Natural Anxiety Treatments - A Personal Account
Arul parthiban V
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The soul knows exactly what it should do to heal itself. It is up to us to silence our minds. -Caroline Myss
Anxiety can be a crippling condition that alters your outlook and affects your ability to see the world. Anxiety is a fear-based emotion. It can manifest as mild discomfort or a panic attack. Anxiety can be characterized by fear, and sometimes the fear of becoming afraid. Keep in mind that anxiety is not a disease and can only be felt.
Anxiety isn't something that you should be experiencing. It is a sign of an underlying condition in your body. Pre-menopause symptoms, menopause and ova hysterectomies are the most common causes of anxiety and panic attacks. Auto-immune disorders, and inability to cope with stress from traumatic events. There are many causes of anxiety. This guide is for women in their 30s who experience sudden anxiety symptoms as a result of hormonal changes or autoimmune disorders. However, it may also be applicable to other anxiety sufferers. Stress is inevitable because we live in a society where everyone is involved. Not the stress itself that causes anxiety, but rather the inability to manage stress. Some anxiety is normal. Our bodies are skilled at helping us prepare to deal with what is ahead. Normal anxiety can occur when you speak in public, lead a meeting, or sing in front of others. This anxiety can cause a normal stress response. Another example would be when someone pulls in front of you while driving. This can cause an adrenaline rush, or when we get into fights. Adrenaline is normal and necessary to give us an extra push. Anxiety in itself will not cause you harm. It is a feeling that we only need when it is needed. The stress response and adrenaline were created to assist us.
We will be focusing on some areas that can be improved to reduce anxiety symptoms. We will work to find the root cause of anxiety and address it with Line Organic CBD Oil Trial UK. We will be focusing on three areas: nutrition, environment, and spiritual healing. We'll also discuss what triggers anxiety and how we can turn triggers into non-triggers. This is the first tab of this manual. It will be your main source if you have panic attacks or anxiety. This manual will guide you gently through breathing exercises and grounding exercises. It also offers a way to shift your perception of the trigger that triggered the attack. Below are some common anxiety symptoms associated with panic attacks and anxiety.
Common Anxiety Triggers
Health concerns:
Worrying about your health is a common trigger. An unexpected symptom, such as a strange sensation in the body or a headache, can make people think that something is seriously wrong. Fear of losing a loved one or someone you care about: When someone close to you is suffering, it can be a sign that they are sick. This can cause many emotions, particularly if your spouse or children are involved.
There is always some risk when we take a new medication. For some, this is too much. If there is any change in your feeling due to medication, this could be a trigger. Benedryl, cold and flu medication, and other medications that can cause drowsiness are some of the most common causes. Psychoactive drugs like Marijuana and Benedryl can trigger an attack. These drugs can trigger attacks more easily if taken at night. Recalling a trauma: An anxiety sufferer may be reminded of an event that caused them distress in the past. Anything that brings back these emotions can trigger them. Examples include a divorce, car accident, dog bit, death in the family, or abuse. You can stop thinking about the event. This is an excellent visualization exercise that you can use.
You must ensure you are safe. Imagine your trauma as a movie in a theater. Take the movie on the screen and turn it to still images. It can now be changed to black and white. Place the frame on the theater's sidewall. Step out of the theater and get up from your seat. This is where the picture will remain. It's not necessary to return to the theater. You can always put the memory back in the frame, and hang it again on the wall if it comes back. You will soon forget about the memory and be able move on.
Fear of meeting new people and appointments can cause panic attacks. A trigger can be doctor appointments, dentist appointments, or even an appointment at home with a repairman.
Try this:
I Need Help Now!
You are not the only one experiencing panic attacks right now. You will feel much better if you follow the tips in the next pages. Repeat these exercises until your anxiety disappears. You can choose the activity that is most helpful to you and repeat it multiple times. Anxiety attacks last for less than 20 minutes.
1. 1.
Find 5 things that you can see
Take a look around at the everyday details in your environment. You might notice the color of the light switch, the picture on the wall, or the spackle pattern.
Find 4 things that you can touch
Pay attention to how things feel. Feel the softness of a blanket, the smoothness of the kitchen counter top, and the coolness of a cold beverage or the warmth of your morning cup of coffee.
Find 3 things that you can hear.
The sound of cars passing outside, birds chirping or the hum from the AC unit.
Find 2 smells that you recognize.
Freshly cut grass, the smell of breakfast, or something close to your nose, such as a pillow.
Find 1 thing that you like to eat.
You can choose between a salty snack or sweet apple slices. Basic Grounding is a great way to help you regain control over your environment. This is temporary and you will soon get over it. (Speak this to yourself several times in a row.
2. 2.
-Hold an Ice Cube in your Hand for as Long as You Can Bear
-Snap on a rubber band around your wrist
-Take a cold bath
-Pinch some fat onto your belly. Tactical grounding allows you to return to the present moment through slight discomfort.
3. Visual Grounding
-Remember to notice as many aspects of your environment as you can.
Each thing that you see, -describe
Pay attention to colors and textures.
