National Polls - Trump trouncing Biden - media completely misleading the american public

National Polls - Trump trouncing Biden - media completely misleading the american public

when you think about understanding what is going on in the world - you probably think of turning on the media?

its not your fault that is what we were taught. the media had ethical standards to uphold and were going to present an:

- objectivity

- accurate

- factual

- honest

version of reality for the public to make up their own mind.

unfortunately - these standards were left in the past and if you want to actually understand what is happening in reality you have to turn else where.

the north star - the standard with which the media holds themselves to is how much they can take things out of context to twist the reality and manipulate a situation to spin a narrative.

i noticed this over 10 years ago and havent owned a TV since 2009. i knew at that time that it was a complete and utter waste of my time.

you probably agree that we use our minds to think (yeh no shit SAM get to the point). what do you think happens when you fill your mind with complete trash everyday by reading, listening too and watching the media?

stop consuming any mainstream media! the more the media realizes they are losing their power over the american public - the crazier they get.

this is why i created the google and youtube rankings based on peoples actual behavior to understand the truth of what Americans were actually interested in.

this is our time! we all need to stand up and make our voices heard!

this is the first time in history where we THE PEOPLE have a voice. if you believe in the truth, share this video with someone and spread the message.


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