques of self-normalization bound to the relevant quantities and energy efficient essential for the neutral information processing systems. Even though the machine intelligence seems like physical thinking in inference to advanced communication and essence of creativity in the direction of increasing understanding, the flow of information and data as an improvement on the machine learning and algorithms for competition and innovation driven competitive advantage include the use of machine intelligence and blockchain technology for financial services, cost management, capital and cost saving on operating expenditure and digital transformation for productivities, the enhancement of knowledge and skills to improve efficiency and boost output. The future of work and capital intensity as automation and utilization of artificial intelligence and communication technology influence the technological platform and social system especially the investment into labor market and effective high-skilled workforce for business service and market information system.
The innovative nature of a business market enormous opportunities for form and whole new market that change the way corporate and firm do business efficiently through a higher level of accuracy and quicken performance of business with complex machine form like artificial intelligence and communication technology. The market information includes a wealth of information on the utilization of communication from the perspective of voyage economics and industrial complex include engineering, accounting, research, management and related business services. Voyage economics react to the changing energy costs and energy efficiency between gasoline and diesel fuel consider for automotive plants, delivery vehicles and commercial system that affect the sales, profit and new avenues of business expansion. A well-informed and scientific market decision from commercial and trade information and computerized data base gives the firms access to the time frame business and comprehensive services that include sale management, market analysis and telemarketing information. Market information system are the source of valuable information on costs and pricing offer several advantages, anticipate-competitive responses based on the sale performance of products and channels, which is the marketing processes in the evaluation of company’s data base, software and hardware that facilitates the information system necessary for business in the new market and utilization of new technology. Since market and management information system provide management with the information that is pertinent, flexible and adaptable to specific product market situation, the managed business asset involves business services to adequately understand market and marketing sophistication and reaction to strong competitive markets, the technical and production development relatively instrumental technology to the long-term success, viability and integral part of business for both discontinuous innovations and continuous innovations which is reasonable expectations for corporate innovation associated with increased managerial capability, technical proficiency and production synergy.
Innovation in capital asset, equipment, and information technology like artificial intelligence and machine intelligence normally have a technical orientation and risk management as an opportunity for future success in naturally seeking acceptable risk and information concerned with managed growth through technical innovation, growth orientation, and breakthrough opportunity, new market opportunity for the firm and corporates. The supply chain and logistics frequently manage by the use of artificial intelligence applications and integrated development environment with machine language to streamlining the development process of financial system, learning opportunities, and communication networks. Through the great potential of computation, computer operating system for storing and processing data and quantum information. The information possesses utilized to analyze and analyze and anticipate competitive response based on past actions to facilitates the optimal market information system include accounting and operation system, product quality management effective system if market position and complex system of management. Network system and intelligent machine are advanced model of neural network seemingly relies on strong baseline of normal behavior, digital identity and biometric technology building on secure space-time to apply high level of information system security to behavior, identity and forensics accounting, the technological convergence and convergence driven economic growth, digital money and finance technology and innovative automatic teller machine, and cybersecurity.
The technology landscape approaches the sense of risk management on the platform of artificial intelligence and machine learning network and using security-paradigm related application and innovation processes to manage information infrastructures and routes involving the existing technology and planning management. The issues of identity, meaning, relationship and value in assessment within the standard of organization and compliant with cybersecurity to safeguard network infrastructures for critical assets. The computer network and security are interconnected information and processing resources in enables communication between computing devices and networks communicate together with the protection of computer system in preventing, detecting and reaching to activities includes banking transactions, personal financial data, and computer system control using cryptography, transaction of fata into secret code and interconnectivity for authorized activity. What do design insurance policies, actuaries, and information technology do to develops and provide a searchable collection of information that meet the needs of an organization and making decision? Knowledge to conduct research and develop theories-techniques in reducing risk through collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of data, financial planet as form of thought and communication pertaining to the concept of money, exchanges and finance since practical application of knowledge with a great business about commodities, financial futures, securities and investment applying to both financial market cycles and human activity.
Enterprise digital asset, process, technology and infrastructure equate innovation with cyber transformation and cloud technologies, the managed service of Blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, financial technology, internet of thing and data protection. The cybersecurity strategy has a crucial role in risk management and cyber resilience for ensuring business continue to function and carry out mission with integrated stakeholders. The nature of angel investment as energy and utilizes, financial services, communication, telecommunication and technology, quantified business metrics and techniques evolve to the level pf growth and technology progress, the components of enterprises consider as augmentation and human participation capable to provide radical solutions with Mustapha Akinkunle Akintona’s business technology approach and complex technical security that are crucial element in assessing firm risk management and endpoint security essential for organization information, innovation and enterprises for engage and processes that more energy and information through the system, information process, problem-solving and decision making. The resource driven management system for performance function and system controls involving knowledge, education, performance, evaluation and quality control. Cultural identity and the genius of technology utilization give the opportunity to discover the new and fine literary quality and intellectual contribution to world with initial literacy information served through the rapport of intellectual mind for the competence established base on the ultimate determinant in the development, the internal law of growth and development, social determination and possibilities. The innovative trends on business technology demonstrates great capacity for social judgement on more analytical and more worldly-wise to embrace aspect of experience on the electronic commerce and economic system that existed in the literary heritage of integrity with modern development and major innovation for the steady development of energy, self-discovery and self-realization, the universal aspect of human behavior, economic style.
