Police Captain Juan G. Bajonero Rodriguez - Perú
The United Nations was created in 1945 with the fundamental purpose of maintaining international peace and security, as well as avoiding the repetition of the tragedies of war; That is why the United Nations, under the protection of its charter, uses various mechanisms to fulfill its purposes, one of these mechanisms being peacekeeping operations, which includes the coordinated participation of military, police and civilian personnel. Responsible for a wide range of tasks, according to the nature of the function of each of these, in order to provide the respective support to a certain country and its population victim of a conflict, such support is carried out until a lasting peace is achieved.
This article explains the concept of peacekeeping operations and its legal framework, this in relation to the United Nations and its Charter of creation to later describe the role played by the United Nations Police Division in peacekeeping operations. peace-keeping.
Subsequently, it is announced about the National Police of Peru (its history, nature, fundamental purpose and functions), the participation of the National Police of Peru in peacekeeping operations (its importance, situation and progress), as well such as the proposals for actions to operationalize the participation of the National Police of Peru in United Nations peacekeeping operations.
Keywords: United Nations (UN), Peacekeeping Operations (PKOs), United Nations Police (UNPOL) and National Police of Peru (PNP).
The general purpose of this article is to present a vision regarding United Nations peacekeeping operations and how police participation in such peace operations contributes substantially to the fulfillment of the respective mandates issued by the Council of Security and, consequently, in the achievement of the purposes of the United Nations.
In this context, as a specific objective, we will learn about the history of policing in the United Nations, the role they play and the types of police that act in a policing component of the United Nations.
In addition to this, the current role of the National Police of Peru in peacekeeping operations, its current situation, its progress and finally I will provide proposals for actions to operationalize the participation of the National Police of Peru in peacekeeping operations of the United Nations.
The United Nations (creation, purposes and principal organs)
The year 1945 marked an important milestone for the history of humanity in its search for a peaceful world, since on June 26 of that year 50 States, including Peru, signed the Charter of the United Nations, a document that gave rise to the Nations. United, the largest international organization that watches over peace, development, and human rights and is currently made up of 193 States.
It is noteworthy that for the formulation of the Charter, 4 specialized commissions were formed, made up of representatives of each country. Peru was a member of the first commission and its contribution was related to "the general purposes of the Organization, its principles, members, the Secretariat, and the matter of amendments to the Charter."
Later, on October 24 of the same year, the Charter of the United Nations after being ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and most of the signatory countries entered into force, with the purpose of:
Regarding its organization, the United Nations has the following main organs: Security Council, the General Assembly, the Secretariat, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the International Court of Justice. Being
However, the United Nations, in order to fulfill its purposes, executes various mechanisms and actions, including peacekeeping operations, which are basically aimed at preventing conflicts, as well as generating the necessary conditions for lasting peace in those countries where there is already a conflict.
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
If we review the United Nations Charter in detail and try to find the term peacekeeping operations among its lines, we will realize that it does not exist, this because it has not been consigned as such in the Charter. So, the question arises, how has the United Nations been using this mechanism for a long time? This is possible under the protection and application of the legal framework regulated in Chapter VI and VII of the United Nations Charter, referring to the peaceful settlement of disputes and action in the event of threats to peace, respectively. Therefore, as Dr. Fernando VALVERDE CAMAN points out, “peacekeeping operations appeared from practice itself and that, over time, the UN, when launching them, has been expressly defining them and marking their action systematizing it legally”.
From the doctrine we find some definitions, so we have that the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Boutros Ghali (1992: 20), in his peace program document, referring to a specific type of peace operations, defines as peacekeeping operations. peace to the "Deployment of a United Nations presence on the ground, until now with the consent of all the parties involved, which is normally done by resorting to military and / or police personnel, and even civilian personnel."
Dr. Fernando VALVERDE CAMAN points out that from an institutional definition and gathering the essence of the role played by the PKOs, it should be specified that “Peacekeeping is the deployment of civilian and military personnel in a zone in conflict with the consent of the parties primarily involved in it, acting impartially and defensively to stop or contain hostilities or assist in the execution of a peace agreement."