-Search for as many details about each object as you can.
4. Breathing
Breathing can help you get back to the right state of mind. These are some breathing exercises you can try. Breathe in your belly.
5. 5.
An easy way to relieve anxiety is to tap certain points of the body. You can repeat steps 1-5 as many times as you like.
Nutrition & Exercise
A healthy diet and regular exercise are two of the best ways to avoid anxiety attacks in the future. Although it seems easy, most people struggle to maintain a healthy diet and a strong body. People will change if they want to. You can overcome your anxiety problems if you really want to. It all depends on what you are willing to do. You must make a lifestyle change to overcome anxiety symptoms. There is no one magic bullet that will cure all your anxiety. It is a combination of many factors. Some things work well for one person, but not for another. The winning combination is what you have to search for.
You must stop drinking refined sugars and coffee. This is not an easy task. Are you still with us? It's for the greater good. You will feel much better after a week. Try replacing coffee with chai tea. Matcha Green Tea is another great option. If you don't feel like sugar, you might consider replacing it with Agave honey or honey.
The second thing is to stop eating processed foods. This includes fast food, packaged foods, and foods that you don't know the ingredients of. Make simple meals at home, such as salmon, vegetables, chicken, potatoes, or beans. Include at least one type of vegetable in every meal. Exercise is the most commonly used antidepressant and food is the most frequently used anxiety drug. The best leafy greens. If you can afford organic, go organic. Fruit is a great snack option for snacks throughout the day. Your diet should be simple and straightforward.
We can't eat all the nutrients we need, even though we do our best to get them through the food we eat. These are the supplements that I found to be effective for me. However, you should always consult your doctor before beginning any new nutrition program. You should not take any supplements that could interfere with your existing medication. Magnesium deficiencies are a major cause of anxiety symptoms. Start taking a quality Calcium/ Magnesium supplement every day. I personally like the Calcium/ Magnesium supplement from Calcium Citrate, one form of magnesium, is easier to absorb. If you suffer from anxiety because of an autoimmune disorder, I recommend that you start treating your inflammation. Turmeric is an excellent natural supplement that can reduce inflammation. For three months I used a turmeric supplement with 95% Curcumoids. Then, I switched to natural Turmeric powder supplements once a day.
Vitamin D3 can be added to your medicine collection. I take the recommended 2000 IU daily. Our path to healing is also made possible by probiotics. Our gut is responsible for 75% of our immune system. Our gut sends signals to the brain when it isn't working properly. Our brains attempt to communicate with us through symptoms. Our bodies are trying to tell us something by giving us symptoms. You should not ignore or mask symptoms. Instead, try to find out what they are telling. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria strains. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help to digest food, fight off bad bacteria and heal irritated intestines. Fermented foods like kimchi (found in the refrigerated area), raw, unprocessed sauerkraut, natto and kombucha are some natural sources of probiotics. Yogurt can also contain probiotics, although it is often high in sugar. Remember that these foods are best if they have not been processed. Natural food stores often have great options for raw, unprocessed, fermented foods.
Due to my Crohn's disease, I have taken a lot of probiotics both in pill form and from natural sources. You can find a probiotic that has multiple cultures and strains in the billions. It's best to not ignore or mask the symptoms. Instead, try to find out what they are trying tell you.
Essential Oils and Herbs
Some essential oils and herbal supplements are available on the market to help with anxiety and stress. These may be worth considering as an additional tool in your anti-anxiety tool kit.
For centuries, herbal remedies have been used as natural healing medicine. These herbs were the only way for man to get relief and healing before modern medicine. They are still as potent as modern meds, despite being plant-based. Like synthetic medication, herbs have potency. They should only be used under professional guidance. While they have the potential to heal, they can also cause more harm than good if you aren't well-informed. Make sure you consult a qualified herbalist before exploring this route with your doctor. Here are some common herbs that can be used to treat anxiety.
Essential oils, like herbs, are powerful and very useful. You can use plant-based extracts in many different ways to achieve calming effects. Many essential oil companies offer a wide range of products. All of them claim to be the best and pure, so it's important to do your research to find the right company for you.
I stopped by the health food shop to pick up some vials for my diffuser. Because most episodes occurred at night, I would start the diffuser at night and let it run until I fall asleep. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer of any product you use. The oils made no difference to me but were helpful in taking the edge off.
Although exercise is not a popular topic, it is essential if you want to master self-control. The key is to start from where you are. It's easier to start small and build up your strength and endurance. People who attempt to do too much exercise will burn out quickly and quit. I wonder how many Tae Bo video sets are still unopened?
Do not eat junk food or watch TV if you're overweight. Do some squats while watching commercials. Walk around the block, and then reward yourself with a Netflix episode. Start small. If you struggle to get started and stay motivated, a personal trainer and gym membership may be worth your consideration. Join a Zumba class. Even if you don’t have the moves yet, others will be able to understand. Many groups welcome new members. Even if you're not catching Pokemon, it is still a good thing that you are out there! Martial arts are something I enjoy. I joined a Kajukenbo class. I got exercise and I also learned breathing exercises, self defense, and a little bit of tai-chi. It's a great way to boost your self-confidence! Even during my most difficult weeks, when I was anxiously ill, I found that the anxiety disappeared as soon as I entered the dojo. It is important to keep your eyes on the instructor and the technique being taught. When you are focused on the instructor and the technique, there is no room to worry or be anxious. It was almost impossible to resist going to martial arts on those nights. However, I was completely different on the way back! I felt energized and ready to face the world again! When you are focused on your task, there is no room to worry or be anxious.
