National Political Shifts

July 16, 2024

By Victor Fabry

The geopolitical pressures that resonate around the globe are revealed in each nation’s economy, the military and the justice systems. As the world geoponics evolves, so do these pressures. They sometimes can impact multiple countries at the same time. We can now see multinational political shifts affecting multiple European countries and the United States.

The political shifts underway in the UK, France and the U.S. are the result in a loss of confidence in the government’s economic plans and programs. Its fundamentally a culture war, focused on issues ranging from immigration, gender equality, social programs which are driven by economic and political forces. Long-standing cultural norms are being restructured, and the shift often directed and endorsed by the state. The movement of people across borders brings with it diverse cultural values, poverty-driven crime and the difficulties of social integration

Amid the pressures generated by the fear of unemployment is a sense that the state has lost interest in the well-being of poorer citizens, in favor of migrants. With that comes a fear that their country’s long-standing moral values will be deemphasized and new standards established as new groups are granted priority, over older generations.

In Europe, many of these issues are also in play, coupled with the sense that European unification has favored some countries over others and that the political system has not addressed everyone’s needs. In some cases, traditional concerns over distribution of wealth have also been at the root of the battle. The political battle is mostly against left-wing parties, with the common thread of resistance being unrestricted migration.

UK Elections

The UK Labor’s party victory is bigger than could have imagined until fairly recently. At the last general election in 2019, the Labor Party had slumped to its worst defeat in more than 80 years and appeared set for a long period in a political wasteland.

UK Changing Leadership

French Elections

France’s left-wing New Popular Front alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition thwarted a far-right victory in legislative elections on Sunday, staging?one of the greatest political upsets?in recent French history.

French Populism

Overall, it’s the incumbent parties that are the targets of the populist’s frustration. The incumbents, irrespective of their political ideology are held responsible for the public’s grievances. As opposition parties, including some on the left, take on issues like mass migration and shifting traditional values, they begin to tilt elections in their favor.

The U.S. election is a model of this tendency. By focusing on the diminishing influence and authority of Democratic leadership, the voters are challenging the incumbent party in favor of political change. A similar dynamic is taking place in Europe, where the left-wing parties are moving to recognize the moral claims of newly energized voters skeptical of European unity, foreign migration and changes to cultural norms.

?This generates a political response against the particular political policies and those parties in power. In the United States, the challenge comes from the confrontation between the Democratic Party and Republican Party. Democrats are seen as heedless of the traditional moral values and the dangers of illegal migration.

US Presidential Debate

President Biden and former President Donald Trump squared off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election. Biden’s responses were defined by rambling answers by the president, leaving Democrats wondering if the for the President can perform his role.

National Party Leaders

The nations of world including Europe, Asia, and America are undergoing significant shifts in the technology, economy, military and legal systems that underlie their nations. The European nations are thus responding to this routine but dramatic shift. As economic conditions change, political pressures grow.?? We are now in the midst of a erupting political crisis affecting many European countries as well as the United States.

These forces have been caused by a loss of confidence in the state’s traditional principles. There is a culture war on issues ranging from gender, to the movement of people, driven by economic and political forces. Long-standing cultural norms are being changed, a shift overseen and endorsed by the state. The migration of people across borders brings with it diverse cultural values, poverty-driven crime and difficulties with social integration.

Amid the pressures generated is the fear of unemployment and the sense that the state has lost interest in the well-being of poorer citizens in favor of migrants. There is a fear that their country’s long-standing moral values will be de-emphasized and new values developed for new groups, which are granted legitimacy over older generations. This generates a political response against the parties in power.

In the United States, the rising challenge is the confrontation between the liberal Democratic voters and the conservative Republican voters. Democrats are seen as oblivious of the moral values that were dominant in the past and the dangers of migration.

In Europe, these issues are coupled with the sense that European unification has favored some countries over others. Questions about a political system that has not satisfied people’s needs and concerns over distribution of wealth, are also the root of the battle. The political shift is generally against left-wing parties, with growing resistance over continued migration from the eastern Europe and Africa.

Incumbent parties in the UK and France are the targets of frustration. The incumbents, regardless of their ideology, are the targets of the public’s grievances. If opposition parties adopt issues like migration and economics , they will shift voters and election in their favor.

The U.S. election is a model of this tendency. Republicans are focused on reducing trust and legitimacy of the Democrats leadership. Republicans who support a more conventional ideas, favor of a traditional immigration policy and executive leadership.

A similar dynamic is taking place in Europe, where the left-wing parties are moving to recognize the moral claims of newly energized parties skeptical of European unity, migration and changes in cultural norms. The world is undergoing dramatic shifts. Bottomline In democratic nations, the voter can and will demand change regardless if it benefits their party. ?In the UK and France, the conservative leaders were voted out of office because of failure of economic and social programs. In the U.S., the president may be voted out of office because of failures of economic or migration policies or leadership.

In recent days?both the U.K. and France held parliamentary elections and the two conservative governments were routed. These results indicate is that if national leaders continue to pursue failed or ineffective policies, they will suffer the voters’ retaliation.


In democratic nations, leaders who fail to deliver on economic, social, or geopolitical policies will be voted out. In communist nations, including Russia, China and North Korea, its citizens have no such option.? This is the most fundamental and significant difference between democratic and socialist or communist countries. ???


