National Recovery Month
More than 23 million Americans are in long-term recovery from addiction to alcohol and other substances. They are living proof that recovery is possible and that it benefits themselves, their families and communities. That is why the month of September has been long recognized as National Recovery Month.
This is a bittersweet time for those whose lives have been impacted by substance use disorders. So it is proper and fitting that before we begin September, we take a day to remember those we lost and increase the awareness for those we can help.
Today, August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day. Today is for the families, friends, and loved ones who have experienced the grief of losing someone in their lives due to an overdose. It is a time to mourn and a time to remember. It is also a time to seek an understanding of the wide-reaching impact of addiction. Each year we learn more and more about healing from the struggles of addiction. New options arise like the use of Naloxone to save lives. We build programs for treatment that not only help people begin healing from drugs and alcohol abuse but also teach coping skills to live a lifetime of recovery.
As we move into September and National Recovery Month, we gladly take the time to celebrate the lives impacted by those in long-term recovery! Last year our mantra for National Recovery Month was "Together We Are Stronger."It was a powerful message with deep meaning behind the community that surrounds recovery. At that time, Promises was in its first year as a company that provides treatment for mental health and substance use disorder. We took this rally call to heart in everything we did over the last year.
When the pandemic hit, we heard a message from our communities that echoed our thoughts. We will get through this pandemic together. We took up that torch and dedicated our vision and actions to focus on the importance of understanding that through healing individuals, communities will heal. As we celebrate, our mantra for National Recovery Month is "Together We Are Healing." Our goal will be to open the doors for empathy, compassion, and restoration.
Join us this September, in the celebration of National Recovery Month:
“Through healing individuals, communities will heal.” - Promises Behavioral Health’s Vision?