The principle and norm of computer behavior operate on strong internal structure in accordance with need and specialty especially the marginal language that secured socially definable communication situation and specialized language operating on functionally specialized and linked with the supply chain and logistics. Social acceptability, social set-up, attitude and ethical norms for the scope of development and property, mode of communication and transmission of messages and information exchange in between the professional and process of interaction for the purpose of identification and communication. Money is cosmos of social environment structure to patterning and distribution as to understand the behavior pattern and interactional strategy of underlying social meaning, the conceptual reality and way of life from the social contract using channels of communication and interaction mechanism with sociocultural identity natural and necessary for diversity, common stocks and specialization that give useful insight into the mechanism and diplomacy of functional identity which highlight human condition and the gap between individual and cosmic value, the individual on cosmic scale. The mathematical model of computation precise implemented algorithm and computational efficiency in generality, the amount of resources, time and memory to perform given computational workable tasks but the logic interpreted decidability of cryptography designed to the level of complicated protocol to precisely control and released the generated and shared information to the public and stakeholders to increase chance of correctly exchange used in practical communication and clearly transmit in order of significance based on protocol system often in public standards. Cryptography is the refined field to create an identity-based cryptosystem, public-key, user identity and signature schemes enable to communicate on the public-key system based on central authority and control of information through complicated protocol.
Public-key cryptography secure data transmission for the authenticity of the message and possibility of the private-key used to create digital signatures and encryption based on discrete logarithm and factorization. While the communicator shares the secret key on different secure exchange system with public-key method, cryptography and practical cryptographic system aroused interest of optimal security and element around the computational step by allowing the critical property and protocol to execute within minimum possible time. Efficiently, the trade-off between security and the speed of encryption discovered on the use of encryption as physical security necessary distributing reliable key through communicate channel but cryptograph follow the structure of communication agreement on the algorithm and secret key in secure message-information between the personal account, identity information and central authority and organization. The encipher and decipher as block cipher and computer age of cryptography are practical process of encryptions and transformation perform and design subjectively to public scrutiny and remarkable elegance to structure of communication in protecting and recovering secrets and enciphered data. Applied cryptography good enough for an efficient algorithm to be practical use and recover the feedback rule form the large amount of data since computer information as stream cipher and linear feedback shift enciphered state of useful information to new possibilities of attention and algorithmic development such as a complex electro mechanical devices to secure communication.
The information processors are specialized-purpose electronic circuit and a microcomputer-based device designed with environment information refer as an orientation in relation to the environment over the application of information technology and environmental interface typically both invisible light source and a receiver in the infrared range. Technologically, the role and nature of technology devices and services vary across setting and contexts to proves the information and have the opportunity to develop form of reasoning include reading, writing, mathematic science, music and arts, the practical concepts of development in deep-learning for appropriate computer adaptation, computer stimulation, and computer program to enhance the use of both soft technologies and hard technologies in the augmentative communications operate on learning and environments. Mainframe computer advanced to the level of supercomputer is based on increased function, positioning system, environment control and mobility to access material, activities, speed and accuracy consider to focus on functionality, productivity, and integration in describing logical and systemic process for developing innovation technology and powered mobility. Intelligent machines, solar application and solar energy brought evolution in own experience under the integration and possibility essential for advancement and environmental sustainability in moral, economic, social and educational grounds and criteria for change in economy, technology and the level of billions being people in preserving civilization and mankind in the planets. Power and intelligence more discretion to methodology and general principles toward specific growing and developing integrity from complex system of value, responsibilities and existence, the power of the technical intelligentsia to a growing reality from the concept of humanity, civilization, new technology, and innovation. Commerce and production go hand in hand enthusiastically suitable for helping adopted to competitive advantage, the bold exploration and reputation for innovations and security investments in the steam-powered automobiles and gasoline-powered automobiles which were distinguished and operated become increasingly management technology and popular machine intelligent. The structure of growth lives in environment and chronicles of the future to reaches of time and space that deal with expectation, civilization and modernization for the progression of humanity, development of universe and human intelligence through the star system, extinction and Neptune, and myth creation.
