Natter Time November
Get behind Anti-Bullying Week with Natterhub
Anti-Bullying Week (13-17 Nov) is coming soon, and you are in good hands with Natterhub. With a focus on cyberbullying, we’ll help you address issues that stem from children being online.
We have you covered for the whole week and beyond!
Tackle cyberbullying in school with Natterhub
Schools have shared serious concerns about the effects of cyberbullying increasingly being felt in classrooms.
Most of the issues that spill into school relate to children falling out online via messaging apps. (school feedback)
Lets take this year's theme from the Anti-Bullying Alliance 'Make a noise about bullying' and make it a long term strategy.
How to make a noise?
Bang drums? Scream? Play music?
We've a better idea...
Natterhub is an online safety platform that generates a lot of noise, the right kind of noise, too! Natterhub teachers rate our lessons 4.6 out of 5.
New to Natterhub? Use it to see the magic! For Anti-Bullying Week we’ve selected an on-theme lesson you can take for a test spin.
Online safety webinar for parents
Staying with the anti-bullying theme, through our FREE Online Safety Webinar for Parents, we’ll provide practical tips and strategies to help parents support their children with online etiquette and recognise the signs of cyberbullying.
Register your school to receive webinar access details to share with parents.
Creating a Safe Digital Playground for Your Child.
Thursday 23 November 1900hrs (GMT)