Natural Methods for Gonorrhea Treatment
Biogetica | Natural and Bio-medicines provider with Free Online Doctor Consultations
Did you know many people with Gonorrhoea remain asymptomatic over a period of years??Yes, it’s true!?It is possible that many people do not know they are infected, increasing the risk of spreading it.?Gonorrhoea is not common in all patients. However, some may show signs and symptoms, such as discomfort. This can be associated with a burning sensation when urinating, or mucopurulent drainage.
Gonorrhoea is a disease that has evolved over the years. The strains we have today are not the same as those we had 10 years ago.?Gonorrhoea is resistant to many antibiotics due to its rapid spread.?It is vital to not ignore the symptoms, but rather have it checked out and treated as soon as possible.?Untreated, it may cause irreversible damage to your reproductive organs and infertility. It can also spread to other parts of your body, causing irreversible harm or even death.?Early treatment of Gonorrhoea was therefore essential.?Click Here to get a Free Consultation with One of Our Doctors Right Now!
Antibiotics are commonly used in conventional treatment. They temporarily reduce symptoms, but they also have many side effects.?It is important to address the cause naturally in order to get at the source.?Let’s talk about the five natural ways to treat Gonorrhoea.
- It is important to eat or drink the right foods and beverages:
As it is often said, “You become what you eat”.?You can boost your immunity by eating foods rich in antioxidants and detoxifying agents.
- Sugarcane, Raisins, and Milk are all good choices.
- Yogurt, one of the most effective probiotics, is a great addition to your daily diet.
- Spinach, Carrots (especially the green ones), Asparagus (especially the yellow ones), Dandelion, Papayas (especially those with a bright orange color), Lettuces, and Celery. Also, Oats and Cashews. Avocados. Peaches and Peas. Lentils. Peaches and Almonds. Radishes. Pears. Sweet potatoes.
- Limit your consumption of lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, millet, nuts and seeds, lentils, beans, fermented soy, and gluten-rich foods.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water every day to stay hydrated.
- Avoid alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee or beverages with caffeine as they are known to irritate and worsen bladder inflammation and pain. Contact our Nutritionist and Homeopathic doctor for a personalized diet as soon as possible.
- Yoga or Meditation to Reduce Stress:
Stress is the main cause of aggravation in almost every body condition.?Stress can slow down your recovery.?Start by calming your mind with yoga, meditation or deep breathing.
- Stay active:
Exercises or activities like sports, biking, trekking, or adventure sports can help improve your oxygen-carrying capacity and blood circulation, and relax your mind. They may also help boost your immune system.
- Enjoy Your Hobbies:
Hobbies are often associated with people who live a quiet, relaxed, and sedentary lifestyle.?People with a busy, stressful, and hectic life may need hobbies more often than the average person.?Music, dancing, traveling, reading and writing, teaching, crafts, cooking, knitting, painting, or other hobbies are all possible.?Hobbies have many health benefits that make them worth the effort.?Diversion therapy and positive psychology are terms used to describe engaging in hobbies.?Experts and psychologists suggest that hobbies can help us to achieve “Eustress”, a healthy form of stress, that we need in order to feel excited about our lives.?This will divert your thoughts into positive thinking and make you feel satisfied.
- Natural Herbs & Supplements
In addition to a healthy lifestyle and diet, it is important to take supplements that boost your immune system.?Biogetica’s multi-disciplinary kits combine Traditional Ayurveda with Dietary Supplements and Resonance Homeopathy to create formulations.?These products are said to boost your immune system and enable it to fight off infections naturally.?For more information, contact one of our doctors today!!
We have listed a few of our Immune Boost Products below: