Natural Design
Gea Series by Grespania

Natural Design

Space(s) January 2018

nat·u·ral \ ?na-ch?-r?l , ?nach-r?l: relating to nature as an object of study and research; closely resembling an original : true to nature; having a form or appearance found in nature

de·sign \ di-?zīn: to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan; to conceive or execute a plan; to draw, lay out, or prepare a design

As tastes in spacial use affect the design, so does the need for more connection with the natural environment. With so many people living in city dwellings, there is an increased need for people to feel a connection with nature, and that is something that seems to be more evident in design, whether for residential or commercial space.

This has lead to a design style that takes on the characteristics of Natural Design - the usage of materials and or space to make a connection with our natural environment. For many architects and designers this is seen as “organic architecture”, the philosophy of architecture which brings harmony to human habitation and the natural world.

Organic architecture as stated in the Dictionary of Architecture and Construction edited by Cyril M Harris, McGraw-Hill, 1975, pp. 340-341 is "A philosophy of architectural design, emerging in the early 20th cent., asserting that in structure and appearance a building should be based on organic forms and should harmonize with its natural environment.”

A quick search and you see that this is said to be achieved by design that aims to blend well into the existing environment, so buildings, furnishings, and surroundings fit into the overall rather than overtaking, as if the design was intended by natural selection.

In the tile industry we have seen this trend become a mainstay of product design and selection. Porcelain tile manufacturing has allowed better interpretation of materials such as natural stones, especially now with the ability to produce large format slabs of sizes up to 5'x10' or larger.

Tracce Series by Emil Ceramica

As we stated in our October 2016 blog, this has lead to one of the newest trends in porcelain tiles: ”Reduced Thickness Porcelain Tile" or porcelain slabs. This new technology, has allowed factories to now create porcelain tiles that are not only large in size, but also extremely thin.

The material can range in size from 30"x 30" to 60"x 120” or larger, and as thin as 3.5 mm The average thickness for most material is between 5 mm and 6 mm (1/4") depending on the manufacturer.

Fiandre Maximium Marmi Slab

With many different sizes available, new porcelain “stone look” tiles are extremely versatile and offer endless and seamless applications: facades, walls and floors, showers, tables , fireplaces, backsplashes and even furniture.

Fiandre Quitestones

Another result of natural design in the manufacturing of tile is the new concrete look. From old worn paving to new and interesting textures, this is a look that was featured at the 2017 Coverings and Cersaie tile conventions.

This is a look that captures the natural feel of a material that has been used in construction for centuries, but now with the added benefit of modern technology can be used in even the most sterile settings to add a natural feel to the design environment.

Avalon Series by Grespania

Ergon TR3nd by Emil

The need to enhance user space with natural design in manufacturing technology has also allowed for the designed production of porcelain “wood-look” tiles.

Cellar Series by Florida Tile

Factory reproduction advancements in this regard have become so good, that factories are now able to create porcelain tiles, that once installed are very difficult to distinguish from real wood.

Millelegni by Emil Ceramica

Grespania Cambridge Series

In fact, many of the tiles so perfectly capture the rich character of wood that they are able to show the patina of reclaimed boards, providing a rustic yet modern appearance.

Essence Rare by Fiandre

With such wonderful tiles (like all these mentioned) now available for use by designers and architects, we are confident that when it comes to creating an environment that incorporates Natural Design, whether interior or exterior, you will be able to find just the right mix of visual, and textural material in order to satisfy your clients need for a connection with the natural environment.

Check out our website for more information on the tiles shown, as well as all the other outstanding tiles our factory partners have available for creating a design that evokes the feeling of our natural world 


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