The National Observer | Real Estate Edition | March 24 | Banking turmoil and the housing market
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The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and other banks in the past couple of weeks have created turbulence across the economy, but the for-sale housing market saw a bit of a bump in the wake of SVB's failure on March 10.
In fact, mortgage rates dropped full half percent the weekend after the bank failure, and the Mortgage Bankers Association reported mortgage applications increased 6.5% the week ended March 10 compared to the week prior.
Housing economists vary somewhat in their predictions of where mortgage rates will go in the coming weeks and months but most agree they won't move down meaningfully enough in the near term to spur a wave of buyers in the housing market, where affordability remains the biggest challenge.
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Built by Ashley Fahey, editor of The National Observer: Real Estate. Reach me with tips, questions and feedback at?[email protected]