Picking up this definition and in order to contextualize it to the current scenario of the PKOs, I consider that this should be understood as participation not only limited to military and civilian personnel, but also to police personnel, given that said participation dates back to August 1960 when A small contingent of the UN Police was deployed in the United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) and due to the important role that police personnel play in the reform, training and restructuring of local police forces, as well as in the protection of civilians and the safeguarding of human rights, this police participation has increased notably, reaching historical levels in 2010 with more than 17,000 troops (UNPOL, “Nuestra historia”; como se citó en la obra “El Papel de la Policía de Naciones Unidas en las Operaciones de Paz” de autoría de la Detective Sub-Inspectora Principal (Ret.) Sue King, Policía Federal Australiana).
Due to the aforementioned, I consider that the most accurate concept of peacekeeping operations is the one provided by Agada (2008) who points out that the PMOs imply the coordinated presence of military, police and civilian personnel responsible for a wide range of tasks such as such as humanitarian assistance, surveillance, human rights and electoral supervision, rehabilitation and social and economic reconstruction.
This definition acquires greater relevance taking into consideration that at present the PKOs have gone from being “traditional missions” where a majority participation of military personnel is seen to “multidimensional missions” where, although it is true, military participation continues to be fundamental. The participation of police and civilian personnel is also necessary to achieve the objectives outlined in the mission's mandate.
The United Nations Police Division (UNPOL)
The mission of the United Nations police is to enhance international peace and security by supporting Member States during and after conflict, as well as in other crisis situations, to carry out effective, efficient police services, representative, responsive and responsible that serve and protect the population. To this end, the United Nations Police builds and supports the capacity of the host state police, or is mandated to do so, to act as a surrogate or partial surrogate in the prevention and detection of crime, the protection of lives and property, and the maintenance of public order and security, in accordance with the rule of law and international human rights laws.
At present, the mandates given to the components of the UN Police fall into 3 general categories:
Now, we wonder, and in what way can one participate in the OMPs as police, in this regard there are 4 categories of Police within the UN Police Component of a UN peacekeeping operation and within which the Police Nacional del Perú could deploy its members, these being the categories:
The National Police of Peru - History, nature, fundamental purpose and functions
The National Police of Peru (PNP) was created by Constitutional Reform Law No. 24949, dated December 6, 1988, in the aforementioned regulation it is stated that the organization and functions of the Police Forces: Civil Guard, Investigative Police and Civil Guard; They will be assumed by the National Police with all its rights and obligations.
Thus we have the Civil Guard created in 1874, in charge of order and public security; the Republican Guard created in 1919, responsible for State Security, (facilities, as well as borders - added by the undersigned), and the Investigative Police recognized in 1948, to which the investigation work was entrusted; they were unified, constituting a single organization called "National Police of Peru."
After the creation of the PNP, its regulations were modified on several occasions, and Legislative Decree No. 1267 "Law of the National Police of Peru" is in force to date, which in its article II.- Nature, indicates that the PNP It is a civil body at the service of the citizens, which depends on the Ministry of the Interior; with administrative and operational competence for the exercise of the police function throughout the national territory, within the framework of the provisions of article 166 of the Political Constitution of Peru.
Likewise, article No. 166 of the current Political Constitution of Peru, year 1993, establishes that the fundamental purpose of the PNP is to guarantee, maintain and restore internal order; provides protection and assistance to the person and the community; guarantees compliance with the laws and the security of public and private assets; Prevent, investigate and combat crime; monitor and control the borders.
Regarding the functions and attributions of the PNP, these are stipulated in Article 2 and 3 of Legislative Decree No. 1267 “Law of the National Police of Peru”. It is noteworthy that paragraph 22 of article 2 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree indicates as one of the functions of the PNP "Participate in Peace Operations called by the United Nations (UN) and other international organizations." One point to take into consideration is that the previous norm (Legislative Decree No. 1148 of the year 2012) in its article Art. 10o numeral 26) regulated for the first time the participation of the PNP in United Nations peacekeeping operations. Along the same lines, the Regulation of the Law of the National Police of Peru (DL No. 1267), Supreme Decree No. 026-2017-IN (2017), in its Article 4 Functions, numeral 26), also indicates as a function of the PNP "Participate in Peacekeeping Operations called by the United Nations and other international organizations."
