Nationwide Rejection on Overtime Rule
Regardless of how one looks at the news out of Texas that has impacted employers across the US, the results will not change, at least not for now.
The short version of what one Texas court judge has accomplished by blocking the Department of Labor's (DOL) rule increasing the salary thresholds overtime exemptions under FLSA is this:
For more information on the DOL initial ruling read: 2025: DOL and Compensation Planning
How to Mitigate the Change with Employees
Back to Square One
For employees, this might feel like a step backwards when considering cost of goods (inflation) and how much income a family needs to maintain stability. The thresholds, while deemed unlawful by the DOL, were at least an acknowledgement of the meager earnings for underpaid workers.
By abandoning the entire rule, thresholds have reverted to pre-pandemic levels. Levels that hadn't experienced the rising inflation over the last four years. Regardless, major increases are off the table for the foreseeable future, as are automatic periodic increases – the latter have now been found to be unlawful multiple times.?
While the DOL may be out of the picture for now, with the administration transition in January, time will tell for how long.
Just because the new ruling is no longer in play, doesn't make it a bad practice, that should be the key takeaway in all of this. Employers once again have control over how high the bar is set. Too low and the workforce will respond negatively, too high and there might not be a workforce to worry about. As an employer looking to maintain, sustain, or grow, the review and reclassification is a good exercise to put into practice annually and adjust accordingly. Businesses that recognize this as a strategic opportunity to outpace competitors will likely see the results of a healthy, well-informed, retained workforce that is earning a fair wage.
Striking a balance between the business needs, employee retention and growth is challenging but not impossible.
All the best,
8398 Six Forks Road Suite 104, Raleigh, North Carolina | 919-873-5588