A Natural Order Already Exists....
Gina Yallamas
Founder at Earth Medicina - Leading With Love, Guided By Nature Empowering people to live well through Holistic Wellness, Sacred Transformation and Nature's Wisdom - whole systems healing is the future.
Coming from both Eastern and Western perspectives in wellbeing and regenerative ways of being, recent actions in these spaces have astounded me and led me share something from my heart to yours. Without calling it an opinion or a judgement, I wanted to write about a space where a natural order already exists. A space beyond the physical plane that holds the influential reigns of what truly goes on here on earth.
I found myself in deep contemplation (as I often do) about how we humans react and respond to life's occurrences whether they are named as challenging experiences or celebrations. Zooming out from everyday life on planet earth, I sat and pondered the elemental forces and the way they weave natural rhythms and cycles in constant states of change that have a natural order based on their relationship with each other.
Coming from a Chinese medicine background and other wisdom traditions, regenerative ways of being through elemental flow (fire, water, earth, air, ether) are the underpinning principles and building blocks of all life. This ancient wisdom has been turning its cycles of life (mostly unnoticed) for thousands and thousands of years, way before humans entered the circle of life.
What struck me was a deep reverence for life from this meta-perpsective and how it has always sustained a natural order for all living beings. The elements balance and rebalance each other through understanding the foundations of excess and deficiency, similar to the original force of life described through the oneness of yin and yang that maintains wholeness.
The 5 elements are life giving regenerative forces yet when out of balance, they correct themselves naturally through relational wisdom. This harmonic way of being creates resonance through vibrational frequency - everything is energy. What I love about this natural order is that it goes beyond our human impact and continues to roll out its influence regardless of our action or inaction, consciousness or unconsciousness, respect or disrespect. It holds no opinion, no judgement, no namable impact.
From this place of deep energetic vibration, natural order will continue, no matter what. Our human impact on ourselves, each other, the earth and the cosmos will continue to balance and rebalance beyond space and time regardless of what we do, say, believe or how we behave.
Zooming back in to walking this middle path called 'life', I am reminded of how insignificant yet significant we are as we are in constant relationship with the interchanging yin yang movement that occurs through our own consciousness. I then wondered, how is it that historically our own human needs have continued to trump these forces rather than flow with these forces?
As fractals of a whole, we play important roles in this natural order yet we seem to emphasise and encourage disconnection and separation on so many levels of our human existence that create enormous struggle when it comes to sustaining balance. Without a recognition of these elemental forces, there is no life for anyone or anything. Fire (sun), water (rivers/oceans/hydration), earth (soil/food), air (life force) and ether (the energetic field) quietly and respectfully go about their day and night to bring us the gifts for living life.
What has recently disturbed me are the continuously destructive forces that emanate from our continuing human constructs of progress meaning more money, more power or more status and wellbeing meaning endless artificial drug related solutions to sustain life. Inherent life force energies are available to us in infinite ways in every moment. Many cultures are fully aware of and engaged in this inner technology, yet many are completely disconnected. Can we begin to entertain our natural inner technology and elemental resources that have always sustained life as an urgent priority for living a good, healthy, sacred and balanced life??
Can we step beyond an artificial external locus of control and return to a natural way of life through navigating and relating to our own evolving internal locus of control that has always existed in our cellular being? For hundreds of years a natural accumulation of misinformation after misinformation has contributed to our current state of disconnection. Children have been gradually desensitised to their natural place in relationship to earth and the elements and instead are been heavily influenced by external artificial technology in order to learn about themselves and life on earth.
How can we begin to embody life with all parts of our being and experience the natural elements with wild-abandon and reverential awe? What example are we setting for our children as we continue to extract life from life itself and replace it with endless injections of unknown artificial factors? Is that what we collectively call 'doing good' when science provides vast amounts of research about our natural innate and adaptive immunity? Can we return to the wisdom of nature, the original source of preventative medicine and regenerative ways of being?
A sensing of unloved and unknown terrain exists within us all and seems to be spreading virally in all directions. Earth is a loving living biological being with a wonderful array of organisms that sustain balance for all life including minute bacteria and viruses. Diversity and inclusion begins here in the realm of earth based wisdom and natural order that has been researched and studied endlessly. As we continue to pull apart the whole of existence, we dilute the wisdom that is here to sustain us and help us live in interconnected harmony.
Are we allowing our inner ears to listen and observe ourselves deeply and honestly as we respond with greater humility and empathy to issues far bigger than ourselves?
