Mr. President, Members of the Cabinet and Congress; OPM Director Ahuja:
This year's National Whistleblower Appreciation Day is 30, 2023.?
I respectfully and humbly offer the following 6 point plan:?
I. Rose Garden Ceremony?
On April 6, US Senator Chuck – “The Saint of Whistleblowers” – sent you a letter urging you to enact a Rose Garden Ceremony to acknowledge national efforts of whistleblower in recovering taxpayer dollars and preventing fraud and corruption.?
II. National Whistleblower Day – Make it Permanent
As a DHS/FEMA whistleblower, I not only encourage you to hold this ceremony, but:?
1.?Make National Whistleblower Day Permanent
2.?Use the occasion to send the clearest message yet that your administration will not tolerate the mistreatment of federal employees – many who are union members, by:?
a.?Ending current toxic and hostile workplace conditions;
b.?Ending the culture of retaliation and harassment;
c.?Substantially increase the training for staff and management;?
d.?Increase and enhance even more the current sanctions for violators – including:?
i.??Making them individually financially liable;
ii.?Forfeit their government pension and;?
iii.?Prevented them from holding future federal employment/office
Most importantly, hold a national town hall on harassment in the federal workplace. Make it another Biden “moonshot” like you did with cancer.?
A few reasons:?
III. A New Process for Addressing Grievances?
You and Congress can also do something that all agree – scrap the current administrative process for handling claims and grievances.?
It is time to end the confusion and the plethora of offices that like quicksand – drowns out and further punishes – humiliates – the heroic efforts of whistleblowers who uphold the Constitution.?
IV. A Single Office to Adjudicate All Grievances?
The federal workforce needs a system that responds and addresses allegations quickly.?
Justice delayed, is justice denied.
Establish a single office to adjudicate all grievances with a single and simplified process for all federal employees.??
All whistleblower cases and appeals should be directed to a new office in the judicial system to hear just that – whistleblowing cases and implement administrative corrections.?
We already have court that handle taxation and immigration matters – why not corruption??
This is not perfect, but the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has simple and transparent process. A template – starting point – for the federal government.
A. Federal Court Access & Jury Trial?
Matters should also provide federal employees the same legal rights most Americans enjoy – the right to a jury trial.
The current system creates a second and unjust class status for those of us that are public servants.?
B. Legal Representation?
Why should patriotic and public servants spend their well-earned salaries on legal costs that can bankrupt personal finances and destroy families – when at the end of the process the taxpayer benefits?
Aren't these brave federal employees worthy of the same legal protection afforded the violators, who get free government legal representation?
In the criminal system there is the right to counsel for indigents, why not have the same right in whistleblower cases??
V. Financial Support
Another major flaw with the current system is that whistleblowers who are forced to resign – due to hardship – find themselves without a job.?
No job means no paycheck. You can't support a family, you can't pay bills, you eviscerate your credit (difficult to get re-employed – especially if you need a security clearance) and your home.?
Not only should unemployment not be denied a whistleblower, but it should also be a safety net provided to encourage disclosure.?
Federal employees must continue to receive a full paycheck while their case is pending. Should they prevail with their grievances, part of the proceeds should be used to reimburse the federal government and/or deducted from the money they have saved the taxpayer.
In the long run, the system will be financially self-sustaining to pay for all of the services provided under this new framework.?
VI. Dignity
Lastly, despite all of the indignities – the injustices – the humiliation – of the last four years, I walk with my head held up high.
Whistleblowers are patriots not traitors.
Protecting the American people should not wrongfully stigmatize people who do the right thing.
They do what is required of them by law.??
Speaking up is an American tradition.?
As such, whistleblowers need to be considered a protected class.?
The stigma needs to be removed and dignity restored.?
In sum, this plan – or one premised on the principles in this framework – has the potential to be nothing short of a win-win.
Such a framework will result in more people coming forward – without fear – produce a safe and productive workplace, and reduce waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government.?
It all starts with the event at the Rose Garden and words from the Commander-in-Chief.