National Wealth Fund to invest in industries focused on net zero
portfolio institutional
portfolio institutional is a monthly magazine for institutional investors.
New fund aims to mobilise private investment.
LPPI’s Frances Deakin: “We are an investor with impact, not an impact investor.”? The head of responsible investment at Local Pensions Partnership Investments likens the asset manager to a stick of rock.
ESG Club Hub
The June issue - ESG Club
The backlash against ESG is growing. In the US, some lawmakers have implemented rules that have led to asset managers being barred from managing public funds. Meanwhile, farmers are blocking roads across the Netherlands in protest against government plans to cull livestock in the country to cut climate-harming nitrogen oxide.
Building a more sustainable future is not easy and will disrupt our lives.
Indeed, transitioning our economies to cleaner sources of energy is expensive and could lead to blackouts. This will hit the most needy in society the hardest, despite reducing inequality being a goal of some ESG-led investment strategies.
June’s ESG Club looks at how investors are tackling the growing backlash to build a sustainable and fairer future
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