Nature and Art for Emotional Wellness, Health, and Healing

Nature and Art for Emotional Wellness, Health, and Healing

October is National Emotional Wellness Month and National Arts and Humanities Month. The week of October 6-12, 2024 was Mental Illness Awareness Week.

Nature and art in their various forms contribute to emotional wellness, mental and physical health, and healing. This is why this month’s LinkedIn newsletter The Biomedical Artist focuses on the indispensable role of nature and art in emotional wellness and mental health. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month and suffering from cancer may have serious consequences for mental health and wellbeing such as may cause depression and anxiety. Therefore, this newsletter will also highlight how nature and art are beneficial for the management of breast cancer.

Great art picks up where nature ends.” Marc Chagall

Beautiful paintings of Marc Chagall and Gustav Klimt at MoMA

This is a video I made summarizing the October 2024 Biomedical Artist Newsletter newsletter on the precious role of nature and art for mental health and emotional wellness:

In my opinion, nature may be viewed as God’s art. Clean air, green and blue nature spaces, flowers, beautiful autumn scenery, parks, trees, mountains, seas, birds, animals, and butterflies, are all excellent for stress management and mental and physical health via many mechanisms.


Beautiful October at The New York Botanical Gardens

Hudson Park and Beach in New Rochelle, NY in October

For city dwellers, parks and flowers are a wonderful connection to nature and its healing effects.

In this respect, a published study indicates that viewing fresh rose flowers by high school students, office workers, healthcare personnel, and elderly individuals for just 4 minutes has an effect on the sympathetic nervous system:

Physiological adjustment effect of visual stimulation by fresh rose flowers on sympathetic nervous activity by Harumi Ikei et al, 2023, Frontiers In Psychology (Environmental Psychology)

Fresh roses at home

In New York City after a busy day at work, I feel very energized, inspired, and refreshed after a walk in beautiful Central Park. My muscles relax, my mind clears, and I feel happy.?

Autumn walk in colorful Central Park.


Central Park, New York City, in October

It is not surprising that some of the best psychiatric hospitals and sanatoriums are in nature, and Switzerland with its beautiful nature has many notable medical spa resorts.

This is an interesting article from Zurich University about the medical spa resorts and sanatoriums in Switzerland:

It is known that one of the notable psychiatrists who coined several psychiatric terms including schizophrenia and autism, Eugen Bleuler, was Swiss. From the biography "Zelda" by Nancy Milford, I learned that Zelda Fitzgerald was diagnosed as having schizophrenia by Dr. Bleuler and was treated in Switzerland. Amazingly, from this book, I also learned that F. Scott Fitzgerald made a connection between the exacerbation/flare-up of Zelda's eczema, which is an immune-inflammatory condition, and the exacerbation and acute episodes of her schizophrenia. He relayed this observation to her psychiatrist and although F. Scott was not trained in medicine, he was very observant and the connection between the immune-mediated eczema and schizophrenia was very perceptive. Carl Jung was also a notable Swiss psychiatrist; This is the book for those of you interested in psychiatry and the life of Zelda Fitzgerald. I think that medicine can learn a lot from every individual. For example, Zelda danced a lot of ballet and perhaps this was her way of trying to restore balance in her mental and physical state.

This is a quote from this book about Zelda'Zelds love of ballet:

"At the beginning of her stay, Mrs. Fitzgerald declared that she had not been sick and that she had been taken by force to a sanitarium. She repeated daily that she wanted to return to Paris in order to resume her work in ballet, in which she believed she could find her only satisfaction in life…."

Milford, Nancy. Zelda: A Biography (p. 159). Harper Perennial. Kindle Edition.

Therefore, we should make efforts to spend enough time in nature, and to preserve our nature because the health of humanity and our planet Earth are intimately connected.

I.??Nature and Mental and Physical Health, and Emotional Wellness.

1.?Health spa retreats, sanatoriums, hospitals, and long-term care facilities are focused on harnessing the therapeutic properties of nature.

This is an article from the New York Times on longevity retreats:

2.??Autumn is a very beautiful season with mild temperatures that allow comfortable walking, sports outdoors, and it is a wonderful opportunity to spend time outdoors in nature. It is not surprising that autumn and October in particular has been an inspiration for so many artists.

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." — Nathaniel Hawthorne

October's Bright Blue Weather (poem)

"O suns and skies and clouds of June, and flowers of June together, ye cannot rival for one hour October's bright blue weather." Helen Hunt Jackson?

II.??Art and Mental and Physical Health, and Emotional Wellness

It has long been known that art is very valuable for emotional expression, mental and physical health. In this newsletter I will highlight some of the valuable properties of art for human health and share some art that I created this October, mainly ballet, which I love!

1.??A museum dedicated to nature, art and science is The Bruce Museum. It has many paintings of nature, explores nature and wildlife and is set in beautiful nature surroundings. Many other museums are located in nature settings and have beautiful art depicting nature.