Can we lead ourselves from the natural wisdom that has always guided all living beings or are we going to continue to follow destructive human centred influences aimlessly? We have sovereign choice in every moment.
Our ancient inner technology may need recalibration and restoration as we remember who we are and work through our habits, patterns and behaviours, however, the core of our collective being exists as one in an ever-evolving energetic field holding all of us together. A field where regenerative pathways and ways of being have always existed in relationship to the natural elemental flow of energy and life itself. We are the conductors of our own orchestral harmonic field that impacts the collective harmonic field - does it feel like we in harmony?
As we begin to awaken to our own realisations, a deep responsibility for all living beings returns us to a more balanced perspective of collective wellbeing. I see it as a place where we stand 'hand in hand on the land', united together. That’s the dream I am dreaming and as I engage with that each day physically and energetically, a new level of perception emerges in miraculous ways. Consistency and commitment to an unknown force is where I choose to direct my intention and energy, within the gift of 'uncertainty'.
The more I surrender to uncertainty, the more synchronicity and flow happens. We can’t fight universal or natural law. As one species amongst many, we contribute through our gift of consciousness. Do we humans truly respect and understand the power of our own consciousness?
Ultimately, human context is vast and confusing when relating to the matrix of life. It can be murky and unclear when we are in vibrational frequencies that squeeze us into tight spaces. Bathing in the ‘soup’ of reality underpinned by greed, guilt and deep wounding means healing must take place to alter the course of our dreaming space. Just as we have trashed the planet, we must equally un-trash the planet on all levels of physical and energetic planes. However, it’s far more than just recycling and reusing, it delves into deep human disconnection that requires true presence and forgiveness for physical, mental and emotional trauma that we all hold in our cellular being. A return to wholeness comes at a price....
Letting go of the ‘perceived known’ is one anti-dote for opening to new possibilities. There is no pharmaceutical drug that can help us do that, it’s a conscious courageous choice to step into a state of being that brings us back to the present moment where all new possibility is birthed. Trauma and healing exist together as one, our perception of this shift is what matters. Do we trust ourselves to embody change and healing from a place of inner awareness or are we going to continue to rehash our trauma in new ways until we learn to be still and respect ourselves, each other and the earth equally and holistically?
As we develop a new sense of belonging beyond our own divisive and separatist constructs, we can choose to change and perpetuate love and kindness and feel the effects of this natural state of being. Can we create unified spaces and connections where we are supported by natural forces that help us combat the war we create in our own mind? Regenerative ways of being invite us to self-observe, self-empower and self-remember. As these practices strengthen within us, we rise naturally together with a greater sense of belonging to the greater whole.?
Space time has it’s evolutionary course and all new beginnings unite somewhere in this vast field of consciousness beyond our own self-awareness. Uncertainty is our greatest gift, navigating it well is where we are mostly unschooled or disconnected.?My sense is that resilience is only part of a possible pathway, forgiveness and deep reverence are equally (if not more) important.
What can we do to change our own current state of being? Some simple suggestions are observing and changing our inner dialogue, restoring our physical and biological wellbeing, respecting ourselves so we can respect others, holding space for ourselves and one another, practicing stillness, listening to our hearts calling, taking responsibility for our human impact, forgiving ourselves deeply so we can open to new possibility, inviting peace into our lives in many forms, leaning into non-judgement and stabilising our reverence for our home - Mother Earth.
Life is more than precious, it exists as an experience to relish, honour and enjoy according to a natural order that already exists within us and around us. We have the tools, skills and qualities to restore these pathways of remembrance. Are we willing to change course and listen to this inner technology that is connected deeply to the heart beat of our Earth?
As we emerge from our own self-created complexity, simpler ways of being and relating emerge through deeper listening. A ‘new groove’ where we intentionally nurture the earth beneath our feet with our energetic connection and hold space for ourselves as both wounded and wonderful beings means we can rise humbly through deeply reverential ways of being.
Whilst pondering my own path, what I feel is missing in life is the ‘child-like magic’ that weaves us into relational harmony without 'over or under doing' rather observing and listening to natural signals about when we need to step forward, hold the line or change course according to the balance that is rhythmically evolving beyond ourselves. This unspoken word that arrives in playful and commanding ways gracefully maintains the natural order that already exists. Knowing that order and chaos are one ultimately means we are simply part of this flow and fundamentally all connected to its evolution.
We humans may call this magical space 'uncertainty', however in Taoism, this space is the unnameable, it is simply ‘the way’. Always has been, always will be….. nature knows.