Natural Bedfellows: Mental Hygiene & Physical Health
Kate Morris-Bates
Group Resources & Transformation Director | Board Trustee | Chartered FCIPD | Amateur Writer (all views are my own)
Embracing Holistic Wellbeing In The Workplace
The month of May will soon be upon us, bringing with it Mental Health Awareness Week taking place 13-19 May, on the theme of “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”. And, also Living Streets’ National Walking Month encouraging people to discover the #MagicOfWalking, celebrating the many health and happiness benefits that walking can bring - highlighting the interconnection between mental, physical, spiritual and social wellness, aka Holistic Wellbeing.
Modern worklife can be characterised by relentless schedules, meeting overload, rapid and multiple changes and a never-ending to-do list; and for organisations which don't get to grips with these challenges they risk losing their talent to organisations which are proactively seeking not to just respond to the fallout of these challenges, but prevent them from happening in the first place.
The Business Case for Holistic Wellbeing
A 2023 survey by the McKinsey Health Institute examines this issue, concluding that "those employees who reported positive experiences at work also indicated better holistic wellbeing. Furthermore, they were more innovative and showed enhanced job performance".
For those of us with knowledge and experience in the people performance and wellbeing sectors, this is not new news...but for those who are not so immersed, this survey and its conclusions serve as a call to action to view health beyond illness and its absence. The reasons to act go beyond improving health.
"Research by MHI and Business in the Community showed that the UK economic value of improved employee well-being could be between £130?billion to £370 billion per year or from 6 to 17?percent of the United Kingdom’s GDP. That’s the equivalent of £4,000 to £12,000 per UK employee." - McKinsey Health Institute
Move More, Achieve More, Grow More
The body serves more of a purpose than supporting the head...We are interconnected machines and to perform at our best mentally, we need to work on our physical shape too. It’s why professional athletes have mindset coaches as well as physical coaches to help them continually improve their performance.
As a former amateur athlete myself, with clinical qualifications in human health and wellbeing, I believe that the business world can learn from the sports' and holistic health and fitness sectors in helping employees build resilience and manage stressors better, ultimately achieving more for the benefit of all. The power of movement, sport and exercise can be harnessed as a means to bring your best self to work every day. Movement can help us to stay physically healthy, and has been proven to reduce stress and release tension, which improves focus levels and general mood - important indicators of positive holistic wellbeing.
Holistic health is a strong measure of how an employee can sustain growth over time, which contributes to positive long-term organisational performance. Having employees with strong holistic health has implications beyond short-term business performance, not least because employees who have strong holistic health may want to - and are better able to - work longer, which will be important for how employers approach an aging workforce.
In short, sustainable performance depends on mental hygiene and physical health.?
The Role of People Leaders
Undeniably self-efficacy (an individual's belief in their capacity to act in the ways necessary to reach specific goals) is a foundation stone for holistic health at work; employees with high levels of self-efficacy report better holistic health, regardless of the demands they face. However, expecting employees to take responsibility for themselves without employers also stepping up to the plate to facilitate wellbeing at work is A. Sure. Fail.
Facilitating a well-workforce is a strategic imperative to move the dial on business growth, particularly when considered in context of broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks. And as ESG metrics are increasingly considered by prospective investors, there is likely to be more research that could link employee well-being to financial performance.
Therefore, as well as a moral imperative, there is a financial growth one that should encourage Leaders at all levels to consider employee health a fundamental part of business strategy, leading by example, showing how better health and better business practices can allow everyone to flourish.
Walk Your Talk
Which brings me back to Leaders we need to first acknowledge not everyone loves the gym, has time to run miles every evening or has capacity to do a HIIT class so encouraging employees to walk more is a great place to start and is one of the most inclusive forms of exercise and movement available to us. It can be done at lunchtimes, before work, after work, during work and we can work whilst we walk - in my coaching days I found my clients were at their most reflective whilst "twalking"!
For my part am a self-confessed outdoorsy type and make no secret of being so; I am at my happiest when walking in nature, whatever the weather and season. For me nature fills the senses with it’s sights, smells, forms and sounds which have evolved in accordance with the laws of the natural world. And whilst this may sound all very Daoist (because it is), the science backs this up - a Japanese study of over 3,000 senior citizens found that they were likely to live longer simply by having parks or tree-lined streets that they could walk in nearer their homes.
Previous to my role as Group Resources and Transformation Director at Harworth, I spent six years running my own businesses within the wellbeing, learning and development, and executive development sectors. I recall several years ago, supporting a woman in her twenties who had suffered previously from an undiagnosed but very real back complaint; she had not been encouraged to move her body at all and as a result her flexibility and range of movement was very reduced, and her pain levels were constantly around 9/10. Her mental health and her productivity was suffering. I advised her to purchase a hula hoop and practice with it for a few minutes each day, and take gentle strolls building up the distance - after a couple of months, her pain went to 3/10, and after a year 0/10. She now travels the world with her business.
So, whatever your age and whatever your circumstances, given the enormous impact that movement and exercise has on our mental and physical health, it is important to find creative and achievable ways that work for you and your teams, to keep the body - and the mind - moving.
“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states." - Carol Welch
Encourage Holistic Wellbeing in the Workplace
Encouraging movement in the workplace needs to be more than a Policy; it needs action to support it. Whether you want to buy hula hoops, facilitate in-person or online Zumba sessions, set up a Couch to 5k group, offer a wellbeing course subscription as part of your Total Reward proposition, whatever you do needs to prove you are taking employee health seriously.
I recently took a 26 mile mega-yomp with my sister along the Sandstone Trail…up and down hills, on paths of mainly bog and mud, across Hunger Games-esque fields, through forests of different tree varieties and past medieval castles. I had to dig deep at times when my thighs were burning and my calves were screaming; ”not another hill”, but having a laugh at my sisters expense and she at mine as we channelled the Ministry of Funny Walks and the incentive of a cold beer got us to end in great spirits. And that’s teamwork. A shared goal, getting through the highs and the lows, having fun and celebrating the process as well as the end result.
At Harworth, we are embracing this principle of Teamwork and building comradery and are running a step challenge in May where we all honestly share our step count each week. I will publicly share mine, and if anybody wants to join me and comment with their step count too, please feel free. Let’s encourage and support each many steps do you think you could fit in during May??
As the famous quote goes; ‘it’s not about the winning - it’s the taking part that counts’ and when it comes to movement, this quote has never been more relevant. It’s about progress, not who walked the most steps, it’s about setting realistic and achievable goals for you that help you walk or move more each day.
Kate Morris-Bates
I am a passionate advocate for positive change in business; I know through experience that diverse thinking and experience in the workforce can only lead to better outcomes and am a courageous voice in the communities I serve. All views are my own.
#holistichealthsolutions #wellbeingatwork #employeewellbeing