Exploring art at The Bruce Museum; the subject in the photo (me) and the female subjects in the paintings are all observing art!

Here are some beautiful paintings by artists inspired by autumn nature:

What is your favorite painting of a fall nature scene?

I love taking photos in the autumn of nature and have made a resolution to paint an autumn nature scene. Here are some autumn photos I took this October:


This month I focused on creating ballets celebrating the themes of October – emotional wellness, mental health, breast cancer awareness and arts and humanities. To combine the beneficial properties of nature with art, I have been dancing almost every morning ballet in the garden in sunshine and fresh air. I would highly recommend this as a healthy and positive beginning of the day.

Following are pictures of my garden ballets during October 2024:


My ballet dance outfits are pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A ballet dedicated to emotional wellness, mental health, nature and art that I danced in October is “Dance of the Blessed Spirits” from the Opera Orpheo at Eurydice by Christoph Willibald Gluck, which premiered October 5, 1752 in Vienna, Austria:

For this ballet I am wearing a green dress, which I decorated with flowers myself, another form of art/ crafts:


Dancing my ballet "Dance of the Blessed Spirits" in a green dress corresponding to the color of nature and mental health

What is emotional wellness?

My video on Emotional Wellness and ballet Success-Self-Spirit-Strength celebrates the concept of emotional wellness, exploring the meanings for different individuals.?

1.???Success-Self-Spirit-Strength ballet introduction:

2.???Success-Self-Spirit-Strength ballet:

For Arts and Humanities Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Emotional Wellness Month I was delighted to create and dance my ballet “Dancer In Pink In the Moonlight”. This ballet inspired by the painting of Edgar Degas “Dancers In Pink” at The Hill-Stead Museum in Farmington, CT, and I chose the delicate and romantic music “suite Bergamasque” by Claude Debussy.

Art contributes to emotional wellness via many ways, enjoying and appreciating the art of others and creating your own art. This largely depends your the personality. During October we visited with Lloyd Williams the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art and enjoyed beautiful art and art of nature! Following are some photos from our visits:

Alfred Sisley at The Metropolitan Museum of Art from our visit with Lloyd

"Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh at MoMa from our visit with Lloyd

The greatest crowd of people at MoMa was in front of this painting of Van Gogh, people were waiting in line to take a photo. Amazingly Van Gogh had trouble selling his paintings when alive, suggesting that the human perception of the value of an artwork is unpredictable! Now this artwork contributes to the health, happiness and emotional wellness of so many people!

Although I haven’t had time to paint my own autumn painting this October yet, a very cool artistic endeavor that I undertook is creating my own Autumn art collection at the Rijksmuseum Rijksstudio. From here it is possible to be very imaginative and create different art from the selected artworks. This is my Autumn art collection and I encourage you to try your own:

Beautiful autumn tree detail I created from one of the artworks I selected fro my Autumn Rijksstudio collection. I can now use it as desktop photo, a tote decoration of a blouse image!

The artistic aspects of nature and art center on the creation and emotional impact, in my view. The biomedical aspects, besides on emotional impact, center on stress management, positive effects on human physiology, behaviors, health and positive psychiatry. Can there be a distinction between the artistic and biomedical aspects of nature and art? They seem intertwined to me.

Scientists attempt to pinpoint the beneficial properties of nature and art for mental and physical health, happiness, emotional wellness, and well-being. I selected three studies from many published that correspond well to the October monthly observances

1.?????? Viewing nature murals in hospitals helps children to deal with their anxiety and powerlessness resulting from hospitalization:

The Physiological Impact of Window Murals on Pediatric Patients, Michelle Pearson et al, Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 2019.

2.?????? Art therapy is beneficial in women with anxiety:

The Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Anxiety in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Annemarie Abbing et al, Frontiers in Psychology, 2019.

3.?????? Ballet is therapeutic in women with breast cancer after surgery:

Ballet after breast cancer: investigating the feasibility and acceptability of a novel 16-week classical ballet intervention for breast cancer survivors, Eliza Macdonald et al, Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022.

?In conclusion, I hope that with this month’s newsletter, I inspired you to spend more time in nature and to appreciate and create art. I am especially in favor of the many aesthetic, artistic, and therapeutic qualities of dancing ballet, painting, and music. Ballet also has music, which is an additional benefit for health. I hope I also inspired you to incorporate more nature and arts for the prevention and treatment of various mental and physical health disorders and for emotional wellness. Art helps us to live a more fulfilled, happy, and healthy life and to be human.

“God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things.” ―?Pablo Picasso

Colorful autumn in Central Park, New York City!

Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated!

#art #painting #ballet #nature #poetry #movementismedicine #dancemovementtherapy #emotions #emotionalwellness #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #creativity #anxiety #depression #stressmanagement #positivepsychiatry #photography #cancer #breastcancer #flowers #nervoussystem #beauty #health #healing #humanity #museum



Genoveva Uzunova, M.D., Ph.D.的更多文章