Start with 30-60 minutes of exercise per day, 2-3 times per week. Then increase your intensity. Exercise with a friend is always a great idea. Friends can help you stay accountable and boost confidence.
Tai Chi, a form meditation that focuses on control and meditation of the body, is one type of Tai Chi. It is great for anxiety relief and learning how to understand your soul. You can search on YouTube for qualified instructors and start practicing daily. You'll be amazed at how Tai Chi can make you feel after just a week of practicing it as part your morning routine.
Rejuvenating Spirit
Let's now look at the spirit. We have briefly discussed the body and the mind. Even if you don't consider yourself a spiritual person, there are some practical suggestions to help you with a spiritual cleansing. It's healthy to take a step back and examine your life. How can we improve our lives? Which relationships are in need of repair? What can be trimmed to make things clearer? What can be cut to make life less stressful? Are we getting enough exercise to reduce stress? Which areas of our lives cause us the most grief What can be done to make it more pleasant?
It takes about five minutes to write down your priorities.
1. Spouse
2. 2. Children
3. 3. Health
4. 4.
5. 5.
You get the idea. Everyone will have a different experience. Make sure you do your research.
List of things that you would like to see change. Exemple:
1. Better health
2. 2.A better relationship with ________
3. Financial Health
4. Better friendships
5. 5.
Write down some ideas for improving each item on your list. Focus on your list for the next week and then start to take steps to implement them. It doesn't take you to complete everything at once. Start small. You can call someone you wish to improve your relationship with and invite them to coffee (or Chai tea) or to go to Zumba. Every day, try to improve your quality of life by 2%.
Are you a church goer? Do you attend church? If so, find out how you can get involved. Volunteer to help with the children's ministry or pass out bulletins. Helping others takes the focus of you. Helping others makes me feel my best. Are you a Bible reader? You can find many comforting scriptures to help you relax. Tip: Stick to the New Testament first! Psalms and Proverbs are a good place for starting. I am a participant in the Life Journal reading program. You read the passage and then write in your Life Journal how you can apply it to your own life. It's much more beneficial than reading the passage alone. Focusing is another great tool.
You don't have to be a regular church-goer, but you might be interested. There are many types of churches, and not all churches are the same. Keep going church-hopping until you find the one that suits your spirit. Do not be discouraged if you fail to like the first one. Each church is unique. It is up to you to choose one that you enjoy and fulfills your needs. Avoid churches that make you feel pressured into doing anything. One that makes you do something in order to get a spot in heaven. One time, a friend invited me to their church. I went and tried it, but it didn't seem like a good fit. So I decided not to go the following week. Surprise, some of my "friends" from the church knocked on my door and offered to take me to church. They came back the next few weeks, even though I lied and claimed I was not feeling well. Finally, I had to tell them that I didn't want to go. Please don't disturb me! This type of church was a cult, and it is very difficult to get out once you're in. These churches are not recommended!
Foursquare churches, Protestant and Open Bible are where I feel most at home. Other options to consider are Methodist, Presbyterian, as well as some independent churches. While churches can be open to all, they tend to have an open mind and a genuine concern for others. You can explore other religions, but I don't have any experience.
Volunteering for the Red Cross, your local Search and Rescue Team, food banks, and pet shelters are just a few of the many ways you can help others.
Helping others to understand
Anxiety is invisible, which means that others around us don't understand what we're going through. Different people react differently, sometimes worsening our feelings. Anxiety sufferers can even smile in the middle of panic attacks! What is the best way for us to communicate our feelings with others? It is not an easy question to answer. Non-anxiety sufferers will never have experienced panic attacks so they can't know how you feel. They see you as fine. Sometimes I tell people to imagine the Titanic's poor passengers in jail as they sink slowly. Do you feel panicky and afraid that you will die? That's exactly what it is. Except that there is no obvious reason for panic in our case. If you want to help, here are some things you can tell your friends and family:
1. Don't try to fix anything. Just being there makes me feel better.
2. Do not tell me to "not worry".
3. Friends can offer support by saying: "You can get over this", "It is not the place that's bothering your, it's the thought," "I'm proud to you, good job", and "What you feel is frightening but not dangerous." "Concentrate upon breathing, stay present. ".
4. Get help from your friends to find a safe, quiet place to go.
5. Avoid surprises by having your friends speak in simple sentences.
6. Friends and loved ones must remember to remain calm.
Find friends who are calm and understanding. Accept the situation and don't fight it. Attacks last approximately 20 minutes, so don't worry, it will end soon.
You can overcome anxiety attacks by keeping an optimistic attitude!