Participation of the National Police of Peru in Peacekeeping Operations its situation, progress and importance
Since 1958 Peru has actively participated in peacekeeping operations, but this participation occurs only in the military field (Peruvian Armed Forces), which has allowed them to have an international presence, achieve international recognition and prestige, strategic alliances between your peers, continuously improve training for your staff and financial reimbursement. Regarding the participation of the National Police of Peru in peacekeeping operations, this has not yet been carried out, however, the police institution has been progressively advancing in order to achieve said participation, highlighting the following actions:
? Creation of a favorable legal framework (Legislative Decree No. 1267 with its respective regulations approved by Supreme Decree No. 026-2017-IN). Where it is indicated as one of the functions of the PNP "Participate in Peace Operations called by the United Nations (UN) and other international organizations."
? Strategic alliance between the National Police of Peru and the Training Center for Peace Operations (CECOPAZ PERú), a body belonging to the Ministry of Defense and responsible for training military, police and / or civil, national or international personnel, to play roles in peacekeeping operations in the world.
The aforementioned training center, from 2016 to date, has trained SEVENTY (70) members of the PNP between Officers and NCOs, with the projection of continuing with the referred training (30 personnel for the year 2020 according to the academic program of CECOPAZ PERU), which will allow for more police personnel capable of being deployed on a peace mission.
Likewise, since 2019, CECOPAZ PERú has assigned TWO (02) members of the PNP within its organization (01 Official and 01 SO PNP), who are duly accredited nationally and internationally in matters of peace operations and have been performing as instructors, in addition to leading the United Nations Police course that takes place at CECOPAZ.
Additionally, the assignment of TWO (02) police officers in CECOPAZ-PERú has allowed the National Police of Peru to integrate for the first time the “Police Committee of the Latin American Association of Training Centers for Peace Operations - ALCOPAZ”, whose general purpose is to promote the development of academic activities related to Peace Police Operations and facilitate joint work among their peers from other countries.
? Creation of a “PNP Facilitator Technical Team” created with Resolution of the General Command of the National Police No. 544-2019-CG.PNP / SUB.COMGEN dated August 22, 2019, signed by the General Commander of the PNP, which obtained as a result:
o Set up a working meeting between Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho - United Nations Police Advisor and Police General José Luis LAVALLE SANTA CRUZ, PNP General Commander. In addition to a dinner of camaraderie and work between officials of the United Nations Police Division and the PNP high command where Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho - United Nations Police Advisor was decorated, an event held on October 5, 2019.
o The demonstration of the capabilities and potential of the PNP to Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho - United Nations Police Advisor and Major General Christoph BUIK - United Nations Permanent Police Director, during his visit to the National Directorate of Special Operations located in the Av. S / N Marco Puente Llanos - district of Santa Anita; visit that was made on October 5, 2019 in the morning.
o Specify the participation of the Police Command in the international event called “Police workshop - United Nations Police Day - UNPOL DAY”, held on October 6, 2019 in the city of Lima. Event that was chaired by Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho - United Nations Police Advisor and Police General José Luis LAVALLE SANTA CRUZ, PNP General Commander (who provided opening remarks). Likewise, twelve (12) members of the PNP, sixty (60) members of the police from different countries of the world participated and made up the table of honor:
- Brigadier General Giovanni PIETRO BARBANO - Director of the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units - Italy and President of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Training Centers for Peacekeeping.
- Major General Christoph BUIK - Permanent Police Director of the United Nations.
- Mr. Mark Pedersen - Head of the United Nations Integrated Training Service.
It is noteworthy that during his speech, Police General José Luis LAVALLE SANTA CRUZ, Commander General of the PNP, expressed in a public act the intention of the PNP to participate in peacekeeping operations and to take the necessary actions to operationalize said participation.