Our best value and our best quality, our style and lives, enhanced and certified the possession in our treasured diamond, premium gemstone, spotlight gold, fine ivory, and inspirational jewelry into the modelling about the smart-intelligent technologies with new balance, environmental innovation and master whole in the future. Both publicly and privately seems operated and sophisticated prudent in the light of fortune incidents and matter intended to be article of value creation and value curiosity like it natural to conserve energy for personal affair and business concerns is to financial condition, health, reputation, credit and prestige. The wholeness in the complex system of investment banking well enough according to fair chance, assessment and obligations, adjustive square the cost and revenue to financially necessitate the fund activities. Money, time and energy are masterfully effort the presence of sophisticated risk manage to benefit precise blueprint for the bed of natural stream ultimate resources in integrating to well-being, progress and knowledge. Sagaciously, judiciously and prudently, the sense of winning wonder-worker strive for the functioning and working philosophy n learning to sustain accomplish, attempting for potential talent and regaining into excellent virtue, competition, strategic alliance and corporate partnership that brings more network of capital, winsome on investments, convolution of marketing and financial benefit encircle to the level of executive managed business assets and master of science. The determined capital investment maximizing on efficiency to continue optimize turnover, yearning for suitable equity and laboring for effective corresponding to phenomenal worth and deserving determination.
Mentality and intellectuality grown up with the attention and performance, steady growth in an intellectual property, intensive interchange on the patents and banking in a trademarks and copyright. The cosmos of worldly word, global regions, terrestrial inverse, universe and earthly creation relating to wholesome and integrative ideas subject to be calligraphic computation, chirographical information and printing capitalism on the conditional convergence of property, nature of investment, quality of security and motion of environment. The wealth of knowledge about managed business asset has emerged in both the great and specialized work on various aspects of the new possibilities and vital investment capital and security investment continued to be developed by the scope and nature in relation to the experience and information acquired on the bases of such experience. As system for managing and developing knowledge and artificial intelligence to be mathematical form and computation for the human mind discoveries by human intelligence and human being, the scope of logistics and supply chain structure on the nature of ownership agency and human intelligence shed the light on artificial intelligence by the interaction between instruments of knowledge and human consciousness in relation to decision-making. But the quantum of actuality and potentiality scope significant pattern of supply chain and logistics in relationships between invariance and transformation in phenomena of business and technology associated with growth of system and quantitative finance in similar symbolic form in the science and in mathematics, convergence among artificial intelligence, metaphysics, and epistemology.
The conceptual power to do research and maintains a proprietary interest in the work of expectation and constraints position degree of a reasonable economic and social development that progress toward improvement relatively in relation to the sustained environments, community and for self in bringing human action into alignment with natural phenomena. Considerable success in diplomacy and great energy are conserving support dedication to whole life, vibrant community, and comfortable lifestyle with series of ideas examined to provide and access to information which is necessity to have greater scientific discourse incorporated into logistics and supply chain like economic development and education opportunities progressed for building of railway and train, established a bank and credit line, and developed a social order for equity and critical consciousness. Managed business assets evolve firm in forms with capital, strategies and policies of investments, but social ability to tackle modernity, diversity and education are greater investment policy given serious reconsideration to modern social organization and growth. The efficiency of supply chain and logistics develops and corporate on the basic of culture deducting science and organization about specific relating between financial investment and resources conducted on the possibility and clarity to the task of providing a reliable account, important and necessary modern conception and role of culture and environment demonstrate the richness and complexity of human capital. Modern life educated and specialized in the fields of science and technologies to establish for banking and securities undertaking the function served and provide commercial banking and capital market development in the value of money, liquidity and resolve insolvency problem of banking services including the management of business assets, dividends, interest income, royalties and management fees from hedge fund, mutual fund, pension funds, public finance, and security investment.
Experience and integrity strengthened given sufficient resources to gradually interesting in credible information and characteristically realizing a matter of business strategy and business technology as intelligence relevance to primary objective of supply chain and logistics and state of development to bring stability, progress and prosperity. The communication network and computer system are both technical and procedural into the computerizing of the information system, encouraging attention on socioeconomic system and promoting the development of applied science and technology. A computerized information system develops to mainly function as an ongoing comprehensive system recognizing the security and privacy issues and management function to problem-solving of a such a system, management of an operating system and decision making about security investment, which deal with the technical competence to establish technical requirement for an operational system. These concepts of using computer technology communication network and scientific techniques for the correlation and dissemination of knowledge are aspect of educational concept lay in the great diversity of capabilities, registration and attention, technologically feasible as prototype and protocol to full system and complex system of technological success, progress and innovation in scope, policy and development capable of the high-speed computer-to-computer interface on technology and infrastructures. If managed business asset were technically and economically feasible to achieve both accuracy and completeness of financial innovation and financial system in attaining greater discipline, accuracy and security in the handling of information, biometric technology, blueprint technology and fingerprint machine enhance the data base in interface system, the complex exchange system of one form of market exchange is an ability and incentives to adopt technologies, capital accumulation, equity mobility and asset formation appropriately to the challenge of modernization finance and banking covering hedging on structure of power, acquired resource and developed human capital and skills bonds together for prospects for the prestige of being big and lemony reality about social development, foreign investment, energy and power, and science and technology.
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