The Nation's future is secure!

I just have one recent data point - the La Costa Canyon (LCC) High School Class of 2018 commencement. As an engineer and former scientist, I know that there is no statistical significance to this data point. One can only hope.

The event was the graduation of our oldest grandson. Getting over the heart swelling pride of him receiving a Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, being an LCC Distinguished Student for a GPA above 3.7, and earning the California State Seal of Biliteracy, I was just another seat in the audience watching 420 or so, happy high school seniors mostly 17 or 18, adorned in cap and gown under a hot San Diego sun.

At exactly the same time as I was observing this event, my wife Rosemary was in Culver City, California at our oldest granddaughter’s high school graduation. All that I can say about that event is that she received the same honors. Double proud. They both have Rosemary’s genes. Because both events occurred at exactly the same time on the same day, it was necessary for us to split up for each of us to be at one of the events.

The LCC graduation was accomplished with military precision. This was perhaps because LCC is about halfway between Naval Base San Diego and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton – or not. Perhaps because these kids and their teachers are the best in the USA, or just act like they are. Maybe they just did what they were told. But, then they would not be American kids.

The venue was the LCC stadium. One wants to say the LCC Football stadium. That would have worked in my day. But, this stadium is used for American football, Rugby, Soccer and Track. The permanent lines colored in the artificial turf say so. I have witnessed Rugby and Football on this turf. I am undefeated.

On this day, the 50 yard line marked the center of a four point stage. Imagine a four-leaf clover where the leaves are square, not kind of rounded. At the edges of the leaves were four groups of seats. Each group had 105 or so kids. Each group had 3 sections of 1/3 the number in each group. That would be 34 and 1/3 kids per group. Anyway, the math worked out. The amazing part is that there was never a missed moment. A name was read perfectly by a counselor, the program said – “Names read by Couselors”. Kid 1 from group 1 section 1 marched to station 1 of the four leaf clover. Then a second name was read perfectly by a counselor and kid 2 from group 2 section 1 marched to station 2 on the four leaf clover. Then an interlude described below, and the next sections from each group. So it went for 400+ kids in just over an hour – flawlessly.

An ordinary happy day in the life of a business process person would have been an ecstatic day – just with this chirography - clearly the work of the school administration and likely out of some “how to”, that they were smart enough to follow. But, that is not this story.

It began when the gates were opened at exactly the precise time and the parents and the grandparents and the siblings and the friends and the former nannies and the aunts and the uncles, and whomever was listening walking and sitting as the kids thanked them in prerecorded messages. One senior thanked her dog. I can relate to that. These recorded messages were slated to happen according to the program designed by one of the seniors. She had stylized cap on a Picasso type head as the focal point of the program cover. The side bars read “Invinc18le”. How classy is that? These messages filled the time nicely as the stadium filled to capacity.

At precisely 1600 the Invinc18le’s began their procession to the usual. The time for 400+ to enter the arena was less than the length of this usual by maybe ?. It was performed by the LCC Symphonic band – kids.

Next was the Welcome, Introductions & Recognitions by the Associated Student Body (ASB) President – a kid. What is the ASB? ASB is Associated Student Body. It is a student group that plans events at the school. It is like a kind of community action group above politics. This person – a kid, did her job with perfect diction and poise. Could any of my age have done the same at age 18? Would we have been given the opportunity? Don’t know. It did not happen.

The National Anthem was sung flawlessly – by a kid. She was accompanied by some numbers of American Sign Language Seniors at about 10 yard intervals on both side lines. I am betting that these kids were perfect.

The Principal said his obligatory remarks. I can’t comment on their authenticity. I do know that at the three High School graduations I attended for our daughters, the principal said exactly the same words at each graduation. This being our first at this high school, we have yet to learn the authenticity. But, the kids do seem to really like him. Something about spending the night with them at an unauthorized campout in the school parking lot. Seems that the cops were not in on the joke.

The first Awarding of Diplomas followed. This was the first section of the first group followed by the first section of the second group followed by the first section of the third group followed by the first section of the fourth group. Thus, completing the 4 leaf clover. It was over for 100 + kids in the bat of an eye.

“Our Narrative” was presented next by one member of 3 senior graduates – triplets. All received the same top 3 honors as our grandson. I cannot recite her words. I can recall that they were inciteful and authentic and relevant to her time and our time. And, that they came from her soul and that she is a kid.

Following the 2nd reading of graduates and each a flawless march to each receive his or her recognition - the LCC Cast of Les Misérables performed “One Day More”. There were maybe 50 kids doing this, including the LCC Symphonic Band. Les Misérables is spectacular in any venue. To see these kids do this was truly moving. If there was a dry eye in the stadium, it was not mine. There was a standing ovation by students and the assembly.

The 3rd reading of graduates and the procession around the 4 leaf clover was expectantly perfect. It was followed by a senior talk “Here comes life” This senior also nailed it. His talk was that this is the beginning. The acceptance and exuberance of his classmates to his message was palpable throughout the stadium.

The grand finale was a performance of “Mr. Blue Sky” by 6 students including one of the triplets. My generation would call the performers a Rock Band. Whatever they are called now, doesn’t matter. All 400 kids rushed in caps and gowns to the stage. They transformed the event into a mosh pit, complete with passing one another to one another. The music was flawless. The lyrics were flawless - for this time and place. The kids were kids. Then, they went back to their seats – flawlessly.

Their Class President, our grandson’s prom date, her first name is Dare – then dismissed the assembly as the caps went flying. It was flawless.

The Nation’s future is secure!

Dennis E. Wisnosky

June 18, 2018

Igor Ikonnikov

Passionate about bringing Information Systems at par with the business requirements of the 21st century.

6 年

Congratulations, Dennis! I guess you are the happiest Grandpa in North America now!



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