? Specify the participation of the Police Command and twenty (20) members of the PNP in the international event called "25th Annual Conference of the International Association of Training Centers for Peacekeeping - 25th IAPTC-2019" developed in the city of Lima from October 07 to 10, 2019. Academic event that had the participation of two hundred fifty-eight (258) military, police, and civilian officials experts in the field of training, education and learning of the Peacekeeping operations, from more than 45 countries and 100 organizations from the 5 continents, dedicated to training and qualification in Peace Operations at a global level.
This allowed the participating PNP personnel to increase their knowledge on issues related to peacekeeping operations, interact with personnel attending the aforementioned event, and learn about national and international institutions related to peacekeeping.
Additionally, during the development of the "25th Annual Conference of the International Association of Training Centers for Peacekeeping - 25th IAPTC 2019", the PNP had a stand where it showed the participants of the international event the capabilities and potentialities of the PNP.
? Arrange for officials of the United Nations Police Division to provide technical assistance to members of the PNP on the UN - SAAT (Selection, Assistance and Assessment Team) evaluation, a requirement to be deployed on mission. This technical assistance took place on 08OCT2019 from 09.50 to 14.30 at the facilities of the Engineering School of the Peruvian Army, where officials from the United Nations Police Division Mr. Christoph BUIK, Mr. Denis TIKHOMIROV and Mr. Ahmed ADBELRAHIM gave an informative presentation on the UN - SAAT evaluation to forty-eight (48) members of the PNP, who had already completed the UNPOL course in CECOPAZ-PERú. Additionally, officials from the UN Police Division conducted a simulation of the aforementioned UN SAAT examination.
As we can see from what is described above, the National Police of Peru has made substantial progress to achieve its participation in peacekeeping operations; however, actions are still pending to enable said participation to be operationalized. At this point, the undersigned, will later present a series of proposals that, in my humble consideration, will be very useful to specify the PNP's participation in peacekeeping operations. But first I will mention the importance of such participation, these being:
? Contribute to fulfilling the purposes of the United Nations established in its charter of creation, these being to maintain international peace and security, promote friendly relations between nations, carry out international cooperation in solving international problems and serve as center that harmonizes the efforts of nations to achieve these common purposes. Also taking into consideration that Peru is a founding member of the United Nations.
? Fulfill one of the functions of the PNP established in Legislative Decree No. 1267, article 2.- Functions, numeral “22”, where it is literally stated: The functions of the National Police of Peru are to participate in peace operations called by the United Nations (UN) and other international organizations.
? In addition to this, the PNP, fulfilling this function, would no longer be outside the "Sixth Foreign Policy for Peace, Democracy, Development and Integration", established in the National Agreement - United to Grow, signed in the Government Palace. in the city of Lima on July 22, 2002, by which Peru undertakes to carry out a foreign policy at the service of peace, democracy and development, consolidating Peru's firm adherence to the norms and principles International Law, with special emphasis on Human Rights, the Charter of the United Nations and that of the Inter-American System.
? Professionalize the members of the PNP, because the interaction and continuous work with other police institutions in the world will allow them to increase their knowledge of police techniques and procedures, which can be replicated in our country. Along these lines, it should be noted that exercising a role in other settings in the world will allow the members of the PNP to learn about other realities, a fact that will help to improve, exchange and develop new police techniques and procedures and then apply them to our reality.
? Increase the potential and capabilities of the PNP members who are deployed on peace missions, since they will be trained by the United Nations; They will also increase the command of other languages (English, French, Chinese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish; all official languages of the United Nations).
? Obtain an economic reimbursement from the United Nations in favor of the Peruvian State, and this in turn to the National Police of Peru; yes, as well as PNP personnel participating in UN peacekeeping missions.
? Achieve the internationalization of the National Police of Peru, allowing it to increase the good image of the institution in the world; This will contribute to international recognition and prestige.
? Establish strategic alliances with countries and international organizations linked to peacekeeping operations, thereby achieving economic and logistical financing in favor of the National Police of Peru to carry out training programs and others in favor of the members of the PNP.
