Natural, Washed, and Honey coffees from Costa Rica at the Annex and Continental! (USA)

Natural, Washed, and Honey coffees from Costa Rica at the Annex and Continental! (USA)

New coffees from Costa Rica are now available the Annex (USA)- ?PBO230290-01 San Carlos Natural and ?PBO230324-01 Chirripo Washed and PBO230325-01 San Pablo Honey at Continental. This is our fifth year partnering with Selva Coffee to bring your favorite Costa Rican coffees to North America, and there are limited bags left in our spot position!

Seylin Jimenez La Loma San Carlos Natural - PBO230290 (Annex)

Seylin, her husband Alberto, and their children work together at the family in Tarrazu which has been in the family for many years. In the past, they have struggled while delivering their coffee to large mills and multinational companies. A few years ago, they began to pick the best of their harvest and dry them on the beds near their home in San Carlos and process them at their wet mill with the hopes of improving quality and sustainability. La Loma is their farm overlooking the Pirris River Dam. At 1500 - 1600 meters above sea level, this well-shaded plantation is thriving.

Hermanas Alvarado Bambú Chirripo Washed - PBO230324 (Continental)?

Wendy Alvarado and her two sisters run the wet mill Joicafe Esperanza en Dios. Their work is so impressive that they created a reputation for themselves as some of the best processors and producers to come out of their remote town in the southern region of Costa Rica. The Alvarado Family had always been farmers, but not coffee until the sisters had the idea and took the risk of starting to grow it. El Bambu is one of the first farms where The Alvarado Family decided to plant coffee. Its name comes from the small part of the farm overrun by bamboo shoots along a creek that runs along the land. The elevation, fertile soil, ideal climate, and careful management of the young farm have led to excellent results.

?La Joya San Pablo Honey - PBO230325 (Continental) Brothers Julian and Bayron are part of the new generation of producers coming out of San Pablo. Only in their early 20s, they are 5th generation coffee farmers in their family. Although the brothers grew up in a producing culture, they learned to brew, roast, and process coffee on their own. They have been processing washed, honey and natural coffees, but the honey process is most important for the family. They process the coffee without water and leave all the mucilage in the beans. After depulping the cherries, they sun dry for approximately 15 days in patios, which leads to great results.

Check out these coffees in?MyTrabocca or contact your trader asap as bags are very limited.?Please reach out to learn more about our partnership with Selva Coffee and the Costa Rican coffees on spot.?



