Natural constants from one source

Natural constants from one source

v. 3 n. 8

Fine-tuned universe: The values of the fundamental physical constants are in a narrow range necessary to support carbon-based life.[13][14][15]?Is this because there exist?other universes?with different constants, or are our universe's constants the result of chance, or some other factor or process? (See also the?Anthropic Principle.) *

In the turbulence of physical reality it is encouraging when nature takes a breath, so to speak, and exhibits figures that do not change with conditions. While natural constants are not ordinarily derived, rather, discovered, it was shown that principal natural constants were arrived at from the ambient gravitational field, many in conjunction with special relativity. That is, the fundamental constants appear to have a single source -- space itself, being equivalent to the pure gravitational field according to general relativity. Speculative disjoint "other universes" or "anthropic principle" with different sets of constants were seen as discordant, and the one Universe having zero net energy.

Most constants in terms of natural parameters that were arrived at in these Letters were from the conventional interpretation of Newtonian gravity with special relativity, and a scale-invariant interpretation of Newtonian gravity. The spaces and times of general relativity and Newtonian gravity can be basically the same, while under different conditions. Constituents of the following constants often are large-scale and small-scale parameters in the same constant, suggesting locality or continuity among the scales.

  • acceleration of the Universe, A ≈ 10^-14 m/s^2
  • (electron mass)^3 ≈ k^2(A/G)(e/c)^4
  • (light quark mass)^3 ≈ (A/G)(h/c)^2
  • fine structure constant, α ≈ [(electron mass)/(light quark mass)]^3/2
  • gravitational coupling constant, αG, in the "relativity/quantum bridge,"

γ^2 = (n/2)(αG)^-1,

where γ = (1- v^2/c^2)^-1/2. ..........?(v→c)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • a meaning of the gravitational constant, G = A / (m/r^2), where

G = (acceleration of the Universe) / (constant mass/radius^2 of space), where

the denominator with or without visible matter is calibrated at the galactic supercluster scale (accelerated expansion scale) -- implying gravitation is fundamentally repulsive given this meaning.

  • strong or gravitational force (Planck scale), Fg,1 = 0.021(c^17 h A^2 / G^5)^1/6???????
  • electron charge, Fg,1?≈>?Fcoulomb ..................(Planck scale)
  • "dark matter" density of spiral galaxy = (3/4??)(A/G) r^-1 .......(enhanced gravitational field; "dark energy" at smaller scale)
  • photon, E = hV
  • net mass/energy of the Universe = 0, according to the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.
  • Einstein/Bohm "hidden variable" = the universal continuous gravitational field (if particles are sinks instead of sources; consistent with confirmed Bell's Theorem). Reality is local with this condition.
  • dimensions of space = 4, where it is shown no more are required for the fundamental particles and forces, and the fourth dimension can be interpreted as expansion/contraction of the familiar three.
  • neutrino masses,

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* "Fine-tuned universe" statement:


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