Proposal of actions to operationalize the participation of the Peruvian National Police
in United Nations peacekeeping operations
The first necessary and urgent measure to be implemented is the creation of a Department of Peace Operations in the National Police of Peru, which, among other functions, would be responsible for:
One can clearly appreciate the fundamental role that the Department of Peace Operations in the National Police of Peru plays in the execution of actions necessary to articulate efforts that allow the participation of the PNP in peace operations; In addition to all this, this department will allow continuity and follow-up to the entire process that includes police participation in peace operations.
Given the importance already described, I would like to suggest this organization chart, but not without first highlighting that the personnel working in these areas must have command of the English and / or French language, as they are the languages used in the UN and due to the documentation they will handle, and they will formulate will be using these two languages.
Proposal for a basic organization chart of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in the National Police of Peru
The second measure to be carried out is the creation of a Special Commission and / or work team in the PNP, in charge of implementing and carrying out the implementation of the participation of PNP personnel in peacekeeping missions. Said commission must prepare a final report where, among other points, it must suggest the action documents to be formulated and procedures to operationalize the PNP's participation in peace operations. In addition, it must arrange for the Ministry of the Interior to establish a focal point responsible for managing the PNP's participation in peace operations.
Likewise, this Special Commission and / or work team in the PNP with the focal representative of the Ministry of the Interior must be part of the Intersectoral Commission for Peacekeeping Operations, chaired by the Director of Security and Defense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and integrated also by the Joint Command of the Armed Forces of Peru and the Ministry of Defense.
The third measure consists of managing the addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between Peru and the United Nations, where it is considered as a contribution to the personnel of the National Police of Peru in peace operations in the following categories: Constituted Police Units (FPU), Individual Police Officer (IPO) and Specialized Police Teams (SPT).
However, given the complexity of planning and executing the deployments of Constituted Police Units (FPU) and Specialized Police Teams (SPT), it is suggested to focus on the procedures for the deployment of Individual Police Officers (IPO), after the who, with more experience in the field, project the implementation of the other 2 categories mentioned.
The fourth measure to be adopted is to sign a Framework Agreement between the PNP and the Training and Training Center for Peace Operations (CECOPAZ PERU), this agreement would have the objective of guaranteeing that CECOPAZ PERú continues to provide the training course called “Course for Police of the United Nations - UNPOL” in favor of the members of the PNP. Likewise, the second objective would be that the PNP personnel (Officers and NCOs) duly accredited with knowledge in peace operations work within the organic plant of CECOPAZ PERú exercising the role of facilitator and / or instructor, emphasizing the Course for United Nations Police; At this point, the PNP must guarantee the continuity of the police personnel in CECOPAZ PERU and their rotation according to the regulations on the matter.
The fifth measure is the holding of seminars, workshops, talks and other similar ones referring to the role played by the United Nations Police in peace operations, this would firstly capture the interest of the members of the PNP (Officers and NCOs) to take the course developed by CECOPAZ PERú (United Nations Police Course - UNPOL). Similarly, this measure would allow for a greater number of police officers trained in peace operations, in addition to training relief cadres for personnel deployed on peace missions.
The sixth measure is the preliminary evaluation and training of PNP personnel who have followed the “United Nations Police Course - UNPOL” in CECOPAZ PERú and / or equivalent national or foreign institutions; The implementation of the first necessary and urgent measure (creation of a Department of Peace Operations in the National Police of Peru) will facilitate the execution of this sixth measure, since there will already be an entity responsible for peace operations.
Regarding the preliminary evaluation, it should be approached according to what is established in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on the Evaluation for the Service in Mission of Individual Police Officers (IPOs), which comprises 4 categories:
After carrying out the preliminary evaluation and knowing the real situation of the members of the PNP (strengths and weaknesses), a training program should be formulated basically aimed at reinforcing the weak points, this in order to conclude the training of all the members of the The PNP are in a position to approve the evaluation that would be carried out by the Selection and Evaluation Assistance Team (SAAT) of the United Nations Department of Peace Operations, which, as I mentioned in the preceding paragraph, consists of 4 categories according to what is established in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Regardless of the result of the preliminary evaluation mentioned above, I suggest that the training should focus on language skills, skills to handle and use firearms and shooting; being the use of computer platforms an ideal resource for training regarding language skills. Likewise, it must be taken into account that the seventy (70) PNP personnel trained by CECOPAZ PERú and / or equivalent national or foreign institutions already have a level of English and / or French; Therefore, the training regarding language skills should only be for review and reinforcement in certain areas and then work on mock SAAT exams, which should require more time.
