Naturally Unnatural
Today's devotional is from Life Is A Goldmine: Can You Dig It?
"He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm" - Matthew 8:26.
The disciples panicked in the midst of a storm, and Jesus rebuked them for what seemed to be a natural human response. And that is the crux of the matter: fear is a naturally unnatural human response to the unknown and uncontrollable. When their fear got the best of them, Jesus called them 'little-faiths' because they did not put their trust in God, but rather in their own limited perspective.
Where is fear causing you to freak out in the midst of your life storms? Do you see this is an unnatural reaction or as perfectly normal? Have you learned how to manage your fear or does it incapacitate you? If you see your fear as natural, you won't confront and eradicate it. If you see it as unnatural, you will accept Jesus' rebuke and trust Him more often, even in the midst of the storms.
Lord, when I encounter storms, I often panic. I've accepted that as perfectly normal or natural, but today I see it as an unnatural response for me as a believer. I ask Your forgiveness for being fearful when You have been in my boat with me all along. I choose today to focus on You instead of the storm.