Another alternative to carry out the training in regards to linguistic abilities is the realization of immersion courses to the English and / or French language in order to consolidate their mastery, additionally each course must be complemented with mock UN - SAAT exams.
The seventh measure consists of coordinating with the Director of Security and Defense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the date on which the permission of the aforementioned Selection and Evaluation Assistance Team (SAAT) of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations could be requested; It is important to bear in mind that this management should be implemented after the implementation of the sixth measure, since the success of the evaluation carried out by the Selection and Evaluation Assistance Team (SAAT) of the Department of Peace Operations of the The United Nations will largely depend on the training received in the 4 categories established in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) by SEVENTY (70) PNP personnel trained by CECOPAZ PERú and / or equivalent national or foreign institutions.
The eighth measure to be adopted is the signing of strategic alliances (framework agreements and others) with national and international institutions and / or organizations linked to peace operations, this will allow the PNP to have the cooperation of external partners to develop its capacity to permanent training in linguistic subjects (immersion courses in English and / or French) and in subjects related to peace operations. Likewise, it will be possible to have technical assistance in health matters, highlighting at this point the experience of the medical personnel of the Armed Forces of Peru who have been attending to the cases of military personnel before, during and after their deployment on a peacekeeping mission. In addition, the signing of strategic alliances in some cases will allow obtaining economic and logistical financing in favor of the National Police of Peru to carry out training programs and others in favor of the members of the PNP who are about to be deployed on a peace mission in The United Nations.
I must specify that the implementation and start-up of the measures mentioned above do not necessarily have to be adopted in a chronological order, since it is possible to implement each one independently of the others; However, in certain cases, the prior implementation of a measure would facilitate the implementation of another, such is the case of the sixth measure and its relationship with the first.
Peru is a founding member of the United Nations, having signed the UN Charter on October 24, 1945 and, as such, is obliged to fulfill the purposes of the organization, one of the main ones being to maintain peace. and international security, for which it contributes with military personnel in the categories of Military Observer, Staff Officer and Contingent. This contribution is not reflected in the participation of the members of the National Police of Peru in peacekeeping operations, since to date such participation is nil.
However, although currently the contribution of the National Police of Peru in United Nations peacekeeping operations is not being carried out, the police institution has been progressively advancing in order to achieve such participation, pending certain actions to be implemented. that allow the participation of the National Police of Peru to be operationalized in the aforementioned peacekeeping operations.
1.?????“75 a?os de una carta que cambio al mundo”, se accedió el 23 de setiembre de 2020. Disponible en espa?ol en:
2.?????Mantenimiento del orden, “?cuál es la misión de la policía de la ONU”, se accedió el 04 de octubre de 2020. Disponible en inglés:?
3.?????UNPOL, “Oficiales de policía individuales”, se accedió el 04 de octubre de 2020. Disponible en inglés:
4.?????Dr. Fernando VALVERDE CAMAN “Las operaciones de paz de la ONU para el siglo XXI: Su evolución conceptual y su impacto para preservar la paz internacional”.
5.?????Detective Inspectora?Principal (Ret.) Sue King de la Policía Federal Australiana, El Papel de la Policía de las Naciones unidas en las Operaciones de Paz.
6.?????Informe Defensorial N°142 “Fortalecimiento de la Policía Nacional del Perú: Cinco áreas de atención urgente”. Lima, Perú, abril del 2009.
7.?????Alberto Andrés SOTO MILLONEZ, “Participación Peruana en Operaciones de Paz de Naciones Unidas: Problemas, Perspectivas y Oportunidades” - Tesis para obtener el grado académico de Magister en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales.
8.?????Revista PNP – EDICIóN N°07 “Policía Nacional del Perú participa en la 25° Conferencia Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Centros de Formación para el Mantenimiento de la Paz”, se accedió el 04 de octubre de 2020. Disponible en espa?ol en:??